What is your favourite type of soup? My Favourite is one I just made several minutes ago, it's a delicious pea and pancetta soup, which is from the Novelli academy, it's fantastic! I think I might go...
Sat down to watch above programme on C5 last night and am beginging to wonder if I had missed one! The female officer has died, which we found out was a street shoooting or something, but why wasnt it...
is it me or have i missed an episode of the bill?a few weeks back they had a story of the girl who went missing and they suspected her dad.can anyone help!
My friend is getting married in the summer and can't think of a song to have for their first dance. Does anyone have any suggestions? Or what song did you have for your first dance? Thanks everyone...
Did anyone hear Grodon Brown this morning say that we should pay exorbitant fees for parking, telephones and TV in hospital because we get the beds and treatment free! When I had my chemo I had to pay...
can anyone tell me their weekly food shopping list? A family with two adults and one, two or three children would be perfect. I just want to know what and how much food an average family buys in one...
I wonder if anybody has any suggestions how I can overcome something that is bothering me. What it is, I either laugh or smile whenever I hear bad news. The worse the news is, the more likely I am to...
I am thinking of buying one of these juicers that are advertised on late night shopping channels. They can take whole pieces, and get everything out of them, but if I get my 5 veg or fruit this way am...
I got a note home from school a week ago regarding nits going around the school and the treatment to kill them. My kids had their school photos done yesterday and told me that a teacher combed their...
I'm putting this question here because I not to sure were it should go. I would like to know if any one can tell me how the Legal Aid system works in this country. My daughter is trying to get access...
Does anyone know the correct term for a section of an orange, or satsuma? Someone in my office thinks it's a "Pig" - but the dictionary (and an internet search) have not confirmed this.
My husband has some bits of hard concrete on his truck that have set. Does anyone have any idea how to get it off without scratching the paintwork. Thanks
I'm cooking from an American recipe that tells me to use one cup of flour. Can anyone tell me how much in grams this would be please? Thanks in advance.