My daughter has taken a spectacular picture of herself and her fiance on the Rialto bridge in Venice and its presently showing on her Facebook page. Having spoken to her, I know its been taken at a...
Does anyone have any experience with them? Looking to get the Ms one at Christmas but i know Polaroids can be annoying, sometimes they don't work or you print a blank photo etc.. I was wondering if...
What's the difference between a chromebook and a laptop? TIA
There's one in Argos for £129. Looks ideal for what I want to do with it.
Is there any reason not to buy it?
Argument does not mean quarrel, it means rational discussion to arrive at a conclusion. Here are some bad arguments - (1) It's the economy, stupid. (2) Read my lips. (3) Get a life. (4) Project fear....
I'd put a dish of peanuts on the bird table and small birds would come back and forth, eat, and go. These bigger birds can clear it in no time. I don't mind them having one serving but how to protect...
My wife and I have recently completed new wills which mirror each other. They were drawn up by our Solicitors but before we signed them I queried one clause which I was dubious about, but was assured...
Both of my favourite actresses in one play!
Mind you, it's a Jimmy McGovern drama so I'm expecting it to be harrowing.
Sunday 9 December
. . . . although other banks are probably as bad. This guy had £20,000 stolen from him while unconscious in hospital recovering from injuries inflicted by the mugger who stole his bank card. Not... What horrific thing to do to ones child,how anyone could do this is beyond me.She says he wanted her pregnant to get his way into the uk,is...
Does anybody have any idea why my question about 'Nick' was removed? This story is in...
Nitro Ultra Maxx :In the event that you've at any point attempted an enhancement previously, you realize that the symptoms aren't not kidding. Truly, there are far more genuine reactions from other...
Three times in the last week I've had a pop up box telling me there's a problem with my computer - it appears to come from Microsoft and urges me to download some update saying I'll lose my files in...
Is there anyway at all to get pics off Picasa please. I haven’t used it for ages so didn’t realise google don’t support it now. I have 100’s of pics on there and of course can’t sign in to...
I want to make my home pretty according to the new trend but it is difficult to choose that Glass Mirror are useful or not and what kind of Mirror should use in my bathroom? If you have any idea about...