What was the music played at the carling cup final when the players went up to get the throphy as they climed the steps last sunday I did ask on yahoo answers but got silly anwsers you can here the...
Has anyone tried photoblocker? Did it work, and is it legal? ( Photoblocker is a spray that is said to make number plates unreadable by revenue collecting cameras!!!!!)
I got knocked of my bycycle by a car 4x4 I was going over the old mediveial bridge which is Bycycles And Buses only as the bridge was built for horse and carts and cant take the weight of loads of...
Bit of a random one I know but there seems to be lots of confusing reports. I am not talking about the tacky signs on lamposts. I mean the proper "A boards" or "sandwich...
I have recently received a speeding ticket. I was photographed by a mobile camera van apparently exceeding the speed limit. However the location of the offence on the speeding ticket is incorrect as...
Our house is separated from a primary school by a narrow strip of land belonging to the school. At the time we purchased the house, four years ago, the strip of land was overgrown with bushes and...
A bridleway has been used as a vehicle access over common land for at least 40 years to access mountain land, part of this mountain has a crofter's cottage which has recently undergone change of...
I live in a very small close where the road is classed as private/unadopted. We are liable for the upkeep of the grass verges and road surface. All residents are sick of the day parkers who are...
for security and parking reasons we should like to get our small close unadopted, and would then be responsible for it ourselves. is there a procedure? has anyone any knowledge of anything similar?
If I drive through a camera in a 30 zone at 30mph, and a cyclist undertakes me at 35-40 in the bus lane, is the camera likely to be triggered by the cyclist? If so...
Recently i was in an accident where my boyfriend, who is 18 years old, was driving in a Peugot 106 with modifications. We were driving at around 35 mph in a 30 zone following a car who was travelling...
After being involved in a accident on new years eve, both my partner,and I have been summonsed for the above charge, She basicly pulled out of a clear junction while towing me, a car approched,...
Who owns all the thousands of miles of old railway cuttings and embankments? When a lot of the railways disapeared after the Beeching report, who owns the old track beds. Did they revert to the local...
Our local Tesco has just put a notice in their car park that you can park free for two hours, but then they will issue a 70 pounds parking fine. OK, I know it is to stop people taking the p and...
Was dropping my wife off at the train station this morning. Without think I stopped and dropped her off at one of those long bus top/lanes/ It wasnt your usual bus lane (red with the words...
My wife and i visited retail park in norwich two weeks ago and for this we got a parking fine of ?60 reduced to ?40 if we pay in 14 days , Not satified with this i visited store managers to ear my...