Parents of teenage daughters, do you have trouble getting your daughter to have lunch when at school?? My daughter wont eat breakfast, leaves her sandwiches and has nothing until shes walking out of...
Is this always itchy? Son has been diagnosed with eczema around his mouth and chin, however i am doubtful as son said its never itchy. It looks more like a rash mainly on his chin feels slightly...
hi i am 36 and am having a blood test for hormone levels tomorrow to see if i am menopausal due to me symptoms including very regular bleeding etc. can anyone tell me if when going through the start...
have been menopausal for about 18 months, not been to see gp, have been taking a herbal remedy which has kept things copable with, but for the last few months have been bleeding for 3-4 weeks at a...
Ok, all teenagers are argumenative, but waht do you do when they say 'No'? My son is 16 and I know that they like to push the boundaries, but what do you do when you want them to do something and they...
who has teenagers who wakes up has breakfast opens tv wathch for 4 hours has luch and sits on the computer and eats dinner and watch tv then pops back to bed. am i missing any days couse its time...
Ughh, Toby's already more slimy and creepy than any of the creatures in the jungle. Calling himself The Tobester is enough to give anyone the chills. Please let's get him off first. And good for David...
does anyone experience this, alsthough i have written another question and linked it to maybe being menopausal, i also have pcos. does something like pcos cause pain not during intercourse but when...
Has anyone got this coil, would like to know about it, side effects etc. I have had it suggested to me that i have this fitted as i bleed every 14 days, sometimes very heavily??? please read my...
please could you tell me your symptoms and whether you take anything to sort the problem. I was told I had these a few years ago as my periods were irregular. Now I am bleeding every 14 days for 7...
I am shortly going to have a lemon sized cyst removed from one of my ovaries and have been told there is some risk I will lose the ovary itself. Does anyone have just one ovary and have they...