If you could afford to live either life which would it be ?Are you a true townie can't live without noise and the fast pace of life ,or could you live somewhere in the country and enjoy peace and...
My husband is going to buy a flat in his sole name only as he earns enough for me not to get involved. In the unlikely event of us splitting up........ what happens? I am putting in the money for the...
If you had problem needed to talk who would you confide in first, partner ,mom ,friend?i guess i would say mom cos she always gives me sound advice ..Who do you confide in ?
A retention of 1000.00 has been put onto my Mortgage as works need carrying out within 3 months of the completion date (damp proof course). On the completion date I will be adding 1000.00 from my own...
please can someone help me. me and my partner got a house together 3years ago but got the mortgage in his name.this has caused loads of problems and now i would like to be put on the mortgage.do i...
My female rabbit is about 8 months old and since i've had her been the most lovely pet, always comes out of her hutch easily, is playful and cuddly and happy. Suddenly, since last thursday, she won't...
Hello. Bit of an odd dilemma. My boyfriend is heavily tattooed. My dad finds tattooes offensive and is very conservative men's appearances - he even gets worked up about the slightest thing he sees on...
My beatiful wife has presented me with our 2nd handsome boy 7lb 13oz how lucky am I Sorry this isnt a quesion, just wanted the world to know how im a proud parent again Thanks
Our neighbours don't work sleep till about 5 in the afternoon then up till about 2 in the morning they have music on and the little boy is running around .We live in a flat by the way.A bloke in our...
In reference to Littlemissx's question. Alot of the girls on here have said they went through an ex's phone and thats how they found out they were cheating. My questions is.... why are we all...
Sorry guys, but Im not very clued up on this sort of thing so can anyone help. I have downloaded some software to unlock my Samsung phone. I need a cable to connect it to the computer - does anyone...
I went to a party last night and meet a guy, he was a nice guy and he made it very clear to me that he wanted to take me home. Well, as Im not that type of girl, I told him no. We did spend alot of...
We have recently discovered that out 13 year old daughter is self harming. She has been cutting her arms. The first time we noticed it, a couple of months ago, I was horrified and tried to talk to her...
what was the last item that you bought that made you feel good? The last thing I bought was a pair of jeans form TK Max and im really pleased with 'em.
how long? do you find it easy to cope or not? oooh it's been a long time. about 3 years for me now. though may i say not through choice but circumstance! don't want a quick fumble would rather have...
Lets say you have a driveway, and a friend that has a bit of an oil leak. Would you let your friend park on the drive-way? My car had a small oil leak and my best friends mother told me to park on the...
how often does anyone sit down and think to themselves how lucky they are to be here and how nice their lifestyle is compared to people for e.g in africa who are starving and have no family no homes...
This morning, I nearly brushed my teeth with antiseptic cream cos its in a similar coloured tube to the toothpaste. Does anyone else have moments of senility like this - please tell me Im not the only...