Why is it considered rude to ask someone their age? why are people often ashamed of their age? I'm 52 years old, I'm not proud of it, I'm not ashamed of it, I think I look my age, some have said I...
I recently suffered a psychosis for the first time and have been put on tablets by the doctor, all is going well with me but i dont feel the same. I used to be a bundle of laughs, always up for it but...
I'm taking the grandaughters down to the beach tomorrow and we'll build sandcastles and have icecream, candyfloss, fish and chips. lemonade, and they love it because their mum doesn't allow them to...
ive got a blind spot and its getting larger and larger...its like a we i9rd blurred shaped and noticably has a curved but across the bottom edge that its lighter than the rest - its kind of like a...
I'm 53 and recently had a colposcopy. I have received a copy of the letter the consultant sent to my GP and apparently I have aceto white ll reaction on the transformation zone. I'm seeing the...
Good evening everyone. Has anyone else suffered with a horrendous bitter, metallic taste in their mouth? Both Mr Mazzywoo and I started experiencing this first thing today and it's not going away! At...
Good morning everyone. We have a strange problem here. Every morning when we get up, there's a pool of cat-pee on the kitchen worktop-yuk! We have 4 cats of our own but in my opinion, there is another...
just an observation. My husband has had to go away for a while, 10 days really. The cat has been very odd as in looking quite sad and mooching around very differently than usual. My husband left his...
I've been to see a psychiatrist to try to help my depression and social phobia/anxiety. In the session I had, he only asked about my medical history, put me on these pills that my body is rejecting...
It's Tuesday and it's going to be sunny! Not a cloud in the sky, not a breath of wind and foxy is sitting out on the grass enjoying the dawn. He's said 'Hello' to me and he's quite happy. Have a happy...
Good morning all. Mr Mazzywoo has a problem on his laptop. He has a wireless mouse and also a plug in mouse and for some reason, both have stopped working. We have had a look in all the settings and...
For a quick and easy snack, or light meal, what creations have you cooked before? I just had healthy custard (made using skimmed milk and splenda.) with a dark chocolate covered digestive and peaches,...
Good morning ABers. I have a problem on my Photoshop elements 7 software and can't seem to find any info about it on PSE 'help'. If anyone has this software I would be grateful for advice. The brushes...
I know it's a cliche but I would love to do this. Are there any set routes or suggestions as I'm sure that people do this all the time! I would like to obviously stay along the way, but basically have...
Good evening ABers. I have just returned from the hospital eye clinic after suffering yet another bout of herpes simplex in my eye. ( I get this about twice a year). Does anyone know why this kind of...
Good morning all. I have a query about our bay tree, which lives in a pot and usually does very well. Last summer it was attacked by some sort of insect (or maybe a caterpillar of some kind). These...