Just listening to Radio 2 & they're discussing whether to phase out Miss or Mrs, in favour of Ms. Personally, I've always been happy to be known as Mrs. However, if I were in the unfortunate...
We were curious how our taxes that we pay in as citizens of the U.S. compare with the taxes that other citizens of other industrialized countries pay.
Do American's generally pay more or less?
If you could go back in time to one moment and change something, what would it be? Personal, historical, political..... I'd go back ten years ago and decide not to pawn an antique bracelet that my...
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/tm_objectid=16147109&me thod=full&siteid=94762&headline=left-to-starve-- -because-she-didn-t-have-a-letterbox--name_page.html What is this about? I head this...
Has anyone been to the Kahlo exhibition at the Tate Modern? I am coming to London this weekend and planned to go but have just discovered the tickets are ?10 each + booking fee... I...
Do you think we should bring the troops back from Iraq as per the Lib Dems calls or do we have a moral obligation to finish what we started and withdraw only when the area is stable and self...
i have been married for the last yr and a half. During this time I have been off and on depressed, frustrated and lonely. When I changed my birth control some months ago, the more "crazy" elements of...
When writing "and" in a sentence, can you always do away with a comma before? - or are there cases when you should put a comma before? Egs: I had a cow, chicken, and two fishes.Monkeys are used...
I'm planning a trip in late November with my boyfriend for around 6 or 7 nights, but cannot decide between the two. Can anyone give me an insight into the pros and cons of the cities? Also, thought we...
I have seen on a few tv programmes that american youths are presented with bead necklaces when there is some sort of celebration going on. Just wondered if anyone knew why?