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My 18 month old wakes up 3-7 times per night. Crying, having a fit, wanting 2-3 bottles and proceeds to climb in the bed with me, or wants to go on the couch with daddy to sleep. She has been...
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In A Pickle
Now ,as this is both a Hypothetical AND Irellevant question it will probably get banned!(Hooray I hear you say?) Now assume that your GP has told you to give up Coffee OR Tea,which would you choose?...
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A very good friend's son has become aggressive towards his father and this morning it actually ended in fisticuffs.  He is distaught (the Dad) and doesn't know how to handle this.  He...
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My son (nearly 8 months old) will not drink out of a trainer cup or beaker only a bottle. I have recently started giving him baby fruit juice with his lunch but he will only drink it out of his...
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and i haven't felt her kick yet? everything I read says I should be feeling her by now?
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This is a really awkward one but I hope you can help. I've been friends with someone from school since I was 10 but over the last 5 years we've really grown apart (we're now 24). She's now married to...
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This sounds like a silly question but I'm really struggling to parallel park (yes, i am a woman!). I only passed my test recently and the method I was taught was very easy, but assumed that you had 2...
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Which novel's dedication is "To the incorrigible and Legendary Don Benjamin of Poponte, who entrusted me with several children and three...
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Info Freak
Does any one know who picks up all the dead animals from the road side. One morning there would be some dead animals but the next they would of disappeared. I always wonder who collects them anyone...
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What should I do when my ten month old baby throws mini tantrums ex. throwing toys, hitting, or smacking things out of her way?
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I know someone asked what the worst advert was. What about the best one?? I love the Honda adverts, expecially they one where all the car parts are set up in a domino effect and end up turning on the...
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I eat healthily, I take multivitamins and vitamin C, I have lots of garlic etc. (yes I smell lovely!) but have had colds and coughs on and off for the last 4-5 months. In fact I ended up in hospital...
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How do you know and feel when you are besotted by a person? I think its when you found someone you have always been looking for, every single thing that turns you on. Is it possible to be...
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After 8 years of taking the pill, I came off in November when my ex-husband left me. Since then, I have only spotted once for one day. I have now a new boyfriend and would like to go back on the pill...
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Hi FP, I've been trying to submit an answer to your "exposed pregnant tums" post below but for some reason can't get it to work. Basically as a male approaching your age bracket I'm appalled at the...
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Why do women get offended when you ask their age? Men don't!
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Does anybody know a good site that sells the proper (silk type) darts shirts, preferably one that can put a design of your choice on the back. 
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Top totty
Does anyone have an advert that makes them cross, angry, happy or sad. The most annoying advert/s for me are anything to do with debt or loans. The most annoying one to date has to be that loan one...
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Sorry I know I'm always going on about but now I'm expecting my first baby I can't help thinking about families all the time! At the moment I'd love to eventually have 3 kids but everyone I've said...
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My cat has been missing since yesterday morning.  I know that's not very long, but it's very unlike him and I'm very worried.  He's two years old.  My dad has said that his cat, who...

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