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R1Geezer OK so our resident Europhiles will probably come out in boils at the mere mention of UKIP but leaving that aside for a minute, the President of the EU is...
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a Hatrick?
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Can anyone recommend a good site for looking up manufacturers tyre pressures for any car? I have googled but all I get is Tyre selling sites etc, thanks.
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R1Geezer Is old dinnerjacket keeping the ayatollah in the dark or is the cleric just invoking one of the main cornerstones of Islam, namely you can lie if it suits...
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R1Geezer Sir Elton Seems to think so! What sort of storm will this cause?...
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Here is the judges ruling, didn't make the news very prominently http://www.breakthech...usives/reidjudge.html He makes some good points but the main theme seems to focus on the Islam's approach to...
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R1Geezer If you only want answers you a agree with? Just goes to show how out of touch our masters are!...
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I'm not religious at all and I'm no particular fan of Israel. Presumably the Islam apoligists on here would have preferred it if Israel was never created. So after WW2 would you have not created it at...
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R1Geezer I didn't see this so can those who did tell me if they think Wenger has a point or whether he's just whinging as usual. Firstly was it a back pass and...
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Why are they making such a song and dance about this? One more dead terrorist, rejoice, the end.
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If I treated women worse that pets and openly backed death for Homosexuals and non believers I'd be rightly condemed. If however I'm in the fluffy bunny religion of peace that's alright and I'm top of...
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How the yoghurt knitters would scream if our troops did this sort off thing!
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This a a government minister speaking at the National Holocaust centre memorial event. To the Islam is a fluffy bunny religion of peace brigade, still say...
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R1Geezer Is there a "disrespectful pedjudice" against SA's world cup or is their valid concern about the arrangements? Do you think SA got the tournament...
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Abdul Rauf defrauded The department of work and pensions out of over £80K, yet the leader and deputy of the SNP offer support! What do you reckon he's got on these two?...
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Could the P1GS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain) cause the Collapse of the Euro?
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Is SA any better than it was 20 years ago?
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The country's down the back bend of the Kasi, finally the governement takes action, what happens? Kin Public sector go on strike! That's going to help! Unions and public sector they are a shower of...
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There was some Bl0ke from Toyota on sky news last night saying that him and his family all had Tyertas and yad yad yada....etc.... working fine, blah blah blah. What accent pronounces Toyota (Toy oat...
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I let my house out a couple of years ago, the tennants where fine, paid up didn't trash the place all very lovely. The problem is that their car is still regstered at my address and I get congestion...

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