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I've just had a filling in my tooth right at the top back left. The one before the wisdom tooth. It had fallen apart really badly and my dentist had stuck a dressing on it as a temporary fix. The...
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MrK has had indeigestion every night for about a month now. He takes Zantac which then gets rid of it, so he's not worried. But i am, surely this isn't right? We haven't changed our diet, he doesn't...
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Where I live is stupidly expensive. My old folks want to move up here but everywhere is beyond what they can afford. They need to be central rather than in the outskirts and need to get buses...
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Is it really possible to have a high resistance to chemicals? Ive had it said to me (more than once) that I must have the constitution of an ox. Every time that I have to have dental work done I have...
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a quiet helicopter. I'm sure it never used to make any sound at all. It's about a year or so old. Any idea what could be making the noise and what I can do about it?
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My hair is short and almost pure white. It is strong and healthy but when washed and blow dried, it can appear harsh. Is there a liquid/cream/dressing that would soften its appearance? I use wax...
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I just went to right click my mouse and it feels like it doesn't "click" anymore. Almost like something is stuck in it and it won't depress. It doesn't have any back up side buttons. Is it dead?...
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My sister believes that F# and Gb are two different sounding notes. On the piano they are played as the same note but on other instruments (like a violin) they are played differently. What do you...
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I was thinking about my time at secondary school, and the girls in my class who were deemed 'promiscuous'. ie they had boyfriends at 13 or 14, often had older brothers or sisters, and were WAY ahead...
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a couple of weeks ago I told you how I planned to sneak out to a party that my parents said I couldn't go too, my plan was to sneak out the back door while my parents were watching tv in the front...
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Does anyone have any experience of these? I had a genes test which shows that I don't absorb B12 even though my blood test shows that it's okay. I have had constant neuropathy in my feet (soles) since...
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Why are we allowed to have free hearing aids, but not glasses?
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my doc is sending. me for a camera test up the bum because i have a kidney leakage. .anyone had it done is it painful ta...
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I have an old Nokia 6600 which I bought for a play. It needs a SIM card to work though and I can't seem to find one online. I wonder if I'm just not looking in the right place?! Prize for anyone who...
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I have bought an aerial photograph which is 10MB. Each time I re-download it the size changes and gets a lot smaller. It is also a PNG which doesn't open on Picasa, where I would crop it etc. When I...
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How can I reduce the spacing between lines on Word? When I press enter the gap it gives me is massive and I want the lines to be only a bit spaced between each other. I can't seem to find how to alter...
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My son, who was diagnosed with RA a year ago, has now developed a very upset stomach. He's had blood and stool tests which came back clear so it looks as though he has IBS. We've kept a food diary...
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For the first time I've been offered the above. I know of some people who swear by it, others say it makes them ill. Comments, please....
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im getting very bad episodes of gout, i think its because of my kidneys, i have not drunk water in years !!! now im off the beer through the week and drinking water as much as i can but i hate it, it...
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I can usually get back pain relief by taking Solpadiene Plus capsules which contain 500mg of paracetamol,8mg of codeine phosphate hemihydrate and 30mg of caffeine. These are readily available without...

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