My boyfriend broke up with me 2 months ago and we were really good friends before we went out. I wasnt totally sure if i was into him at that time and I think I came across this way hence why he broke...
well,there's this guy we have gone on a date once since then we talk to each other for about 5 months. He thinks than I'm too young ( he's 23 and i'm 17) and that we should be friends. But we're not...
Im really good friends with the guy and my best friend knows I like him but she doesnt mind if i was to go out with him. But she told me she slept with him recently and it was a mistake, she has a new...
I met up with a guy less tan 2 weeks ago i sed to know and we met up 3 times during the weekend. We got on really well and after sleeping with him, the next morning we were talking and he asked me...
I'm 23 and have recently become friendly with a guy on another course at my college whom i was out with at the weekend and a few other friends. He admitted to me that he liked me on the night and we...
This guy I know texts me out fo the blue when I was out asking was out tonight his end and I i said no but il be around ther tuesday. He textd me back saying well I think you should come harrow.... I...
ive dated this guy for a short while and decided i didnt want anything serious so we decided to be fwbs. i now looking for a relationship and like this guy but dont know if he sees me as a potentional...
What does it mean if a guy says shes a nice girl but i just see her as a friend if you know what i mean? its such a typical phrase used isnt it. does it mean the girl isnt attractive?
Hi all you whizzes out there, i am finding it difficult all of a sudden to watch anything on youtube these days. As soon as the selected video starts to load it stops and a wheel like symbol appears...
got with a guy ive likd for ages at mine the other night but it almost changd his mind bout getin it on as i made a joke saying he was a hypocrite for not taling his shirt off as i had mine off lol....
What does it mean if your gettin it on with a guy and he asks are you new? lol i have never heard anyone use that phrase and wondered what it meant! Its very random i know!
I lost my phone for a couple of days and read a text from a guy i used to date saying what you up to tonight? and so i txtd him back saying sorry i only js read it as id lost my phone. He textd me...
I went out with this guy a couple times but he didnt work out so we stayed friends. I bumped into him saturday night and had a friendly chat with him. Anyway, on sunday i spke to him a little on...
Im dating this guy but its very early days and is not serious and found out he has a **** buddy whom he went out with years ago but keeps her on call because he split with his ex 2 years ago and is...
Can anyone tell me the song which is being played after Pandora leaves her lesson (something about dominique?!) Also what is the song played at the end? Thanks
This guy i like is unsure of whether or not he wants to be in anotherrelationship because of things repeating what happned with his ex 2 years ago. she cheated on him and falsly accused him of rape,...
Ive been seeing this guy for a few weeks now who split up with his ex 2 years ago and had 2 kids with. Ive only been on a 3 dates with him but hes already said to me he thinks im not girlfriend...
I've never really had many friends, even from a young age. I was bullied a lot, and although, I wouldn't consider myself shy. I can't seem to make close friends. My last close friend was poisoned by a...
Ok, so i met this guy a couple weeks ago i liked when i went out, had a kiss lol and exhanged numbers. I invited him to my mates house party last week and went to a bar after with him, we got on well...