Hi there I was looking for a little info in regards to school uniform. Can schools dictate what colour of trousers kids wear at school. My kids school uniform consist of polo shirt and jumper with...
Hello, Long story short I got made redundant after working for a company full time for only a couple of months. The owner couldnt go insolvant due to lack of funds and has basically just shut the...
happy mothers day to mums everywhere, i got 2 pairs of ear rings and a dvd of joseph and the amazing techniocolor dream coat starring donny osmond. what did all you mums get?
Hi all, I've taken a look at similar posts dating back to Nov and July last year but still looking for the one! My wife is due in 5 weeks and we are really struggling for boys name, we seem to have a...
In that Bonzer car insurance deals, sheilas wheel TV ad, which woman do you look at. I never look at the 2 on the sides. I do not even know what they look like. Do you find yourself blanking the...
Yet again Gordon Brown has increased child benefit/tax credits etc in the budget. If people choose to have children, why can't they just pay for them themselves? What about the people without children...
What do you think of marriage is it a waste of time and money when the two people are totally committed anyway. Do they really need to be man and wife?
Every Sunday our two Grandsons join us at our home for Lunch, the eldest who is 18 dosn't drink, the youngest who is 13 likes to join his Granddad and have a can of Lager with his lunch, only one not...
Does anyone know where i can buy Oreos in the UK? They are my absolute favourite cookie and i used to be able to buy them in Morrisons, any idea of other places that sell them? Thanks, Katie x
for girls only! :)alright, I wasn't born too busty, in fact I'm quite small... and I've heard around that there are natural ways to get your breasts bigger naturally.surgery is not an option, I refuse...