A wise man once said that if you can't explain a particular thing to a seven year old child, then you haven't really understood it yourself. Now I'm not seven, but I'm hysterically afraid of maths and...
This is going to sound so gross and it is..but I need to go poo really really badly and I just can't. I will try to, and it will come maybe halfway out and i just cannot seem to get it out anymore. It...
Hi, i recentely read an article about Spirulina, And apparentely its supposed to be really good for you, Does anyone take these tablets or has anyone got any information about them that they could...
I've been trying unsuccessfully to find an easily readable black font with a white outline for video subtitling. Does anyone know where I might be able to find such a font to download?
how do you transfer stuff from one tower to another? I have lots of photos and music on one tower and i now have a new one and want to transfer it- in the easiest and quickest way possible! I'm not...
Can someone recommend a free programme to remove about blank which has just hijacked my home page? I have tried CWShredder to no avail. Thanks in advance.
I have a really odd habit of running my fingernails over the corners of paper, as if to clean under my nails, except all the time. I also sleep cuddled up to a spare pillow because I am too big for a...
when lashed no matter what mood i am in - whether unhappy, depressed, sad, ok, jolly or whateverly - i always seem to be ok u know a smile on my face and see the funny side of everything - i thought...
After 3 days of asking my son to sort out the above offending basin, i have done the job myself, how easy was that! Just unscrewed the trap from the pipes and flushed it out with bleach! Can I have 3...
My opinion of Jodie Marsh has gone up (minutely). Jordan will always look bizarre to me. They are always in magazines, I Know a few guy and girls that fancy Jordan but do any of you actually fancy...
I was completing an on-line application / contract for a mobile telephone the other day, for which I will be paying by direct debit.I encountered the section offering optional insurance, under which...
What is the Location of Bangladesh? What are the physical features of bangladesh? What are the Natural reasons for flooding in bangladesh that the people cannot control? What are the Human activities...
if i board a hole in a ceiling then want to re-skim the lot will i have to use board finish on the new bit of plaster board and multi on the rest or can i use multi finish on all of it?