I first noticed it when I went to bed, I have the windows open. A low, continuous rumble like grumbling thunder. I can still hear it now. It's definitely outside. There is no thunder predicted... ...
Just seen an advert looking for a babysitter one evening a week for three hours. Very specific requirements including DBS check. When my sisters were 14/15/16 they used to earn pocket money... ...
Does it not seem outlandish that Robinson was taken out of the anti-Semitism march by the police? https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1839219/boris-johnson-london-protest-antisemitism ...
Filling in my 1st self assessment tax return. Is it right that I have to pay tax on the whole amount of rent I receive from a tenant although once you take out the mortgage & insurances I'm... ...
This year Royal mail got fined a wopping 5.6 million for failing to meet first and second class delivery targets. The regulater said it had caused considerable harm to its customers. Ok, so I've... ...
I've sent the care home an email asking if I can change my days as my new job days were only available Monday yo Wednesday. What do I do they haven't replied to my email.
Today I have recieved the usual forms to get my quarterly blood tests and for the first time I will be tested for coeliac disease. I've never had any symptoms, never raised any concerns with my GP... ...
Mine, trying to evenly brown sausages all round without them rolling back to the side thats already browned. Do you think fitting them with stabilizers would help? :>)
Islamic nation dragged itself kicking and screaming into the 7th century. The Grand National Assembly of Turkey ratified changes to the country's legal code that made women equal to men before the... ...
foreign national who has lived in ireland, maybe something to do with gaza? there not saying, this kind of event was inevitable sadly, we have seen it... ...
There is currently a completion on radio 5 live where you have to phone in with the answer. The last day is Fri 17th Nov and I have put the link below. So far no one has guessed it. The wrong... ...