When will it end because I'm getting pretty sick of it. It just seems like an excuse to make hours and hours and hours of cheap, mediocre, self-congratulatory television, which, for the most...
I have heard that if you go without sleep for 2 - 3 days you will start hallucinating. How easy would it be to stay awake that long and how dangerous would it be? Has anyone done it? Thanks in...
a work colleague is having his first boxing match in 10 days time, and is currently overweight for his fighting catergory by just under half a stone. i know it's not healthy, but does anyone know any...
Dunno if i`m in right section.but no religion or beliefs section.What does allah either akhbar or quabar,heard it few times.mainly in demo`s and angry situations
Do you think we should bring the troops back from Iraq as per the Lib Dems calls or do we have a moral obligation to finish what we started and withdraw only when the area is stable and self...
What is the strongest pain a human can feel? For instance, is being burnt more painful that a broken bone? Would being stabbed in the stomach be more painful than having your hand chopped off with an...
Sorry, not a pleasant question. Next door's garden is a tip, and I have long worried about vermin. Finally on Sunday from my bedroom window I saw a large rat (oh to have had the air rifle loaded and...
Please someone help me! There was a cartoon about a sailing ship (kind of like a galleon) in space and the theme song went "we're all on a space trip, a very funny space trip" there...
When I type in the first letter on a search engine a drop-down appears that includes all the previously viewed pages that start with that letter, after adding the second letter it shows all the sites...
my husband has just bought a drainpipe (not sure plastic or clay) to cut up and put in the pond for the fish to hide in. i'm sure i've heard that this is bad for the fish as they rely on the...
37 year old male, Happily married with 2 great children,not a bad job (I get plenty of time off). No major worries. Why do I feel so lost and , dare I say it, incomplete. I just don't feel that I am...
I have a R reg Renault Scenic 1600 auto and the gearbox has been diagnosed as 'dying' Renault have quoted ?1800 to replace (I know alternative garage will be approx ?900) I need to know the value of...
I am looking for the name of a song I heard on holiday in Mallorca a few years ago. It was a childrens song that was played each night in the hotel we were staying at for the children and had dance...
I have recently moved into a house which has a pond in the garden, it has some fish in it, not sure what type! The pond is quite merky and you can only see the fish when they come up to feed. How do I...
For a while at work now we've had some fun with really tenuous links we have to famous people e.g Sid Vicious Spat on me, or Pete Beale from Eastenders asked me for directions, Frankie Vali stood...
I really fancy taking up a countryside sport but can't decide which one, so am looking for ideas. Unfortunately, hunting is banned so that's out. Grouse shooting appeals, but is very expensive I've...