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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
520 Answers

here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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I need some oxygen .I didn't surface until gone noon today .I have aches on me aches and a knee is somewhat swollen and am having to wear a suport on it .Damn this weather .We've got snow here .Not a lot but enough thank you .

Yes ..well thanks Vinny ..I do love a nice pen .And I mean the sort you write with:) I didn't get it at first and had to reread it all .I'm not with it since my emotional upsets on various handbag websites .

Hope you are all OK ... sad tangerine, that flat toffee quality street or squashed mince pie anyone ?
<Thwacks neti with spongy cucumber> You may say you like it cold but this is soul destroying. Far from looking festive it's dark & dismal, the snow keeps turning to rain & the cold goes right through ya vest it does...Charlie's mooching about & getting up & down very cautiously poor little chap...

haha, the toffee penny shaney? no thanks...
Haha indeed Robinia . I swore wouldn't buy a tin of sweets this year but unfortunately I went shopping with my bro shortly before Christmas and he could talk the pope into buying a double bed .I hate those toffee pennies .In fact I dislike toffees full stop .
Now look ...hurry up and get packed ....we can surprise Neti in her 20 degrees and get rid of all the odd chocs we don't like at the same time :)
Failing that I may post them to Vinny :)
Anywhere between 20 & 23 degrees will do nicely shaney...have you got a handbag big enough to smuggle Charlie in?...I'm guessing the answer's yes :o) We'll say he's one of those really life like toys you buy nowadays...he even wees, haha
I have just the right bag for Charlie .....
Yes, that temperature will do me nicely .I spend a lot of time lately having hot baths and slathering that arthritis gel over me .A sojourn on Neti's patio will do me nicely .Either that or a gun :)
oh that's so sweet, perfick!
I'm now imagining not having to tuck my crimplene slacks into my socks to stop the cold draught from reaching the parts ...there's a warm breeze gently wafting over my bare arms....I can smell the flowers in the evening air...

.....oooh, booger it, I'm back in the room
sounds like you need a doggy bag - I'm sure Easyjet won't mind

Granny Grump reporting. I am so damn miserable. My hip/back/leg/knee/waist/shoulder all hurt like mad! I have spent the day in and out of bed as bed is the only place where the aches and pains are bearable. Like Shaney I keep having hot baths and have a heat pad permanently down the back of my trousers. Very sexy I must look!!

Nothing worth watching on the tele and the house is far too hot as Mr LL has had the woodburning going full blast all day!! It's like a sauna!! I like to be warm but this is ridiculous. I am so fed up with winter now.

I would like a week here:

Anyone coming with me?

I am about to have a large bacardi and coke and go back to my pit!!

Poured my large bacardi and coke and brought it into my 'glory hole' to enjoy with a dish of dips and some breadsticks. Knocked half the bacardi and coke all over the desk and whilst mopped it up knocked the dips upside down onto the carpet. What a Fluffing mess!!! Oh well!!
Lottie, we are investigating new mattresses, as we wake up aching so much every morning. We've filled out the questionnaire on Ikea's site to determine what sort would be best, but it specifies completely different ones.... I think it's trying to suggest we'd be better off in different rooms, in different houses, in different towns. Worth a try perhaps.

jno jnr had a week in Santorini last year; he says it was very nice. I had a day there once, and it was. When I was there you had to walk up the cliff path but I gather there's now a cable car, so that's a relief.
Hello there. I don't know whether I should tell you this because of all of you suffering with aches and pains. Oh well here goes. I've just got in from a night out having a bit of a rock. My friend text me and asked if I'd go so what could I say. She was a bit fed up so off we went. It was a bloke on who wasn't too bad. He used backing tapes which don't go down too well with me but he had done the recording of them himself which was an improvement on some and he did play the guitar very well.

Anyway I really hope the weather gets better soon because that's what you need to help you all feel better.Me too.

Looking forward to a bit of a lie in and the Sunday paper. Hope you've all had a good night by the time you read this.

See yer later 'gater(s) xx
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As I have said before, have found Tempur memory foam to be almost as good as alcohol for aches and pains...its cosy warm too.
have given Mr W my wet horrible cold which he has with sinusses and earache poor soul.
we had memory foam too, woofgang, but one of us didn't like it (the one who isn't me) so now we don't have it. I gather from recent conversations that 'we' may be reconsidering, though.

Jude, always glad to hear that someone over 40 can still move!

G'day from the frozen Midlands...where's Dolly these days? If you're looking in can you send us some heat & sunlight please?

BING BONG Vinny! Look what I found.... :o)

Well jno, after one easy lesson it looks like Jude's got you moving nicely!...

Ha Ha Robi very funny. Sent it to my family up and down the country to give them a laugh on a very cold day!!!
Hello all, just got in from a lovely lunch with 9 friends all from frozen Yorkshire, and all they could damned well do is moan about the damned weather there, here it is bright sunny and warm. Had a lovaely lunch in an Austrian restaurant and for starters we had all the mini starters, then I had venison ahd hare (!)I couldn't tell the difference!!! Then we had all the mini deserts, lovely it was. Am off to bed with a cuppa. Ah this is the life!!!

<<<<goes away gloating to self>>>>
Mmmm, I will consider jno's idea. Separate rooms, separate houses, separate towns, etc. I must admit to wanting a tempur mattress but Mr LL tried one in the shop and insisted just two minutes on it was enough to give him back ache!! Anyway we ended up with an expensive alternative but I wish I had insisted. Am considering having a memory foam mattress my side of the bed, but do they make one 2.6" wide?

Tis our Wedding Annivesary today (38 years). I remembered yesterday, but completely forgot it today until about an hour ago. Reminded Mr LL who said he had remembered - but he hadn't said anything. To be honest we have never celebrated our anniversary, not into things like that - so no awful Silver Wedding, Ruby Wedding parties etc. We didn't have a proper wedding as such - just a very low key trip to the Register Office on a Monday morning. People say I am not romantic but I can be - it's just that different things are romantic to me!!

I am sitting here full up with painkillers and with a heat pad stuffed down the back of me trousers. Going to phone the GP tomorrow and ask if he can bring my Physio appointment forward. I can't go on like this. I am tired out.

Covering of snow here today, but nothing too dreadful.
Happy Anniversary to you Lottie and Mr LL. We also had a low key registry office affair, I'm not into big frocks!! It's not the wedding that counts but the marriage!!!
Happy Anniversary to you and Mr L, Lottie... not very happy right now is it... but I'll say well done - I think it's admirable to stay together. (Not under *any* circumstances, of course, but generally.) You have to call the GP to juggle the physio appointment?? Physios over here handle their own schedules! I really hope she/he will get you back on your feet xx ...and Shaney that your doctor will you too. *Could somebody get Jude OFF her feet* (ha ha ha ha ha, more oxygen and Tena needed please for the JibJab! Robinia you are going to have to make a new cut of that every other other week from now on, cos this one will expire! :((

Speaking of mattresses and IKEA - listen up jno and everybody else - they have a special catalogue just for mattresses which they will send you by old fashioned mail if you ask them to http://www.who-sells-...esses-2009-17009.html The Swedish one, at least, is more exhaustive (on mattresses) than the standard catalogue or the web site. I used to have a very expensive box spring and now I have a slatted bed base (the futon, Danish, not IKEA) with a rather thin latex and wool mattress. Shortly after I bought the futon I got that excruciating lumbago if you'll remember - it took me 1,5 hours just to get out of bed and I screamed my way through it... followed shortly thereafter by that horrible rib thing... One would think it's my new bed's fault and maybe it does have to do with me needing time to adjust to it, but in a long time perspective I suspect the "unyieldingness" of the bed base is better for me than the springs were. Provided, of course, you put a good mattress on top of it, or it's murder.
Swedie. Physio appointment is with an NHS physio (free) and is arranged initially by the GP. This involves a waiting list!! It is up to the GP if he feels my needs are greater than others and pushes for me to be seen out of turn. Once I have been seen, further appointments are arranged between me and the physio.

I tried sleeping on a futon once - never again!!!

Off to bed again shortly. Pains have eased a little since this morning. Tomorrow is a back to normal day after the (too long) Christmas break so Mr LL is off to work!! I preferred Christmas when it all started the week before Christmas, the break was 2 days and then it was all over. I don't like long holidays at this time of the year - total waste of time. Bah Humbug!!!

Neti, I totally agree with you. Weddings to me have little to do with marriage!!!!! xx

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