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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
520 Answers

here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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No actually it's a Norwegian weather forecast service Shaney. I access them through one of my online morning papers but they've got their own site too of course - have a look at these beauuutiful snow crystals there are 25 pictures (I didn't see the arrows at first). So sorry 'bout the knees and the hips Shaney:( - to say nothing of the handbag tragedy of course!

The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency started a couple of days ago (on the telly). It's very annoying not to remember WHAT you where all saying about it, just THAT you were talking about it - a year or so back... Anyway, I liked it - the first episode. *they've probably all forgotten everything about it*
Ooh that's a good weather site Kit .I've managed to negotiate it and put Gorleston in and up we popped .i've added it to my list .I do like to keep an eye on the weather .Lots of little droplets hanging over my part of the world for the foreseeable future though .
The ice crystals are lovely ( better than those old trays) and I like Viser bilde 12 which would look nice on my tiara .

Is it the pilot episode they are showing or part one of the series ? I think the pilot showed how she came to go to Gabarone after her father died and she sold the cows to set up the agency etc It sort of introduces the characters .It's lovely isn't it ? The books are good too . The actual series was six episodes which I watched .I don't know if there is to be another .
If you are wondering why I am moocjing about here .I can't bldy sleep lately .Another thing to ask the doctor about I expect .And if I don't get eight hours I'm nobodys friend .This means I lay about in bed of a morning Disgraceful .
Nite Nite xx
Morning creakies...yes it's off the arfuritis scale for me too and not helped by my cleaning frenzy (I use the term frenzy very loosely). I'm busyish trying to waft away the last decade, there's certainly very little of it that I want to carry forward - I think I could count the high spots on the fingers of one twig & the 'okay' bits on the rest.

I know just how you feel about the bag shaney. Everything may come to those who wait but she who hesitates is lost. I was watching two (Jane Norman) coats expecting them to be reduced any day now...pah! sold out of both in my size. Hey ho, I'll have to shake the moths out of my old one, hopefully winter will soon be gone. My snowdrops are peeping through!
I have to say that (ironically) Accuweather is the least accu of all the sites for Derby but none of them are spot on. I can do better myself by observation/degree of aches 'n pains - I'm turning into one of those old dears who come on the radio, haha.

Thought I'd do a New Year bran tub if you want to make a contribution...all designer handbags welcome...but no big pants thank you.
<wraps up sudoku book...ok, so I've done all the easy ones but I've rubbed out the scribbles>
goodness, can't see any snowdrops here yet, but then the oak is still clinging on to its leaves. What's that all about? I suppose about 5% of the leaves, mostly on the ends of branches are still there. They can't be still alive after that cold snap, but what's stopping them from falling off? Any Titchmarsh biddies care to explain for me?

The garden is a swamp once again; can't be the swimming pool next door as it's empty, but it's definitely coming from that direction so maybe he's got a leaky pipe going to the pool or something. Anyway, I think 2010 will be the year to make the garden drain properly. We do have a drain, cunningly situated at the highest point so it doesn't get clogged up by water.

Well, I see it's already 2010 in Suva, so a happy new year to all and a nice bowl of kava to numb those aches.
jno, re your oak leaves...
Different species form the abscission* layer at different rates, causing the leaves to fall at different times The oak is unusual because it does not completely form an abscission layer, so oak leaves often remain attached to the tree throughout the winter.

For Kit (or she'll find some filthy interpretation in urban dictionary)....
abscission: *the normal separation of fruit, leaves, etc. from plants by the development of a thin layer of pithy cells at the base of their stems.

And those are all my own words... <ooh, it's hard to type with crossed fingers> me, I'm a garden doctor ;o)
Hi there Biddies. It's Arthritic Lottie here along to join in with the aches and pains. Right hip, right knee, lower back and feet are all hurting like mad. I just realised yesterday that I am totally ignoring the aches and pains now and just accepting them as normal - which can't be good! Have been referred to the physio by my GP and had some more tests, but I don't hold out any hope.

Neti, I am now upset about a poor dead dog in Ibiza - I can't bear to hear of things like that. I remember being in Malaga years ago where an old dog had died on the pavement and was left there for days. I am afraid I would find it very difficult to live in Spain because I would be forever in pieces about such things.

Anyway Biddies, as it is almost sub zero in my glory hole/study/computer room , I cannot linger. But to each and every one of you lovely people, I sincerely wish you a very Happy, Healthy and great 2010

And in case you didn't hear me:

Dumela Mma! Shaney it must have been the pilot then, yes, she set up business, hired a (funny!) secretary et cetera. I even "watched" the repeat, I love repeats of a good programme cos that way I can knit - or tie bracelets - in front of the telly and not miss anything. I read one of the books and liked it.

Ahem Ms Derby I don't actively seek out the dirty definitions when trying to interpret what somebody else means, I just do it (occassionally) before I myself use an expression that I'm not sure about. (Having said that, I AM SHOCKED that our Lottie would use an expression like... like... gl... glor... glory hhh... no, sorry, I can't even bring myself to say it! Really!! ;-)

Dumela Rra, have you located a good pool table to sleep on this Eve? ;-) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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very quick pop in to wish each and every one of you all you would wish yourselves for 2010, peace, joy, the sensual pleasures of your choice (chocolate and champers in my case) and to thank you all my good friends for your support, funnies and good wishes not just over this year but for as long as I have known you all.
God Bless,

PS the kitchen saga continues, more hair raising stories in the New Year!!
Hi All. Just caught up with your posts and would like to say I hope that 2010 brings you everything that you wish for yourselves. Like Woofy, I would like to thank you all for your friendship on here. All the fun and somtimes the Counselling. Whatever you do tonight, whether it is like me, just settling down to a quite night in or a night out, enjoy yourselves and have a good night.

Hmmmph, being a fine upstanding lady, I didn't even know there was an alternative meaning for Glory Hole!!!

I am now shocked at myself!!!!!

He he he! Not to worry, Lottie - Robinia once posted that she has one under her stairs =:O
full moon tonight AND an eclipse, owoooooo
♫...Glory, glory, halelluuuuuuuujah...♫
hahaha...I only found out the alternative meaning when I googled images a long time ago...ooooh, what would my grandma have thought?

Yes jno, not only New Year, a full moon & partial eclipse but a blue moon too! Heck, I might need to clear out the GloHo and hide in it.

I'd like to echo everyone else's sentiments for a Happy, Healthy & Peaceful 2010 for us all & our families. We've had a lot of sadness in the recent years but some great laughs & it's nice to be able to share it all with the like minded crazy bunch that you all are....ok, we all are. :o) Apologies to Vinny (wherever you is) for whittering on about aches & pains and 'women's stuff' and as a way of thanks for putting up with us here's your New Year treat....


(ugh! revolting...haha)

Ok, who wants a babycham & a mince pie...stollen....choccy biscuit...marzipan fruit...another mince pie...??
Vinny's probably still freezing his sprouts Robinia :)
Yes Kit ,the secretary Mma Makutsi .You must read all the books in sequence .Make this your New Years resolution :) My New years resolution is to hunt down the perfect handbag :)

I'd also like to wish you all ,and yours a very Happy New Year .Thanks for your company and your friendship .
Here's to you all and to absent friends ...

Switch it off after he's zoomed round for the umpteenth time or it'll drive you potty )
Take care all ,have a nice evening ,see you all in 2010 xxx
Happy New Year all da biddies and hippies you mean a lot to me.
I hope we will always xxx
Happy New Year to all my Biddy mates, have been cleaning most of the day (daughter left) and am now shattered. Been out for a couple of drinks and Mr N cooked our traditional sobrasada and black sausage meal, Will see you next year love you xxxxxxx
well well, it's a bright new deade, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the garden is still a primevl swamp though. Rise up and greet the teenies, ye biddies!
PS Dr Robi, thanks for your abscissionary advice. Sadly my robinia has now abscissed its last leaf, but the oak is still dressed in a somewhat sheer garment of leaves.

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