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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
520 Answers

here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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Good morrow good Biddies! Lovely sunny but very windy here (no not me, the weather).

Everything is closed, Mr N and I strolled to village for breakfast and coffee nothing open so he did me a brekky at home. He's now gone to golf and I am taking most of the deccies down except main tree and creche. I was doing it all neatly and tidily wrapping everything up properly and have now lost the feet of the small tree, I had them all packed up ready to attach to the tree for storage, WHERE THE HECK HAVE THEY GOT TO??
and where the heck have you lot all got to????
well, Vinny's booking a flight

(just nicked this one from another thread)
Now why would vinny want to book that flight - I ask you!! oh and that's the end of Mr N playing golf!!!!

I popped in to eat me egg butties & the place has been invaded by trollops...actually I have two things in common with those girls...I've got a pair of those shoes....well one can't have it all.
Remind me someone please, why do we eat bread with poppy seeds in it? They make a mess, stick in your teeth and I'll be scraping 'em out of the lurpak for days.
I love seeded bread Robi. Sainsburys Taste The Difference but can't have it anymore because it can affect me colitis.

Hope you all had a good night last night. I went to bed at 10.30 and watched the box and at midnight someone had fireworks that appeared right outside my bedroom window from across the road and it was lovely My own personal display. The telly wasn't too bad and I had lots of texts.The last one about 2 o'clock.

Been down Elvaston Castle this afto with my sister and family. There were about 25 of us men, women, and children. We had a game of footie - adults against childrren. We women scored more goals with our hands than anything. Great fun The score was about 25-15.

It is now very cold and I'm going to snuggle down with another Baileys. Have a good night all
See yer later 'gater(s)
(OO) (OO) (OO) is more like it
Jno - lay off the juice!!!!
Helloo - is there anyone here??????
I'm here Neti, but am contemplating going back to bed which seems to be the only place where I don't ache!! I probably won't, but it's tempting.

I have made a discovery. Aches and pains go away if you drink a lot of Bacardi!!!
Good maoning biddys.
Thats a good idea lofty,I shall have to try that :O)
its lovely and sunny ere.Now in the left hand corner off my desktop is the Norwegian weather service(thanks kip) and in the right hand corner is the good ole BBC. the beeb says its going to snow and the tuther one says it isnt.The winner will have a place on me desktop forever and will be neatly placed between 1) Who Represents?, a database for agencies to the rich and famous:

2) Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange
advice and views:

3) Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island: :O)

Why is it always windy near tall buildings..??I dont jno does.I sent that advert to an american friend(jnos one) from RMD.Im sure he's sent it to a million other americans cos Im booogered if I can open the link now..the temps reaching the dizzy heights of 7.00° Celsius ere,which is almost tropical(if you live in derby) hehe..! anyways its gonna be a long hot summer.(they never remember it twas me).
catch yer later dudes.!whoosh>>>>>Love this song and film,good ole matt monro.
I'm hibernating, Neti... it's -7.4°C at the moment... 20 below zero is the coldest I've experienced, that was in the eighties in a small town further down south. I remember the sight of the streets that night, there seemed to be exactly four people outdoors and two of them were my friend and me in search of a bar 'cos we felt that Irish coffee would be the only thing that could make us survive (we must have been on our way home from something). Somebody I worked with came from Greece and when she told her mother on the phone we were twenty subzero her mother said "oh but at least you don't have to go to work then - do you?" !!! We worked at a hospital... The same winter, I was just nipping across the street to the grocery store and I had had a shower much earlier and my hair was still a little bit moist but it would only take me a minute to get to the store so off I went - I could have broken my hairs off in the middle before I reached the door...!

I know I played it to you before but what better way to start the new year
...and it's good moaning from me's been snowing hard here, it's clearing but looks like we'll get some more...and then it'll freeze....grrrrrr, I've had enough now, hand over the booze.

<mmmm, 'bet jno knows eh?'....pah! s'pose he thinks I'm too blonde to know...well I do but I'm not telling him... there's a similar thing happens in gardens>

my non stop favourite is still the new Paloma Faith song...I'll listen to it while I book a holiday in Devon...or maybe Penisland
Ha ha ha, a person could get rich that way, Vinny - registering URLs. There's a Swedish food company called Findus, they've been around for as long as I can remember but they were a bit slow securing their domain name and somebody else registered as They could have been sued and lost the domain had the food company been able to prove the name had been registered just to be sold back to them at a high price but the people who had done the registering claimed that they had actually been planning to start a sort of phone and address directory: Find Us. As nobody could prove that they hadn't had those plans, nobody could sue them and instead they were able to make a fortune selling the URL to the food company... so get creative, biddies!

BTW that's called an urban wind, Vinny - I came across that expression only yesterday. There's a skyscraper close to where I live that used to be the tax agency building and it's always surrounded by this chill wind... http://education.yaho...ry/entry/urban%20wind
Could y'all stop posting while I'm writing ;-) ...and a good moaning to you too Robinia ("morning" ?! - you're worse than I am!)
haha, hi Sweedie...Findus "Success on a plate for you" was their motto...A mess on a plate was usually more like it...not my opinion (don't want 'em to sue)...I have enjoyed some of their produce...
looks like there's a stiff breeze in Penisland, think I'll give it a miss...
ha ha ha haa hahaaah ha ha ha ha ha, I'm in hysterics now...!
oh lordy, oxygen & Tena's for Sweedie please! :o)
"Oxygen and Tena" sounds like a Delboy drink!!!

Almost 20º here, cooling a bit now it's evening.

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