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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
520 Answers

here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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Ditto ditto Lottie and Robinia, absolutely abhor them.

You too jno, my mother( and I think my French grandmother) were also rather free with their favours, so my tree stops there!!! It has been worked out that my father (bio) was French Canadian with red hair who came from Kingston, Canada which is where my (half) bro is living now, I say half - bro but there's nothing like that in the family, we are all bros and sissies, and we only explain about the 2 adopted ones as they are of a very different hue to us! United Nations comes to mind!!!
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hello all well the tiler does seem to know what he is about so that's one bit of good news, the weather is total carp, very cold rain so we are all curled up in the living room with a good proportion of our worldly goods piled around us, having just taken the dogs out to macs for a burger.
Oh is looking for some floating shelves that get good non sag write ups and don't cost an arm and a leg.
Hrmpf. Hand me the Bailey's Jude.
*in fact, hand me the plumber - i need somebody who understands me*

Well Kit he certainly understands me or should I say what I like to drink. That sounded a bit near the knuckle didn't mean to.

Had a lovely curry today - Tika Masala. Then called to see my brother who played me a cd made by my son of 2 Crowded House tunes. He played the guitar and did all the harmonising. I had never heard it before and I was so proud of him. He is a self taught guitar player and has a brilliant ear for music. I know I'm biased but my brother agrees with me and he should know he's been playing all his life for a living. (I think I've told you that before sorry)

Been listening to BBC 6 last night and tonight. It has been brilliant. Bob Dylan from 7 to 8 and then :Led Zep from 8 to 9 both nights Can't be bad!! Better than watching bloody repeats on the box.
I don't know if any of my Biddyfriends like Crowded House but this is one of the tunes.
Not very familiar with Crowded House Jude but that song and Don't Dream It's Over have been played a lot and they're quite good methinks. You must be very proud of your son. (You should make him play and sing to the biddies, I'm sure he has a microphone for his puta:) / BTW is it the classic Baileys or the newish one Baileys Coffee? I haven't dared to buy it, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop till I have a heart attack! Sounds sooooo good.
Hi Kit. It's the Classic Baileys Leerrrrrvly!!! My brother is making me a copy of the cd so I will see what I can do.
Don't Dream it's Over is the other one he did.

Going to watch QI now so I'll say goodnight. Speak again soon.
morning all...ooh heck, Kit's got the hump now, better be nice....
Bitterly cold here but no snow...I spose a 6ft high pile of ironing will keep me warm :o(

I like crowded House Jude but no Baileys for me thanks...oh I see you two have finished it off anyway

Well I made it onto tv at last!! Have you seen me in that new ad?

(don't blink at the beginning or you'll miss me)
btw woofy, not sure how posh you want them but Homebase have floating shelves in the sale...can't vouch for their sagginess though, mine was never put up - it's still floating around the house somewhere :o)
more manky weather here, but at least it's not been snowing again. I don't like the sounds of flavoured Bailey's, what's wrong with Bailey-flavour? What's it going to be next, salt and vinegar? Cheese and chives? Hedgehog? Stop messing about with the classics!

I've been trying to catch up with TV I've recorded, and empty the hard drive. Watched Tony Robinson on climate change for early hominids last night, and a David Attenborough on fish - some lovely shots of flying fish and fish that walk around on land and fish that clean hippos' teeth.
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thanks Robi, both the homebase and b and q shelves get lousy reviews for sagging when any weight is put on them...not elephants and cannon balls, just light stuff. DH stores his motorbike helmets and gloves on the shelves so they need to be robust.
I feel like total carp today, cold even in thermals with the heating on and under a blanket. I know its only a cold and I am whining, I just HATE it
Good morning Biddies, lovely day here, in fact so hot, have had to remove blanket from bed as way too hot. House in uproar as daughter leaves tomorrow and her stuff is everywhere! Never seen so many new boots and shoes in my life!!! Am now on her bank account! so have bought a new handbag!! Love handbags, shoes, rings, earrings, boots, sweaters, dvd players, anything I can afford!!!
Big dog next door died early this am and it's stuck under the round fire escape, it's in a little niche where it always slept, and now no one can move it, I suggested that they chopped it up, but they didn't much like that idea - can't see any other solutions!!
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oh dear neti that's sad....but being practical, if its hot there, someone will need to do something soon.........
Yes, sad maybe, but at least that one less to bark non-stop. They just leave these dogs out all day and night on the balcony, don't really care for them and then the poor dogs bark out of boredom. They only bark and me and family, not at strangers and they were burgled not long ago and the dogs were quiet. They have a big garden and never let the dogs there.
neti, what happened to that can of arsenic I left on your grand piano?
I got a hump? Where, who, when, and to think I didn't even notice, was it the plumber? ;-) Robinia you almost killed me with those two links (me and Jude post-Baileys, and you as a model on YT). I have to stop reading these threads with food in my mouth, it's dangerous.

The thermometer hit -9.8C today in my part of town. I've got the loveliest woollen schawl to keep my ears warm but I swear my EYES hurt from the cold! Never noticed that before, but then there was a wind as well. One of our morning papers has introduced a very detailed weather forecast service online, it allows you to set it not only to your town but to your part of town! and it shows an hour by hour forecast - for anywhere in the world I think. Let's see... jno shouldn't need her slippers right now, London is 4.0°C... (not sure about the time - whether or not they account for the time difference between our countries... but roughly it's 4.0°C, right jno?) Robinia and Jude 2.8°C, Shaney 3.8°C - oh and get a load of that hot hippie, he's 5.3°C...! Neti 16.6°C! Okay now I'm officially depressed...
yup, that seems about right, Kit, cool and damp but not freezing. Apprently they're saving that for New Year's Eve. But I'm sure everyone will be enjoying themselves at a fireworks display

Evening revellers
This must be Accuweather you are usIng Kit ? I use it and it sets your hometown page and gives you hour by hour forecasts and most importantly an arthritis index ,which is extreme today and don't I know it .I'm going to have to take one or the other of my knees back to the doctor along with my screaming hips for further investigations I think .
All it's been doing here today and last night is mostly raining and blowing a gale but no snow thank goodness.
At the moment it's 4C here.Real feel -9C according to them . But my weather station says 3.5C in the garden ..

As for handbags I am gutted .I saw a lovely bag on Very .Reduced down to twenty quid from about seventy .Real leather vintage style and they've sold out .Sob..sob...sob .

Fancy leaving a poor old dog like that Neti .That's really sad .Poor thing .

Well it's nearly all over bar the shouting and spring will be round the corner and I can slowly unpick the tacking stitches on my fleece .I live in hope :)
Anyone not well ,get well soon ,anyone who's hding bottles of Baileys down the back of sofa give them here :)
Toodlepip for now .

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