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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
520 Answers

here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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Afternoon possums. IKEA drained me yesterday. Not too crowded but it's an expedition just getting there and, worst of all, my sense of direction is so poor that I cover ridiculous distances INSIDE the store, getting lost and searching for this and for that. And their veggie meals are crap. But I found the candles. I bought some very lovely candlesticks a while back, two of these http://www.illumsboli...ode=master&maID=24672 and one of these and I don't want paraffin all over them, hence the expedition:)

Thanks for Santa mail jno:) And they say there is no Santa...!

Oh I love Spirit In The Sky, Jude, and I know exactly what you mean by not being religious but still finding yourself all carried away by it. I want my relatives to play it at some kind of ceremony when I'm gone and I remember Neti does too - does that mean I have to be buried with you Neti =:0 ha ha ha ;-) So, whose turn is it to play Must Be Santa today? Nah... think I'll go for Jussi instead, Jussi Björling, Sweden's greatest tenor ever. Prepare to be blown away
Well swedie, you are very welcome to be buried alongside of me, but we get shoved into niches in a wall, bit like tower block housing, and unless you pay (it was 50,000pts in old money ; dont know what it is now in euros) you get chucked over the wall after 5years.

I am freezing here in my bedroom as the rest of the house is warm but hubby and daughter are doing a puzzle about beer bottles and blocking the way - its a small house and the lounge is in the middoe and one has to walk thru it to get anywhere. didnt dare put the heating on in here as think the leccy might blow, we dont have unlimited access! brrrrr
a'noon Kit, neti (& any other readers) that xmas song.....You were brave too Kit, aimlessly wandering around Ikea, haha...those candlesticks are very stylish, it's more like a scout's jumble sale here with odds & ends I've picked up/inherited...there won't be any vultures hovering around my possessions when I'm gone.
The catch with Uniqlo seems to be no free returns. I could end up having to bring anything unsuitable down to London on my bike.... and I'd have to wear a hat in case I bumped into HRH.... and bring a Nottingham-speak translator....oh scrub it, back to M&S.
In the time I spend browsing internet shops I could have visited every shop in town for real...but you have to wear acceptable cardies & spit mascara to do that and no one's coughing on me here, so here I stay :o)
Lovely song Kit just wish I understood the words. Jussi has a beautiful voice. I have some Andrea Boccelli cds singing in Italian and feel the same about him.

Every time I go to IKEA I say I'm never going again but then my brother or sister ask me to go and off I go. We have to follow the arrows on the floor then we know we've been round everywhere!!

Just been listening to my Cd of the The Eagles another of my favourite groups.

Still freezing cold here but no snow again yet.

Take care all see yer later 'gater(s)
I'm telling fibs - Just looked out of the wiondow and it's been snowing ha ha!!
I'd love some snow, and I'd love to go to an IKEA!!!!
Hello peeps.
Fab vid kip.
dont try this at home...oh go on then...
chilly out there...keep warm.try this at home.
must have a drinky poos..(:O) later.
aaaah, Chris has won Strictly - I know someone who used to work with him (not me, I must add) and says he's the sweetest guy, the sort who'd make you coffee at 5am without even being asked, and is delighted he's won
No IKEA on Ibiza Neti? Oh I'm definitely not coming there to get niched then. (I remember those walls from childhood summers in Spain.) There are two IKEAs in the suburbs here and there's a free of charge IKEA bus to one of them. Boarding that bus always makes me feel like a child on a school outing - or like an idiot. But the candles do seem fantastic, I've burnt a half one and no dripping and running and the flame is calm and beautiful. It's these

The free of charge IKEA bus taking people BACK to town was twenty minutes late and it was bitter cold. An American immigrant lady and I started talking. She said she had family all over the States and every other year there was a family gathering, held in a new town and state every time so that the children would get to know their country through their family, I thought that was wonderful. And - get a load of this - she had stayed at the Chelsea Hotel in the seventies! I guess that's as close as I'm gonna get to the Chelsea Hotel: Chatting with someone who's been there.

There's so much snow here now. The day before yesterday I saw a van coming down the street slowly. You know how some vans look a little bit human? This one had a coat of snow on the roof at least a foot high and it really looked like he (the van!) was wearing a cap, aww.

I don't believe you jno:) I'm firmly convinced you worked for the BBC.

If Diet Coke and Mentos are what we *should* try at home, I'm afraid to ask what we shouldn't... (.) ( •) Here's a guy from whom Ry Cooder learnt a lot about playing the guitar
(PS Jude it's Oh Holy Night so I'm guessing the words are similar in both our languages but can't be bothered to compare right now, but... you know... Jesus and stuff ;-)
jno jnr and girlfriend set off for a party somewhere south of London this evening. She is dressed in ordinaryish clothes in light brown, with a couple of little ears, and is supposed to be a lioness. He however is in a full length bright yellow tiger suit, which may have caused some alarm at the railway station. So if there is a blizzard tonight and you see a couple of chilly carnivores stranded in the snow, you might like to give them a hand.
Brrr......Lots of snow here this morning ,freezing cold .People without leccy all night in North Norfolk according to the news .Fakenham was mentioned so hope you are Ok up there Lofty .
I think it's time for coffee with a dash of something rum flavoured :)
Take care all and keep warm.
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Kit, I love your answer about what you Youtube post is singing..."you know, Jesus and stuff" is a brilliant summing up....seriously I am still laughing. Our local IKEA is so horrible, I have only been once and left without buying anything...very crowded and cramped and the staff almost non existent and very unhelpful. I have this policy now of only spending my money where I enjoy it...don't see why I should support poor service or snotty behaviour...its still amazingly easy to spend money though!!!
morning there a doctor in the house? Don't know watsamatter with me but I certainly do feel lousy, awake all night again & lots of body pain. I really wish this weather would lighten up, it's hellishly cold & we had a little more snow. I just have to be thankful it's not as bad as Norfolk (& other areas) & that I 've got a warm dry home. I only hope that Charlie stays well over this winter, and while I feel so low, I'm so glad I got his teeth sorted when I did. Looks like we've got these temps until next Sunday & after that we might climb the dizzy heights of double figures! Halellujah!

jno I hope jnr & partner behave themselves....or you might end up looking after one of these

I'm laughing at woofgang laughing... we use the term 'God stuff', haha
Howdy, folks. Glad you didn't take offence Woofy. I'm a non-believer in the kind of god most of us (meaning us here on this thread) are introduced to as children - at school, in church, at home - and I'm very much a non-believer in religious systems as such, the way they are implemented. That said I still don't want to hurt anyone's feelings and I am in fact one of the most spiritual people I know:) just not in the "traditional" way. My belief is that we have such a strong, inherent longing for God that we will one day create "him": It's us. Together we are God, that's what I believe. We're just not very good at the 'together' bit yet.

Robi perhaps you've got the flu, a mild one. I read somewhere you can actually have the swine flu (and other kinds of flu?) without becoming very ill at all, i.e. without even realising that's what you've got.

Jno could you not have posted a photo of the lion and the tiger! :-D

You have 24 in the UK? "Give me the names"
I posted early this morning re jno's offspring but it didn't appear.

Anyway jno, your comment about tiger and mate reminded me of an old Only Fools and Horses - still laughing at the thought of your son, imagine the papers "Tiger spotted around South London"

Hope they have now returned safe and happy.

Sunny here today although very cold, have finally managed to get all child's washing washed and dried.

I'm a believer in God but I live and let live as long as I'm not forced into anything I do not want to do, and I do not force my religious beliefs onto anyone, not even Mr N or child!
My Dad believed in God, when he was dying he said to us all "I'm the lucky one, I'm going to see your Mum before any of you". My brother was stroking his hair (lovely white) and my Dad said "I can see the headlines tomorrow. Son strokes father to death". and laughed.He had a great sense of humour, my Dad. Actually he died the next morning.
I find it difficult to believe but I still pray to whoever is looking after me. If something good happens I say thank you and please help for anything else.
I felt you were spiritual Kit. I have a friend who is very spiritual and you sound alike in some ways. She tries to convert me sometimes but without much success.
We've just had another flurry of snow but nothing much. I've been playing CDs all day. Dylans Christmas CD. Michael Buble, Chicago, and The Eagles. Rang my eldest son but he's not in so had to leave a message. Hope he rings me later.

Sorry you feel so rough Robi. Nothing worse when you are in the house on your own feeling rotten. Hope you get well soon. I'm sure Charlie is happy to have had his teeth sorted.

Off for a cuppa now. Keep warm Biddyfriends and thanks for your friendship. xx
I believe in something ,though what it is can't be explained .When I read all that gumf in R&S I sit there in jaw dropping amazement .I totally disagree too about having other peoples religious views shoved down my throat J.W.'s take note .)
I'm not particularly religious but find religious things uplifting funnily enough .I only have to walk into a church or cathedral ( and I have visited many in my time ) and I feel some sort of spiritual thing and some kind of peace Probably an aura left behind from all the old monks who used to tramp about in these places :)
You can't help feeling uplifted though ,when you hear Carols from Kings which I have playing at the moment
.If some greater being did create this world then they did a pretty good job when you look around you .The only problem being the human race has ruined a lot of it .
I'm sorry to hear you feel unwell Robinia .Throw caution to the wind and have a hot toddy xx
But .....God won't help me roast my parsnips and spuds so I must press on :)
Over and out for now .
Why did I write disagree .I meant agree .Can they bring the preview .Is is too much to ask .:)
Note to self ..........less rum in coffee .

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