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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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yes, offspring and friend returned safely and have now gone off to hunt among the sheep at Westfield mall in W London. Our forecast for tomorrow on the BBC seems to change every hour, from heavy snow to sunny intervals to light snow. Never mind, I am ready for anything


Lovely memory of your Dad, Jude - how to die happy.
Yes Jno a good memory. He wasn't all sweetness and light all the time but then none of us are are we,But he did have times when he was just the Dad I wanted. He used to say I was the only one who cooked Like my Mum. and looked forward to his Sunday roast which I used to do.
Have spoken to my son and he is coming up to see me on Tuesday so he will get his presents on time. I was supposed to be going for dinner with my 2 friends but have had to cry off so one of them is taking her husband with her.
Every time I come on here it always ends up about cuppa tea time.
Oh whoopee ..FAO Robinia ..Do you remember me asking you about a TV series about people who worked on a magazine .Well Mr S recorded a film.One of the cast was Sally Phillips which rang a bell .So I looked her up .Lo and behold I found it .It was called Rescue Me .It only ran for six episodes which was a shame because it was good .
Snow is snow is snow Jno .Make sure you have a shovel .And salt and sand just in case .We needed it today :) It's a bit thick and deep here.
That is a lovely memory Jude .. I think when you have that sort of thing to hold onto it makes it seem better somehow .
When I last spoke to my ma in law ,last year on the phone before we upped sticks and rushed to Germany,her last words to me were on that morning ....Alles ist vorbei .. Tschüss meine liebling..Lieb wohl .In other words ..This is it .Bye darling .Have a good life .She was a very pragmatic woman .
I still have her voice on the answerphone and I listen to it sometimes . I can remember my parents last words especially Mother who told me to " do something with that hair for goodness sake " :) And my dad saying that I was a good kid and to look after Mum ....but he drifted off into a coma and we never spoke again ....
That's a funny Dad, Jude:) My Mum had that kind of humour too. She was as good as on her death bed at the hospital when she remarked that in the mornings she looked like Kramer cos her hair stood that much on end (Like yours, Shaney? ;-)

Re spirituality, I'll rephrase, we are all spiritual beings so what I meant to say was that I recognise that and I acknowledge the importance of that. I don't have a set of rules that I live by or anything like that. For me it's more... things like for instance when making soup (or whatever) to *be aware* (right there, in the kitchen, standing at the worktop) of how those onions have been growing in the soil, how that carrot has been nourished by the rain, how the sun has been shining on those tomatoes. And not cutting it all up carelessly, but cutting it up the way it has grown - for instance, cutting the cauliflower branch by branch, with respect. And I thank worn out things - like clothes - for their service when throwing them away. Don't know if that sounds OCD the way I describe it;-) but that's not what it's about. (I'm OCDish about Are my keys still in my handbag?? and that kind of thing, but that's something else completely).

Also, my recognition of spirituality involves animals and their lives but I really really really really don't like to have things shoved down my throat either so I really really really really really don't wish to shove anything down anybody else's throats, obviously. (What I'm saying is don't choke on your meatballs on my behalf ;-) Hardly any of my friends are vegetarians.) We're all in this thing together, that's the gist of my spirituality. There are mystic aspects to it, definitely. I don't believe we are as separated from each other as we generally think that we are.
Haha .I had long hair then Kit Back in 1995 .One of those long curly permed jobs that you scrunched and tonged and spent a lot of money on :)
It involved a lot of messing around and I used to pull it up in a scrunchie out of the way because I didn't have the time to muck about with it as I spent most weekends hassling up to Norfolk from London to see my Mum .Very stressful time .Then we went through it all again a couple of months later but hassling back and forth to Germany when my Pa in law in died .
I remember going in to see my Mum and I must have looked awful. I was so tired ,work all week and running a home then travelling .As I went to go and said "see you next week ",she came out with that .She was always good at one liners :))
Cranford is on shortly and Tim Spall I'm gonna throw a log on the fire and pour a large drink .Nite all xxxx
Good morning...did I mention I hate this weather? Oh good...

All singing from the same hymn sheet then are we? :o) I'd echo what's already been said about creating your own God, I love churches, etc & I do believe in the power of collective can we all put our mittened hands together & pray for a thaw. I'm laughing (in a relieved kind of way) at Kit thanking things for their service, I do that, I'm not alone in my odd world!
Lovely memories you've all shared, in typical style the last thing my mum did was swear and the last thing my brother did was raise his arm to wave with such surprising ease as I turned to look at him on the way out of the ward....we didn't see him conscious again.

Sorry shaney, I remember you asking & hopefully I told you I didn't know of it...and still no recall I'm afraid. I may have watched it & forgotten of course, my memory's terrible nowadays for some things. I watched Cranford last night & kept wondering why they weren't showing the post office.....then I remembered that was Larkrise, hahaha....I enjoyed it but I couldn't remember half the characters.

...anyone know a god of electrics?.....yes, again...fluff it....
Tis freezing out there,it snowed overnight and I managed to get to superbug after sliding all over the place but had to park on a hill cos of the cops.Went back to cross the road to the car and went ar$e over tit..!The poor guy who delivers bread came back from a nightmare drive from Exmoor,he crashed into a stag,his windsreen was smashed and the front of the lorry was badly damaged,and the poor stag died.Managed to get back home and the cars going no where today.The snow has freezed over.Just been watching a 4x4 trying to get up my hill and he slid back down and he's locked the motor and walked away.Try to watch that cranford thingy but Im afraid it didnt do it for me.I watched the andy williams xmas shows from the sixties on BBC 4 followed by docus about sandie shore,dusty springfield etc..really interesting.Hope you are all x.
Take good care out there Vinny, as beautiful as it looks it's no fun for people like that delivery guy & poor animals is it? Silly woman presenter on the radio's just said she's gutted we don't have more snow in this area...better not email her again, the one I sent when she was banging on with glee about BBQ's didn't go down too well, haha...she'll be sending the boys round to remove my transistor

oh here comes the postie....and what's that merry tune he's whistling?...I do believe it's the xmas number 1

venison for Christmas dinner, then, Vinny? We've had about a quarter of a millimetre of snow here and I've been wobbling all over the street - I think my ankles may be a bit on the weak side, I'm always tripping over tiny things but I don't think there's anything wrong with my actual sense of balance. Anyway, a foot of snow in New York and 30 below in Germany put our little flurries into perspective.

I can't say I've ever thanked any of my computer goods for their service but I must admit I certainly let my PC know what I think of it on a daily basis... and it's not good. So perhaps I am spiritual too?
My mum had seven natural children, and on her deathbed we asked how and if she loved us all, and she said I love you all in different ways for differnt things, which I thought was very tactful!!! I know that I caused her terrible grief at times and she got me out of a difficult relationship, got me to Ibiza and onto to a much better life!, so I do know that she did indeed love us all, the good and the bad (there weren't any uglies in the family!)

Wet and cold here, off tonight on our annual xmas trip to the capital city of Ibiza to see the belen and walk round the town square and then a meal in a trattoria. Love tradition.

Poor Dolly has suffered a couple of times with heat stroke, can you imagine, the rest of you had better go and visit but I'll stay here and hope for snow!!
Hail biddies. No that's not the weather report... but it certainly looks like a White Christmas.

Erm yes jno you are probably THE most spiritual person I know =:0 And no Robi you'll never be alone in your odd world as long as I'm around! xx Following on from yesterday's posts on what we believe, I must tell y'all about what happened when I made my trip to see my Dad off. There was an announcement at the gate that they were going to have to change a tyre on the plane before we could board (look, I'm fat, but that's plain insulting!) (Or plane insulting) (I'll get me coat) My sister and brother in law have quite a long drive to pick me up on my arrival so I wanted to get in touch with them before they left home or else they would have to spend two hours just waiting at the airport in Skåne. As I don't have a mobi, I asked at the gate where the nearest customer service centre was and I explained the situation in passing. Then a voice came from behind (no it wasn't God - wrong direction;-) asking me where in Skåne I was going. Long story short, a short dark stranger offered me a lift and as it turned out it was only a five minute detour for him anyway. It took me a while to decide whether or not I thought he was a psycho and this was to be my last night on earth, but I do trust my intuition and I accepted. It transpired that he travels to Stockholm a lot so I asked if I could give him some subway tickets as thanks for the ride. He said I didn't owe him personally anything but I might consider doing somebody ELSE a favour. He mentioned a film, Pay It Forward, with Kevin Spacey. I haven't seen it but apparently that's what inspired him. (Later the same week it turned out my nephew and sister had been watching the film recently and the DVD was still in my nephew's glove compartment...) (cont.)
Well that's one of my beliefs too and I did come up with it many years ago with no help from Kevin Spacey (but I love Kevin:) You do what you do and it has an effect on the world as a whole and THAT'S your reward. God I hope I don't sound saintly. These are just my *beliefs* you see, but IRL I can be a right ***, rest assured! Oh... you already know...

Vinny and the cops
Starred out?! You have got to be joking! How are people in Animals & Nature now supposed to refer to their she-dogs?? And could they not at least put the same number of asterisks as there are letters in the word!
Guess your right there jno.But then again there use to it.!I think we should think about making it illegal not to have a stash off winter tyres in this country.And are footwear leaves a lot to be desired.Who was the clever booger who said after the heavy snowfalls earlier this year it was very unlightly to happen again?ermm... the same person who said you would only get a rollover in the lotto every few years.:O)I really dont fancy roadkill for my xmas dinner jno but thanks for the thought..! now Im thinking shall I have pine roast or have qourn roast the same has that leona lewis and amanda holden?Anyways Ive spotted some lovely Holly in somebodys back garden,all I gotta do is climb the fence by the park when it gets dark (I needs some crepe paper to make some berries)lovely jubly..(:O)
hiya you old B.i.T.c.H....HEHE..!(:O)
Hiya Vinny

(I learned all I know from Robi so don't blame me:)
well, I got an email from an old acquaintance today saying she'd just got what she wanted for Christmas: four Czech rhinos. I thought she was kidding but no, it was actually in the paper this morning.

She runs Ol Pejeta. I'd love to see it some day.

Anyway, chocolate rhinos would do for me, they don't even have to be lifesize.
You really must be of the female persuasion jno - no man loves chocolate as much as you do:) Now. Stop verbally abusing your computer, it looks good to me http://www.temptation...productId=51&catId=15
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My Nan and Mum always used to say what goes around comes around....good and bad.....

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