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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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AB is really slow this morning - but then so am I!!

Its absolutely p****** down here. Was thinking of a long walk with the dogs, but.........................

Well...yes robinia ...two very tall handsome suited and booted types ...I was hopeful..but when they flashed the Bible at me I made a swift exit !
Trust me to caught in my shift by Bibble bashers!
I have just realised what I have written...OOOh the shame !!
I hope Vinny doesn't spot it . I expect he's too busy in your thread gessoo taking bra measurements.
It's eased off now (the rain) I am going to venture out with Shaney then go and get a few odds and ends round the shops.Toodlepip for now .
Good morning fellow fairies- it's Bramble Yewshimmer here apparently (sounds rather jewish methinks) or else hobbitwise I'm Dingle Harbottle. No grand title for me no "of little Roaming " , guess I'm a serf hobbit!!!

Blimey Shaney..a threesome....and yer old mans only been gone 5 minutes...hehe...(:-)

.....oh and by the way it's hot here, s/pool nearly ready for filling!!!! I may not be able to get artpad, or a decent hobbit name but I'll be swimming in the heat, and you all will be swimming down the roads he he

Still cant post anything to heres a pic of some short



There will now be a short intermission while the Techies sort out the problems....The usherettes will be selling ice creams /kia ora etc..Hotdogs are available at the kiosk.



Afternoon all. Vinny can't get inot your relax link wot's up?!

I have my gardener here at the mo trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear!!'s coming down in stair rods hereand I got caught in it whilst out. Much more of it and it will like it was in 1953 uth/img/Yar03.jpg

Lovely music Vinny ..Ideal to listen to while I eat my Pot Noodle !

Just got into you relax link Vinny very soothing!

The sun is out over here Shaney but I don't know how long for.

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oh this weather's 'doin' me 'ead in' as they say nowadays...there's an almighty puddle that gathers in the side of the road near my house & all I've heard for days is the traffic sloshing through it....I'll have to go & cone it off, or put a few plants round it & make a feature.

shaney, I was up to my ears in water in '53 - inside my mum!

lovely music Vinny, I'm just listening to David Gates Clouds suite to fit in with rain lashing on the window....

Jude's gardener's in a spot of bovva

That gardener of yours isn't called
Weedum Digger Hoedown by any chance is he Jude ?
Oh no! that's my husband's hobbit name!!!!
Me gardeners only a friend from work doing a bit of diggin' for me. I wish I was about 30 years younger!! He's not only a gardener he can cook as well!!
ahem - can anyone see me on here. Now, no jokes but my doctor is sending me to a neurologist on June 13th. Wonder what that's all about?
That's to do with the nervous system Neti..have you had a trapped nerve or something ?My GP sent me to one when I had tingling pains in my left arm and hand.It turned out to be from the bones in my neck that are wearing away and affecting the nerves in my arm etc. i then got shuffled off to six weeks physio. Have they sorted out your thyroid yet ? Mine is now under control at last !
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crikey Jude does he do diy too? I'm looking for somebody like that....does he want an older woman?

oh neti, sorry you've got a problem, here's some nice (?) english rain from my garden to make you feel cool & calm
hope you can see it

Ladys mantle ..lovely plant ..I've got a couple of these in the garden ..they look lovely with the raindrops on them.
Is it just me or is this site having a nervous breakdown ?
it seems really slow today for some reason .
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yes shaney, lovely until they need dividing...strewth aren't they hard to dig up?
yes, it's been funny on here all'll be all those hobgoblins on the loose.

anyone got any trifle or pineapple upside down cake? I just fancy some.... :o(

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