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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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Thanks Shaney I'll have another go.

Goodnight Neti take care x

Have a nice day tomorrow neti ..take care
Nite nite xx

Goodnight all other hobbits see you all tomorrow ...pray for sunshine and warmth ..sleep well xxxx

It's copying all the page Shaney I'll have another go tomorrow.

Goodnight All x

This is the 4head can get a panoramic
view by clicking on to it...


I need a volunteer
to pose for me...I want to make will be a bit chilly...but are put me chiminea on...hehe...!(:-)

Vinnny ! It is lovely ....though ........when I first saw it I thought perhaps it was Jno having a lie down after all that tramping round and champagne!! He He!
Cold and dismal here folks ..hardly worth getting out of bed for!

This is for Gessoo m
It's about the Yorkie s that were rescued.

hardly stopped raining at Chelsea when I was there, so I didn't see everything... The Telegraph garden looked lovely, but a lot of the plants were looking the worse for wear after days of downpours, the irises particularly. Funnily, there was a NZ garden next door, all black sands and hardy little blighters that were doing fine; only got a silver gilt, but it was the ideal garden for the circumstances. (The Kiwis on the stand said the weather in NZ was currently the same as at Chelsea, except there it's early winter not early summer.) And there was another garden designed by someone Welsh, with a curved house at one end of it... can't remember the name and I've lost my catalogue... but it only got bronze, and I thought it deserved much more. I may have to hunt it out on the website and put in a Popular Vote for it. The champagne was lovely, thank you!

how it wasn't served

Talking about Chelsea, Mr G is very proud that this garden won a gold and that he was responsible for the polished concrete path!!

I'm feeling sad now that I turned down my complimentary ticket! I just didn't fancy the crowds!!

I liked that one gessoo - I don't think I'd actually enjoy living in the Farnsworth House - seems a bit public; Dan Cruickshank was roaming around it on telly the other night - but the garden was lovely. Crowds weren't too bad but the rain spoiled it a bit for me (I was brought up under a palm tree in the desert until I was 48).

Morning Biddys...jno...that looks you reckon a can of Becks would fit...hehe..!lovely and sunny here...Ive got it surrounded....

haha(im keeping this short just in case.)everybody breathes a sigh of relieve...hehe.


I do agree with you about that house jno. Not my cup of tea at all.

Now this is more my style!!


Far more privacy!

So private, in fact, that it's obviously forbidden to enter = at least on my PC!!
Sunny here too Vinny! (Well at least between the grey bits!)
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gooooooooood morning hobbits &'s NOT raining, it's NOT windy & the sun is shining!! hurray! everywhere dripping wet, but I hope the gardeners will come & whizz over the grass later this morning. Not much chance of the hedges being done though.

Vinny that woman in the 4Head garden would give me the heebie the stream tho'. I'd like a pond & a stream with a bridge.....dream on....

shaney this is one of my all time favourite low maintainance gardens from chelsea 2002


I'd love my gravelled front garden to look like that...probably get up one morning to find it had all 'walked'

well, I'd better make the most of this weather today, just wish I felt livelier. All this cold & damp has really dragged me down

my exhibits taken today



can I have a gold please?
Vinny, not the neighbour's gold top again......

I love that little garden Robinia and your plants are lovely .
Now all seem to have sun and I haven't got any .Not fair....(stamps foot ) is chilly and dull and it is going to rain because my bones tell me so !!
yes shaney my body also says rain - though in my case it's the wet hair that's tipping me off... I've watched TV progs on modern architecture in recent weeks and the one thing about all the houses shown, I keep thinking, is all very nice but it helps to have 5 acres of land around, which all of them seem to have (like that pic of the Farnsworth House). Modernist suburban semis seem rather harder to make work.

Funny Robinia - when we were watching Chelsea the other evening and that 'grass' lady in the 4head garden was shown, Mr G remarked how beautiful it was, but it unnerved me completely. I found it really scarey. Glad you seem to agree!!

Meanwhile, I am awarding you a gold for your exhibits Robbie.

I agree Jno ..I've been watching "Whispering Dan " ! it certainly wouldn't work round here.. to many wheelie bins blotting the landscape!
The other one I like is The Curious House Guest with Jeremey Musson....I don'tknow if you have watched the one about Lullingworth Castle but the neighbour with the wee willie hat cracks me up.!
Who do you lot use to host your own photos now? I used to use, but I think you have to register (which I did) but it all seems a lot more complicated now.
Tinypic gessoo,and you dont have to register..just browse..upload..copy the one on the bottom and whoosh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(:-)Right have to go to Barnstaple....get some gear fer me a slight leak...fix it while the suns out.(:-)catch you later Hobbits.!!

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