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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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oooh not as warm out there as I first thought now the wind's getting up & it's cloudier.

Thank you for the medals gessoo, I'll be giving interviews in the tea tent later.
I use imageshack, it's the only one I've ever used since the lovely IndieSinger taught us how to do it. Apart from our happy band, of course, I'd say he was one of my all time favourites...always seemed a patient & polite young man as well as very funny & intelligent. Sometimes when I see 'who's the best on here, who's the best? I could, well.............

just having a cuppa & some bread & 'strawberry conserve' hahaha....always reminds me of when I had my first son & at 3pm in the maternity home they brought us tea & bread & jam, which I found quite quaint. Afterwards it was back outside digging the fields hehe....

Thanks Vinny. They have changed the screen layout on Tinypic and silly old me got totally mixed up.

Just wanted you all to see my clematis covered roof:


By the way, Vinny, I see you have been naughty over in 'News'!

Totally the wrong picture. That was one of the other clematitisisisis in my garden. Picture taken this morning.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again....


Well, even that was the wrong picture. This was the one I meant...........

Fingers crossed

Get a grip gessoo !! He he ! Gorgeous clematis . We had one here climbing up the side of the shed when we moved in ..god knows why but it died .Shane probably piddled up it !
I have got the bug now and have been outside taking picccies and taking pics of my houseplants.You can tell I'm bored! !

Here's Violet and Strawberry
Alan Titmarsh has nothing on us !!

Afternoon Biddymates. I think all your flowers are lovely and I'm only too sorry I don't have green fingers, but I try! I have two lovely lilac trees (1 double white and one lilac) and a laburnum in my back garden which I put in myself many years ago and also 4 bushes which flower every year but I don't know the name of them but they're all different colours.

Back to my question about copying text from a post. I still haven't got the hang so can somebody give me a quick lesson please. When I highlight it, itdoes all the page of posts.

I know what you mean Jude, AB's a right b*gger to copy from. Try left-clicking three times on something - that often seems to work, though it may only give you a sentence at a time.
Hold down your CTRL Key Jude and then put your cursor on the bit you want to copy and left click on your mouse. That will just highlight the paragraph you want to copy.
jno's way is easier!

Do you remember that I am trying to create a woodland garden. Well, it is sort of taking shape. Took this this morning as well. Out in the garden in my dressing gown!!! (no not in the nude, Vinny!!)


Your plants are lovely Shaney. We have a lot of wild strawberries. They taste lovely, but the birds usually eat them all!!!!

Cracked it!! Thanks a lot Gessoo and Jno
I can't see it Gessoo just keeps saying "Tinypic cannot be found".I don't know if it's me or this computer but I am having a lot of trouble lately .This site is on a go slow and Google doesn't want to know me .
I got it !!
I think this computer is on a go slow !
That is a lovely pic.
The evening has crowned the day here ..the sun is out and it's lovely .
evening?? Where are you Shaney, Uzbekistan?
Well.....late afternoon then Jno !!
I actually thought it was later than it was ! Funny how your mind goes as you approach old age !!
I had a nice walk with my nephew and the dogs here this was lovely y_Arms_Windmill_Norfolk.gif

We've had a lovely day here too really compared with all the rain of the last few days. I'm goiong out tonight but only to a coffee evening. My sister is a member of a local ladies group and it is a charity event so I'd better take my purse!

That looks a nicer place to walk Shaney nice and flat! We have Elvaston Castle near us but it is being sold by the Council to be turned into a Hotel and Golf Course, There has been a big 'hooha' about it.

Looking across the lake

I should think so too ! Why they have to ruin so many lovely old buildings and greenspace so that people can knock a golfball around is beyond me .It's like here ..we have a lovely beach (Blue Flag ) and now they want to let people do this power gliding on a roped off section.Big hoohah ! This is an Edwardian style quiet holiday resort not Daytona .
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and my garden has been turned into a campsite but I don't appear to hve made the headlines....tut....

lol jno.... Uzbekistan.... hehe

phew, I only cleared a couple of sq yards of garden & the bin is half full & I'm shattered. I've a sea of forget-me-nots to tackle next......

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