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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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Well I'm back from the coffee evening. I've won a big bag of Heathcote and Ivory 'smellies' and 4 drinking glasses in the raffle. And last monday at the quiz I won a box of licquorice Allsorts - must be my lucky week. :o)
Oooh well done Jude ...we'll all be able to have a bath and a glass of wine now while Robinias busy with her forget- me- nots .
I wish now I hadn't gone over on the marshes.. I am covered in gnat bites up my legs !

Get some Calamine Lotion on them Shaney!

Well I'm off to bed now up at 5.45 am see you all tomorrow ~Goodnight!

oh rats, sitting here eating a Sainsbury's barbecue meat wrap and a little hole developed in the bottom of it - squirted BBQ sauce out when I bit into it, all over my keyboard and my clothes. Grrr... can I sue the Duke of Sainsbury or something?

Morning Campers!

Bl**** awful one at that! Pouring with rain again and I really don't feel well. Have felt tired all week and now have an upset tum and a really painful throat. Have just turned the heating on.

Enough moaning.

Netti I meant to say all yesterday that I hope all goes well with your medical appointments, etc. Don't worry about being locked away here -

iddybank Headquarters

'cos we'll all be in there with you!!!!

Seriously though, I do wish you well and send loads of love.

Note: Iddibank is short for Idiotbank!!! Hmm, covers up her error very well there - well done G.
jno, hope the stains came out!!! Was the meat wrap good?
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morning all, I hope you're enjoying your stay....yes gessoo, (lovely garden pics btw) it's back to cold rain here too, the sea is now only a 2 second walk up the drive instead of a 2 hour drive.....
charlie's like a powder puff on legs as I had to get the hairdrier on him after he'd been outside & why is it compulsory for dogs to plod about in the only bit of freshly turned soil?

sorry you're not feeling well, I was having a real feel sorry for myself day yesterday....exhausted myself even more in the garden, came in & stuffed my face too late in the evening & spent half the night awake feeling horrid. The birds were singing before I got to sleep....grrrr

jno I think your wrap was probably sabotaged by Vinny he wasn't around much yesterday. I expect all the posh 'uns in Biddyford need their shag piles cleaned for the bank holiday.

oh my, another wet day, quelle surprise. Actually it turned out nice yesterday, left me wishing I was at Chelsea instead of laundering everything in BBQ sauce - was tasty but I won't be trying them again - and it's supposed to turn out nice again today but I'll believe it when I see it. Sorry to hear there are so many ailments and other biddiosyncrasies about, I do hope people feel better during the day.

get well soon

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oh no, Vinny's been spotted ....I still have to live here after you've all left...oooh my reputation...ahem!

looks like that news thread has given him ideas (your post was hilarious btw Vinny)

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lol jno.... yesterday would have been lovely for Chelsea, not too warm. Is your foot better btw? or are you still gliding round on castors?

jno is showing off again!


Morning Biddys....ooops..! shaneys invited us around fer some soup...slurp..!

you first

Me puttas playing up..I keep trying to google..but Every time I get distracted...


Right thats it...ive got to go and clean some carpets in the nunnery...

pray for me hehe...(:-)

ha, wish I could... am still popping pills, so the foot's okay. I have an appointment with a rheumatologist on Tuesday - this is only, what, 2 months since this first blew up... I'd like to come off the pills but each time I've cut down the foot comes up again. But apart from rattling with tablets, I'm fully mobile thanks, Robinia. Sadly I've had to be omitted from the world cup squad, though, and my days in the corps de ballet may be over too.
ha - first line of my last post was in answer to gessoo, not Vinny... Not sure about Vinny's first photo, I wonder if those are D cups...

Morning Vinny! Behave!!!

Ladies, have found just the garment for us all.


morning biddygardeners - oh it's hot and humid and am filling up the pool today so I'll be thinkint of you all!

What? what? who said that.........................ooops no one there..................................................

jno's ballet group

jno wells

For Neti


(love you really!)

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