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Vinny in the Dungeon

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Robinia | 16:01 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
507 Answers
Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the dumbwaiter. (Did you know he's tunnelled his way into your office, has got himself blotto on the Buckfast & is serenading his Rita Hayworth poster with Gregorian chants?) Please help!


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Morning biddys...psst...its Woofys Birthday today...front page....Sunny here,with a strong wind.I dont know much about birds...they make cakes dont they...hehe...(:-)
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oh heck, just seen Jude whizzing through the puddle outside my house

don't think she knows where the brakes are :o(
hope she's not planning a ram-raid on Birds
Nope Robinia not Birds - Tai Chi class!
It can't make up it's mind today whether it wants to rain or shine can it?
My friend's just rang me (she only lives over the road!)to see if I want to go to a quiz tonight and as I haven't been to one for ages I thought I'd give this one a try.
Work tomorrow - I don't know, this weekend has flown by.....must have had some fun!!!
Honestly Jude .. go so fast I can't catch up !
I'm like that Twizzle you remember him head is going round. Was it Twizzle or Torchy?
However ..stop rambling Slack !
What a peculiar day ...we have had rain ..sun..wind ..yesterday it was 30C here and today it's 19C ..well.. according to my thermometer in the garden.I had a top on then I was chilly and put a thin jumper on I have swopped that for the top again .I think it's time I washed my libertys.
The chuckle bros are on the way back from the city ...thank goodness. Why do we worry about grown men as if they were still children ?
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lol Jude we all ring each other round here...

shaney before I had a computer I thought I was the only person in the world who remembered twizzle....I think people thought he was my imaginary friend..hehe
weather's wild here - the wind is howling down the chimney at the moment & last night I had the duvet back on.
My youngest son is caving in Slovenija & I haven't heard from him - won't be happy until he's back.

ewww.... is there a smell worse than a rotten potato? hope Vinny's splashed plenty of Brut on...I need something to get the smell out of my brain...
Morning Biddys,That was a long old day yesterday...didnt finish work till late...Then saw The Cavern Beatles last night.They kicked of at 8.15 and didnt finish till gone sound.They sounded so much like the real beatles.The audience were on there feet clapping and dancing.Dont worry robinia,your son will be okay.I always worry when jake goes on holiday.He went to turkey a couple of weeks ago and you are always relieved when they get back.He bought a load of aftershave ,and gave me a massive bottle of a well know brand,it would cost a lot of money in this country,the fact that he paid fluppence for it and it smells like camels pi** is beside the point...hehe..!!(he bought 6 bottles fer a tenner haha)Ive got some on now robinia..wat yer prefer the potato smell..hehe....!!(:-)(:-)im still chuckling at shaney,digging all her plants up,and taking them back to the shop...hahaha..!!!have you had any luck with george yet netti?? (:-)
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morning - by heck it's wild here, had to put me anorak on just to feed the birds.....
sniff...... has there been a camel down here?
oh must have been Vinny wafting in, thought I heard somebody singing yeh, yeh, yehs.....glad you enjoyed it, but are you going to wear that wig all day? Can you remember an aftershave called Pub? it was lovely - well at the time it was, not sure I'd feel the same now, I used to like Aramis but it would choke me now....I prefer men to smell of engine oil & liniment.....

yes shame about your bulbs shaney there are some lovely varieties, I only remember them when it's too late - most beautiful bouquet I ever had was one of 'posh' gladdies.

looks like neti has got herself

a George AND a Henry
yes, what with the hot weather, then the rain, my carpet is growing quite long too

where's the flymo?

...trouble is, since the underparlourmaid ran off with the chief groom, there's nobody knows how to operate it
Morning all - rain? rain how very dare you - still boiling here. Sweti neti reporting.

Robinia hope you are feeling better. I have been taken off (gradually) the betablockers as they are causing diabetes, and cholesterol, and am now starting ACE Inhibitors(!)

Vinny who ever would have thought getting hold of A george would be so difficult? I phoned The Eastbourne company (I'd forgotten how the English work, question after question as if I know) so phoned the Barca co and they have a supplier in Ibiza (I think that's what they said) and will be getting in touch so fingers crossed eh??
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yo sweti! ... just sneaking my chs on tst before slack catches me.....
yes, I'm moving off the hard shoulder & back into the slow lane today thanks. Hope the tabs work for you, I'm on ACE inhibitors too for bp (enalapril) as well as bendrofloooosommat (diuretic) which I've taken by mistake last thing at night a couple of times....NOT amusing!
I thought it was all posh marble halls in Ibiza - not carpets?

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jno I remember going to someone's offices in the late 70s who had carpet like like that! - think he took the description of it too literally & was using it as his 'casting couch'.......his business was a huge flop....
Well after a lovely afternoon at the Time and Tide museum we have come home to water piddling through the kitchen ceiling...the torrential rain has done something's stopped now but we have either got a broken gutter or dodgy flashing on the join where the extension is.I am so peed off !....but have a builder coming to have a look tomorrow.
Hey Ho....chs on tst and wsky time I think .....
Just called in to say goodnight. After my late night and early morning I've been tired out all day so I'm off to bed. Sorry I'm not much use to anybody today, See you all tomorrow Goodnight Biddyfriends<
Morning Biddys...
tis sunny at the mo,..but that bloody wind last night...had to close the window,and I dont sleep great if its closed.And the shi**hawks decided to have a Disco on me roof..hehe..!!And Im all achey from painting a few rooms.Going out with the Skittle team on saturday fer a bite to eat,and then a seventies Disco...and Ive got the house to meself for a week...and no Work....!!so are be posting like mad.....a big sigh from all the biddys...haha
I voted to stock up on jumpers,and Its at the bottom..doh!!
"Poor old ED
They think she's a Red..
but they forgot to add the white and blue..!!
She's miss America..
she's got the Stars and Stripes Tattooed on her Head.
and on her Knickers to...hehe..!!
go nuke em ED>>>>>>>>>>>>(:-)

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morning all - well here we are, 3rd October it not? certainly feels like it, even charlie crept off to bed early last night. I think your tiredness is probably something to do with this gloom Jude.

oh shaney what a bloomin nuisance after your nice day too...googled the museum, I'd never heard of it before. Hope it's not a big job to sort out.

well, I'm mightily grumpy about these so & so's who are telling us it's naff to like Abba, ELO & Baz - pah! who do they think they are??!! As a protest I'm wearing my best
outfit to go to Birds.
looks like Vinny is all dressed up to accompany you...
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oh you sneaked in behind me Vinny - ooer, hint of the psychic again - 70s disco!! & I was going to ask you how you were fixed to paint me kitchen.....but as you've got the house to yourself we'll all be on the next bus down. You won't be cold at night, there'll be enough hot flushes to heat the whole of Biddycombe. :o)
Can you come and render up my back wall Vinny.replace a few tiles and some lead flashing ..oh and the gutters need cleaning ,the kitchen ceiling has to have a new board and a replaster .....sob sob sob ..we are in a right state here!! At least the builder was prompt and he has done a temporary seal job.
It's like autumn here ..blowing a gale and quite chilly .
Who said ELO were naff ? I'll clip 'em round the earhole with my Daily Telegraph.
'ello 'ello?? I like ELO. Sweti logging in. Just been to dentist, temp filling until October when have to have 2 crowns on one tooth (big mouth or what?) Gosh it is so very hot and humid here, even the oldest local (92yrs) says shes never known it so hot.

Robinia I am also on Enalapril, is it any good? Can you feel any benefits? Am trying to burn cd's for hubby today - have just finished one.

Hope all the biddies are well and happy and stop moaning about your weather, but still am going to be there next Thursday so hopefully it'll be fine but cool.

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