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Vinny in the Dungeon

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Robinia | 16:01 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
507 Answers
Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the dumbwaiter. (Did you know he's tunnelled his way into your office, has got himself blotto on the Buckfast & is serenading his Rita Hayworth poster with Gregorian chants?) Please help!


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I give up!!!!!!!!
4th go.. Hope you are all ok and get better soon Robinia It's my metabolic rate that keeps me going I think Dolly. Off for my lunch see you later........
Poor Robinia you take care now, all this gardening at your age tut tut. I could do with a metabolic rate, where can I get one???

Having awful difficuties getting a George - have phoned Eastbourne and they can order one, but what is the model number - I ask you - how many Georges are there??? Am beginning to wish I'd never thought of the damned idea, but now that I have it'll be very hard to let go. Just when something almost perfect is almost in one's reach, it beggars off again.
What is the matter with this site today - it is so slow.
Hiya Neti I can't do more than three lines.....Hope you get your George one way or another! :o)
Just breezing thro >>>>>>>>>>>
Hope all are toothaches ,secateur mishaps or itchycoos.
Mind you I have got a lovely elephants leg from gnat bites !
Had a lovely day yesterday....peaceful today ....the chuckle brothers have gone down to London.
Overcast here and very warm rain :(
Out of 50 Gladdys I planted I have one flower....sob ! :(
I have a good mind to dig them up and take them back !!

Hello Shaney can't say much I keep getting cut off today. It's worse than a bad telephone line.. It's a bit showery today but I've not minded it at all. My grass is looking greener already.
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thanks all - feel absolutely grotty, think I'd better go in quarantine with this rash..... weather's cr*p ..... B-movie rain on & off all day. And now my computer's making a funny noise, & my puta wizard son's on holiday 'til Saturday.....
oh beam me up, sob.

new month tomorrow, change of luck I hope.....

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bloomin heck techies.....
sort it please!
Don't panic everyone ..jst hv sm chs on tst and a lge whsy and u will soon fl bttr.
Lol Shaney.
Robinia How do I get into Tripod I can never see your piccies on that.
cnt pst mch ...jst hd buble & you looking down at the window,or up??
jst had a glss of vino...hic..!! theres some strange birds flying about tonight..?? comes the sea rescue..hic..!!
its the bints in B&S get the ed to sort it asap
Well...I don't know ...I am hiccing in tune with Vinny !
I have just had a drunken phone call from my sons who are p**ssed in a pub in Wimbledon......the little snots ! I hope they get back OK tomorrow .. ..Hic !
goodness, a bit of rain at last, save me having to water the robinia for a day or two
It rained really hard here last night too..hooray's much cooler today ....quite a relief .Lovely fresh air.First proper downpour we've had in about a month .My lawn is a less sickly shade of yellow this morning.
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mrnng...r we stll dng shrthnd?...still feel grotty but I shall wobble & waffle on regardless.

very autumnal again - think the heaven's are about to open....oooh jno hope that's not what's to come, they're forecasting a mild, very wet winter.

Vinny I'm looking up at that window, does that make me an optimist? Funny you should mention strange birds cos we've had one around here for a couple of's black/white or grey/white with a yellow head & tuft, makes a lound single whistle. Any suggestions? we wondered whether it's an escapee, don't know much about caged birds.

Sounds like an escaped one of these Robinia
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oh it could be shaney - I only saw it in flight & thought it was black/white but my neighbour said it was grey.....hardly any birds around at all today, they're probably all bailing out their nests.

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