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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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Oh dear Woofy!! Pour yourself another one (or two, or three, or.....................)
Hi Biddyfriends, I'm back from a lovely walk with my sister. Went down to Elvaston Castle then called in a local village pub for a cuppa coffee with cream and a choccy.Then walked home. All one big circular walk. Just having soup and toast and salad with crispy onions and 'pommawhatsit' tomatos. Later my neighbour is coming round for a natter.
Hope the day has been ok for you all. Especially Mr and Mrs S. Robi I expect you're still having some sad moments which I hope will get easier for you in time.
I've been down to Dunelm today to buy myself a decent pillow and ended up coming home with the pillow plus a cheap mop and bucket. I usually get on my hands and knees to do my laminate but I saw them and thought how much easier it would be to mop it standing up instead.

I watched the new Midsomer Murders and think I'll give it another go it may improve. I didn't rate it too well I thought it was a bit of a daft story. When i get used to the new bloke it may get better.

Have a good evening all of you, I'm off now for a cuppa. see yer later 'gater(s)
Evening folks
Another lovely sunny day here at Shaneytowers .
Nice afternoon at my brothers .Scoffed cakes and had strong drink . Naughty but nice but must now go on the wagon :(
So, just had a very uninteresting dinner of fish and veg with not a bit of butter on the spuds but consoled myself watching Mr S lard it over his instead .. Pah!
You'll all be bored silly soon with my butterless,creamless,cakeless diet ..hahaa.
Hope you are all OK and have a nice weekend everyone . T pip for now .
You have a good weekend too Shaney. I know when I had to cut out all the lovely puddings I used to have I felt really miserable but I coped and still haven't weakened. Thank goodness. All I have now everyday for a pudding is Apple, Banana and Creme Fraiche or Plain Yoghurt or custard made without sugar. I must add = what I mean is a selection of either or not all at once :~)
Lots of love to everyone XX
Robinia,Im really sorry that charlie past away.But im sure he's up there some where frollicking among the flowers with his new doggy friends.take care vin x
oh that's beautiful, Vinny
Question Author
Vinny that's a lovely thought...great picture too, it reminded me of the rainbow bridge.
Nice to see you popping in, hope all is well with you? I thought of you the other day seeing a trailer for the program about Choccywoocydodah...didn't you talk about that shop a while back?
Shaney I am glad you had a good day and wish you and Mr S many more....
Take care all the rest of you my good friends
See you all tomorrow.
Vinny!! What a lovely surprise to find you here & with a lovely tribute to little Charlie too, thank you so much it's brought (another) tear to my eye. I hope you're well, we miss you in here you know. Pop in again soon xxx
btw, you've still got your xmas hat on :o)

I only stopped by for 10 mins before I go to bed, I don't always bother at night because I only get carried away & end up sitting here 'til all hours.
Hope you've all enjoyed the sunshine today...neti your temps are similar to ours & we think it's positively balmy.
Nite nite all x
Oh Vinny that's a lovely picture .
Nice to see you again . Hope you and yours are all well xx

Goodnight all ,see you tomorrow .Sleep tight.
Question Author
morning all bright and chilly here. Dh is going out biking and I am going to clean out the fishpond prior to restocking. A heron got in and cleared most of the fish out so I have netted it now.
Moring all.

Hi vinny, that is a lovely drawing of Charlie, very sweet of you!

Hi shaney, hope mr s is resting and feeling better? and of course you me old china, take care and rest when you can!

Robi, day by day, little by little, what a lovely tribute to Charlie from vinny. At least Vin's here when you need him!

Have to say it is warm here today and what with the clocks going forward,I fear that is the end of my winter, now i sahll get the summertime blues!

Morning Lottie, woofy, (hope mr w is improving) and jude and jno!
Question Author
Mr W has the grumps and is driving me crazy....this is normal and good lol
Last night Mr N took us to the Chinese Wok (all you can eat) cos of the gas and water situation, an he did not fancy sausages and chips. I was so stuffed I felt uncomfortable in bed, but next week, back to eating regime!!
It's one of those days, I meet myself coming back, keep doing things and getting nowhere.
A bit of a dull day today and cold. I'm not complaining as we did have a lovely week. Vinny what a kind thought to do that great painting of Charlie for Robi. I hope you are keeping well and happy. I miss your music links and your sometimes cheeky comments. Hope to hear from you again soon.
Hi Robi, Shaney, Neti, Woofy, Lottie, Dolly, Jno, and your husbands. Have a peaceful weekend. See yer later 'gater(s)
Question Author
fishpond is now cleaner than my kitchen and my remaining two fish are amazed. Just had cold beef and cold new potatoes for lunch and ginger beer. Sunshine is lovely and the boys had a nice long walk this morning. Mr W phoned me while waiting for his motorbike trainee and was extra nice ha ha which is also normal. Life is good.
Hope you all enjoy your day Neti you can make healthy chinese food choices...its just I never do......
No sunshine here Woofy . Cold , miserable and raining . I suppose last week was summer .
Hope everyone's ok .Same old at Shaneytowers. Pork loin ,new pots and broccoli for dinner .How exciting :)
Don't forget your clocks .Anyone late on parade tomorrow will get a black mark in the good conduct book .I had lots of those at school .
Take care all and have a nice evening .
Good evening...oooh, it's turned sooo cold again. There's almost a full house on this page which is good to see :o)

Been shopping with my sister, just food & house stuff. Horrible to come home to an empty house :o(....Were your ears burning neti? You'll love this, I've bought a new ironing board cover, whoop de doo, with a design almost the same as this.... taa daaa...
haha, I'll think of you whenever I'm dashing away with a smoothing iron.

Hope you & oh's are as well as possible...
Stupid clock malarkey... <mumble...grumble>...
Do the census ....<mumble...grumble>...actually I've just spilt tea on the edge of it so all the pags will stick together. Ha! let 'em sort that out.
Have been and bought 2 Johnny Depp films and I'm having a night of him!! I bought Sweeney Todd which I've seen and Enemies Public which I haven't. They were cheap at Sainsburys. So looking forward to a night at the movies. Or maybe I'll save one for tomorrow,
Laters 'gaters xx
Just popped in to complete the full house, We need Dolly of course.

What a lovely thought from Vinny.

We miss you Vinny. Pop in soon.

It has been a thoroughly miserable cold day and rained all day as well. It allowed me to do a load of ironing.

A deer walked past our back fence about 1hr ago closely followed by a rabbit - it was like a shot from Bambi!!

I have booked us Sunday lunch in a local pub tomorrow - something to look forward to.

Going to watch Quantum of Solace tonight simply to ogle Daniel Craig!! (I don't like Bond films, but I am quit excited about this one. Mr LL didn't tell me about the one last Saturday and I was furious!!!

Love to you all.


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