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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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Yes, I keep a bit of an eye but he's fine again.
Just called in to say I'm off to my bed. Have a good one you friendly people. See you tomorrow. Sleep tight x
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another lovely sunny day coming to an end...
Good morning all.

Lovely to catch up with you all again.

As for ironing, I would hate to give you the impression that I enjoy it, and like Shaney I have stuff in the ironing basket that probably has been there for years. Until recent months I had an ironing lady, but it was becoming an expensive luxury and I am getting ready for the fact that Mr LL might in fact retire later this year and then ironing ladies will not be affordable. But come to think of it the only time Mr LL wears shirts that need ironing is for work and the occasional 'going out'. He wears polo shirts, old T shirts and old shirts around the house, etc. and I don't iron any of them.

I have never ironed a sheet in my life, but occasionally do pillow cases. I iron my trousers and tops (not all tops)

Back is playing up a lot so I am being cautious!! Am taking Megs out with me into town and we will go for a walk before I shop.

Lunch yesterday was superb. I also had a couple of spritzers. I intended gardening in the afternoon, but it didn't happen - besides it turned very cold!!! brrrrr

jno - you have a lot to answer for. I woke up with a desire for one of those hot sugary doughnuts full of rhubarb!!!!

Be back later. x
Morning all, hectic here! Last night at 00.00 hrs daughter borught her friend home cos she had no means of getting homer (lost car keys, house keys etc) and they were slightly worse for wear, so I got up and erected the lidl bed (best thing I ever bought for 50€) and made her another bed, put bottled water there (hangover). Then this am we had to get the friend to work for 10am, she looked bright and fresh (I was amazed) hija looked like she'd been dragged through a hedge every which way!! We ate breakfast in Ibiza town and then Mr N paid 120€ for a pair of Carrera sunglasses for hija's brithday present! Back home I have dismantled the bed, hija is back in her bed sleeping, and I have to go out at 2pm to help a wally with his computer and to install Enghlish tv on it!

But nevertheless, beautiful day here and hot! much as I dislike the heat, this wether does make one feel happy!!
I agree yuk, but then I am not young and trendy!!!

They will probably look great on Hija!!
Morning...I've been interrupted so many times by tthe doorbell/phone I've forgotten what I was going to say.
Lovely sunny morning but oh so cold! I've been watching a very busy mrs blackbird pinching the compost out of my pots to build a nest in my conifer... And I haven't got myself into the new time zone yet, all I seemed to do yesterday was eat, it was a funny day. I did start the grand sort out & tidy up...ok, I shuffled the things around in my bedroom drawers which were fairly tidy already.

My innards are very irritable, stomach & bladder.. nothing's happening thankfully, I just keep getting the awful griping cramps from time to time. I'll pick up some colofac from the chemist I think, that usually does the trick very well.

I quite like funky sunglasses but not on me. If I wore those the fashion police would arrest me.
I find colofac works wells Robbi, but Gaviscon worked for me last time. Isn't it horrible how the tum, bladder and bowel all get together to give you grief. When my IBS is bad I always have irritable bladder as well and my arthritis plays up!!!!

Blackbirds make such a mess don't they, they have no respect for newly planted tubs or anything else, bless them.
Me again,

Just found your mail Nets!!

Thought you and the other biddies would be interested in this

I remember seeing him on many occasions with the ice cream type truck full of animals - dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, chickens!! None of them caged!! Amazing.
Well I'm not getting much done I'll never get out of the house at this rate & there seems to be a steady procession of people wafting their census forms, I bet the postbox's full.

Yes, that's it Lottie. I think there's some chain or spread of inflammation, it rarely stays in one place....and I daresay mine is down to the recent stress & upset.

Mrs b'bird's still busy, it must be tiring :o)...and something's been kindly chucking the muck out of the guttering, it's all over the patio. Probably crows, I've seen them digging about. I wonder if I can train them, I could make a fortune doing other people's :o)
A bird fell down our chimney this morning Robinia and brought a load of muck down with it. I think it has managed to get out. Its a huge chimney and has ledges on the inside. Two or two people could stand in it together!! The cat was going bananas.

My back has been giving me real grief this weekend in a totally different way from normal. Its all across my neck and across my upper back and I can hardly move my head. Am waiting for painkillers to kick in before I venture out.

You must miss Charlie so much Robi. I keep thinking of you. xxx
Lottie, I can't open those links, but will try again later, maybe the computer is having an off day!
My IBS has disappeared, I used to suffer so badly with with, oh those cramps are killing, but haven't felt like that in years.
Try this Nets. Both links are in the email I sent you too.
Who mentioned the "ironing" word?' Have just spent an hour doing it, actually I don't mind. I bought some duvets covers and extra ones to make curtains out of for hihja's room, from Tchaibo in Eastbourne and blow me they need ironing, I really didn't think that any bedding these days needs ironing. Then there were hers and her friends clothes from last night (washed and dried and now ironed) then a shirt of Mr N's that I found screwed up in the ironing cupboard and a pair of Mr N's slacks, Enough already!!!
Oh lottie, I find that amazing, but some people do have an affinity with animals, I love them but really do not think that I could get a cat and a rat to sit nicely on a dog!

My back aches, am orf for a cuppa!!!
Sorted, thanks you guys are the best (put the batteries in the right way tut, I may be old I am not senile :) ) I was pressing the red buttons but not at the same time, all OK now, xx
^^^^ oops that post sjould have been in tech as my keyboard stopped working!!

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