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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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:( guess I am senile.............................
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evening all...busy day. WE went to the dump, then to town and bought Thornton's chocolate toffee which is one of DH's major food groups at present, then we had coffee and doughnuts in Starbucks then we had a wander through John Lewis's garden furniture department and found the perfect bistro set for the sitting space in our kitchen..we've got french windows there and a tiled floor, a lovely place to sit and have breakfast and we could put the furniture outside really easily...arm and a leg time but really comfortable chairs, big enough for DH...tomorrow he's off to see Fil so i am going to do some measuring and furniture moving.
Its this set....don't look at the prices....

then we washed DH's car as the car wash is broken and now I am in a relaxed heap.

I love those sunnies...if I had an elfin face and was 30 years younger I'd be drooling.
That's nice woofy - very tasteful! We just have the plain old white plastic outdoor furniture, as it has to stay outside all year round. We never sit outside anyway, it's for visitors!

Morning all, hope you are all OK? x
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Yes Dh is very into Art Deco...the Poirot angular kind not the naked ladies...I had been looking at the metal kind of furniture with fake cane on that you can leave out in the rain, the DH saw this set and that was that.
Its chilly here today and we got rained on this morning. :-(
Morning all...right chilly again but it's going to warm up...and then rain :o(. Actually we do need some, it's so dry and not like spring ground at all.
I didn't make it to the shops yesterday, the headache I'd been fighting took hold so it was a nowt done day.

Lovely funiture woofy. I love art deco too, the tasteful stuff though, cream, black & mirrored, not all corporation green :o)...Next time you're in JL could you order this please & have it sent to my address...
I also love apt Deco
^^ sorry that was on Android without my glasses. Yes >I love the Art Deco period! V v warm here today.
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cold and grey here.....saw DH off to Fil then laid on the settee and caught up on several days kip...DH has needed to be up at eight which means my sleep has been 21.30 to 04.00 then 0.6.00 to 07.45 which is NOT ENOUGH...feeling better now and the garden shed calls...laters all
Question Author
lets all have one of those summerhouses...I could sleep in one of those in the summer no problem :-)
Absolutely lovely day. Went for a couple of hours walk with friend and dog and the sun was really warm. Have just come in for a late lunch and am now off outside again. Rain is forecast for tomorrow.

Nice furniture Woof!!

See you >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Just reading my diary from 1977, and I weighed 63 kilos and thought I needed to slim!! wish I weighed that now! We ate out almost every night and sometimes had lunch as well, how ever did I do it, never in bed before 3am on the nights we went out, and always at school on time!!
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golly in 1977 I was married 3 years and working as an OT while DH did his 6 month college course in Bristol...we were out most nights with the merchant navy mob...couldn't do it now!
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nightie night all
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wow 3 in a row...dogs fed and snoring catch youse all later
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morning....going out to order furniture......
Morning, hija's 25th birtdtoday, but she was out celebrating until 6.30 am cos it was her best friend's birthday yesterday, so not much hapening here! We'll do it tomorrow. I can't blame her, the choice of dancing the night away with your friendsor spending a quiet day doing nothing at home then dinner out with a couple of fogies (parents).

Lovely and warm here,

Hope you are all Ok and keeping as well as possible.

Robi, hope you are gradually feeling better x
Good morning,

Nothing to report except that the summer we had yesterday has gone today!! :o(

Still going to take Meggie out though!!

See you later. Very quiet isn't it!

Morning all...well it finally rained (we do need some) but not a lot. Mrs b'bird had dug a trench all around the edge of a small pot yesterday & made a right mess so I topped it up with fresh compost....and she's pinched all that too! I think she's at the roof thatching stage now 'cos she keeps running about with long twigs. :o)

Sometimes I feel ok neti, then suddenly it all creeps up. Someone else's puppy made me laugh this morning. A man was going by with a bouncy little thing on a lead, they crossed the road & pup sat down when they got to the other side...haha, bless, he'll get it right one day :o)
Happy birthday to your daughter...not sure I'd want to be 25 again but 35 I could settle for.
I wouldn't even mind 55 Robi.

Good morning by the way!!

No rain here yet, but not nice!
Hi folks
Dull day here like my spirits . Not feeling well but can't put my finger on why .. Bit fed up with myself .
Hope everyone is Ok .Take care .
Happy Birthday to your daughter Neti .Wish I was 25 again and know what I know now :)

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