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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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Who is pretentious, please!!
My doctor was pleased with my cholestorol at 5. My blood pressure is regularly high even under medication. Not dangerously high though.

My pulse ticks along at about 72
Also when I get that shaky feeling, I can't even drive the car, so it's salty crisps and chocolate (not my fav) and a glug of cola and it sorts me out!
Good day all...wild 'n windy here.
I did something stupid earlier (so no change then), I popped in, saw we were all exposed to the world, no nets or curtains so I nipped off to wash my hair. Only went & squirted hair spritzy stuff in my eye didn't I?.... owwwwch!
Not a lot of traffic on this road but I live on a bus route so it's nets & closed curtains at dusk for me at the front - I don't have nets at the back. Actually I quite like drawing the curtains some days, shut the world out & all that.

Shaney I went through a phase of that dizzy/faint feeling at bed time & put it down to low blood sugar. Often a bowl of cereal with milk & sugar put me right....a box of maltesers may have a similar effect :o). I've found it better to have a dessert sometime later than my evening meal instead of all at once too.
I hope you feel better soon. This is a funny time of year I think, there's not a proper spring anymore & the weather/air pressure's all over the place.
crossword help please:

colloid ( 3) I have je ?
deacon (5) I have e-d--
terpischoreans (7) I have d---ers

Colloid is Gel Neti
Terpischoreans Dancers
For deacon I can't think .Would have thought Cleric ..Priest ?.
got terps it's dancers
thanks shaney, it's the local one and sometimes they are american and sometimes they don't make sense!
How about Elder for deacon ?
oh dear so what is discharge (5) I have eject (the j being for colloid)
Lol Robinia .Maltesers sound just the ticket :)
Funnily enough I had earlier ,eaten some cereal ( shrdd wht) with a banana whilst watching Midsomer .Perhaps I should have put a bit of sugar on it .
Give up, it is very hard this week. I must have done it all wrong!!
My Bradfords gives a G for the gel .So it could be Egest for discharge Neti .
sorted, thanks shaney, yes it was elder, all done! instead of gel I had put in gem d'oh!!!
Oh yes, egest is right but I didn't know as I had filled in others without noticing. You are good shaney!!
oh heck, I thought I was in the wrong thread...
shrdd wht shaney?! oh yuk, toooo chooooey I think it's really shrdd drmt :o) by grannies ..hahaa. Or is that Shreddies .
I might go back to Rice Krispies or that other stuff .Puffed wheat ? Can't think of the name of it .The one with the tiger .
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hello all.
Shaney DH gets low bp when he hasn't eaten, he doesn't get dizzy but feels slightly sick and faint. I am a bit cheesed off, my dental implant has failed and I have an infection in the socket :-( Nobody's fault, I haven't enough bone there and can't have the usual preventive antibiotic because it make me sick and won't stay down...poor old dentist was way more upset than me. Anyway he has taken the implant out and I have cheered him up. He prescribed a different antibiotic which I might have been allergic to but am not luckily, eight huge bombs a day and painkillers there will be no room in my poor old tum for cake!!
We went and ordered the garden furniture, we were sat in the display pieces finally making our minds up and the rather snooty young assistant was persistently ignoring us anyway a nice older man came dancing over and asked if he could help so we said yes we'd like these...he said do you know that they are self assembly? so we said yes, then he said follow me....apparently someone had ordered the chairs, had them home, put them together then returned them so they were on sale reduced by 50 quid a chair!!!!!!! same t and c same guarantee same free delivery. It will all be here next wednesday...hope the weather stays nice so we can christen it outdoors.
Blimey got a real bargain there Woofy . I like John Lewis . We used to shop there a lot when we lived in London .
I hope your dental pain soon clears up .What will they do now about the implant ? You are brave .I couldn't go through all that .I'm a total dental wimp and the worlds worst gagger.
I'm with shaney on the dental prob. I am really badly behaved when I go, and I wriggle and slide right out of the chair, I gulp and choke, and I sweat profusely! hate dentists!

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