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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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You take care too Shaney. Have been thinking about you. Sorry you are not feeling well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Shaney, sorry to hear you aren't feeling great...might it be a bit of a reaction to the probs that Mr S is having combined with the weather? anyway take very good care of yourself, when are you back at the docs?
Mr W and I went off to town today the plan was that he would go off to a meeting while I beat up ikea then we'd go and buy the furniture and hit Starbucks. Well I finished Ikea early so went and sat in starbucks to use their free wifi I had some time to kill so had a cake (two small ones actually) with my coffee, well you have to don't you? anyway then DH texts me to say that a mate of ours who was also at the meeting had invited us to lunch at a local posh italian restaurant..well its rude to refuse so I have just eaten a starter of olives and bread with dipping oil then a vast plate of totally delicious king prawn risotto....back to town tomorrow for the furniture as we had to get home to let the dogs out.
I am drooling Woof. I love nothing better than good bread to dip in tasty olive oil and a bowl of olives!!
Am feeling excessively tired today!

Poor shaney, you are under the weather aren't you. I guess it's as woofy says, just everything getting you down, take care poppet!

Try eating crusty bread with vinegar, pepper and olive oil, it is delicious, we call it Formentera Bread cos that's where we first ate it.

I can't stop eating today. We are supposed to be going to a scrummy restaurant tonight but Mr N will be convinced that hija is too hungover, whereas she is fine, I am shattered!!
Stop making me hungry - there is not one bit of bread in the house!!

I love bread with balsamic vinegar. I love vinegar!!

I am tired today. I worked hard in the garden yesterday which did my back no good whatsoever. I daren't tell Mr LL that I carried a heavy bucket full of earth and s tones and went up a couple of steps and my back sort of collapsed. I have been told not to carry heavy things!!

My back isn't so bad today but I have decided to do nothing. I was going to take Meggie out this morning, but she disappeared upstairs to our bed and that made up my mind not to go out.

Enjoy your meal Neti, don't fall asleep in the restaurant!
Lottie , snap, I love vinegar too!!!
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I am not sure I would like to be young again knowing what I know now......
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Nightie night all. Neti enjoy the posh nosh, Shaney and Lottie, feel better tomorrow...blessings on all of you.
Night night all you sleeping Biddies.

Love you all.

Keep safe xxx
Just cruising by to wish you all a Goodnight
.I never shut my curtains downstairs either Lofty .Continental living habit .We're not overlooked at the front and have a high wall ..I hate being shut in a room with the curtains drawn and the doors shut . Pretentious? He can talk :)
Sleep tight lovelies xxxx
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I'd love to live with the curtains open...we used to need nets too when the neighbours kids were younger and played out in the cul de sac. The nets are long gone but we still need the curtains...a coupe of times we have rented no overlooked holiday cottages and its wonderful, the sense of space and freedom...oh well....
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sorry, who is the pretentious curtains person?, I seem to be lost here
Goofmorning everybiddy. (<oops left that typo thought it was funny) Shaney and Lottie and Robi hope you are beginning to feel better today. You all had my special thoughts at Tai Chi on Tuesday. It started off really pouring with rain but the sun is now shining but for how long is anybody's guess.
I've been having problems with my new printer and my son came yesterday and uninstalled it and re-installed it and did all the checking required and says there's nothing wrong with it and he thinks it is the black cartridge that is faulty. I have rung the company and a recording said they will get back to me in 24 hours so it looks like an email session for me now.
My youngest son is away at the weekend so he wont be able to come on Sunday so he gave me a card and £100 to spend he suggested I got a consessionary ticket to The Rams next season. Which I might.
Off to buy some 1st class stamps now before they go up tomorrow.
I haven't heard anything about my recent blood test so I'm hoping everything is ok. I think I might call in today and ask them if they have had the result. If it is ok then I must be doing something right with my diet musn't I?
Have a good day all of you
See yer later 'gater(s)
For Woofy


(and yes, quite funny considering who said it was pretentious!!)

Good morning Jude and everyone else.

Looks to be brightening up here after a rainy night - we really needed that rain for the garden.

So our Jude is going to become a real footie fan for life!!

He, he sorry Jude!!

A present as an apology


My back isn't too bad now. Have to remember not to try and lift heavy things!!

See you later

Came across this photo yesterday when I had another clearing out session

My Mum and Dad, my Nan and myself on the backrow on the right of the picture. Taken at a holiday camp. I must have been about 12 I think. Goodness knows who the other people were and I can't remember where it was.

How times have changed - all the men in suits and ties on holiday and my lovely nan in her hat!!!
Hallo lovelies
Dull breezy day here .Quite mild though
Do any of you know anything about blood pressure .Last night I logged off here and went to make a drink to go to bed and I felt very peculiar and had to hang on to the work top . Dizzy .lightheaded and shaky
.I took my BP and it was 180 over 43 and my pulse was 85.
This morning it 's 115 over 73 and my pulse is 82 . This doesn't seem right to me .
Hope you're all OK today.
Don't know a lot Shaney, but it sounds like low blood pressure/low blood sugar to me. High blood pressure doesn't generally show any symptoms. You could ask AB's resident Doc, but I doubt you want to share your health issues with the whole site.

The trouble is with having your own BP monitors is that they are not always accurate and will show up irregularities.

I would phone up your NHS direct and have a word with them if you are worried.

You are having such a rough time at the moment Shaney that I am not surprised your whole system is in turmoil.

When I get that dizzy, lightheaded and shakey feeling I stuff myself with some sweet food and it works. I also go very hot at the same time. It is generally when I have been out gardening all day and forgotten to drink or eat enough.
Thanks Lofty .Actually I lurched into the pantry and glugged some Golden Syrup out of the bottle and then I felt OK. Yet there was no indication of low sugar (or high) on my recent tests and they tested everything .It was just the liver and kidney that were a bit dodgy and the cholesterol was slightly high at 5.
I think I worry unnecessarily .I must cut this out or I'll become a hypochondriac.
Perhaps I need more cake :)
This moniter we've got it is good though .Best of German engineering . I think I'll keep a log for a few days and see how it goes xx
shaney normal bp would be about 140/80 approx, certainly nothing higher, with my medication I am usually 120-130/over 75-80 pulse 80, if that is any help, but it goes up and down all day so take it again after resting for 10-15 mins and no hot drinks.

Have been sorting through summer clothes as way too hot here at mo. Hija and I are planning on going to the beach tomorrow whilst everyone else is white!

As for curtains, I always draw them at first signs of darkness, I hate the thought of intruders looking in, (seen too many american films). But in the warmer weather the double front door with glass panes is left open until bed time. I always use a full length net curtain cos it keeps the insect out and the neighbours at bay!! Not that any of them can see straight in our house, except for hija's room.

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