Okay Patrick, just to settle this whole "intellect" arguement out, can you please answer me these two questions.
1) How many GCSE's did you pass, not which did you do but how many did you get. I wont ask about A Levels cos you mentioned working at a computing company as part of your arguement and i sure you wouldnt have mentioned it if you'd only worked their for a year or less, cos that would be silly and if your 19 you would have been in college for two years after leaving school!
2) How long did you work for the aforementioned company (see I too know big words, bubba!)
and just so its fair I did 10 GCSE's, 1 AS Level, 3 A Levels and have just completed 2 industry exams.
and before you argue Patrick, exams show your willing to learn and better yourself as well as how knowlegable you are!