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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Hi all.another busy but enjoyable day for me. Tai Chi. Lunch with one of my friends as the other had appointments. Then back home where 2 young men came and put my panels in for me. After then had gone I broke, the old ones up by hands and feet ready for the tip. I have ordered 3 more coming Wednesday and the lads are coming across to do them for me too.
I'm now cream crackered but Real Madrid are making my evening a happy one as they have scored 2 goals in 5 minutes against Dortmund... Sorry Mr S. and sorry Biddydfriends but I just love football.

Robi and Jno I hope you feel better soon and you all have a good night.

See yer later 'gater(s)
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Oight oight all, Get better soon Robi and jno stop coughing. Jude my dad had the plates in his ankle removed, he was fine.
oh cough cough bleeping cough. Not all that often but enough to have OH muttering every time I did, so I am up at the crack of dawn. It may be almost light out there but I can't tell as my eyes are still shut.
Good morning jno, poor you, it is annoying having OH's mumble whenever one coughs. I usually move to hija's room but now she is back there no hiding place. Makes one feel guilty with every cough. Go get it sorted!

Good morning the rest of the biddies. Hope Robi is going to the doctors, please get well soon.

I went to bed and watched "A kind of loving" on computer, I do enjoy these old films. Hija out all night and is still out, I had a lovely night's sleep, even the cat stayed on her chair, although at 4am she came in and yelped at me, then went back to her chair, strange cat.

Big fiesta here, Day of the Workers (and Neti). Have ordered a roasted chicken (roasted in herbs) and double portion of chips to collectg at 1.30, am looking forward to it.

Bright sunny day thatnk heavens.
Morning all, it's a beautiful day but a tad chilly.
Still struggling on but I'm not going to the docs yet. I'd rather avoid antibiotics if possible and apparently they're not really interested in coughs until you've had them for three weeks anyway. It's probably just a really nasty cold type virus and I was feeling run down to start with so it's got a grip. I've been sleeping propped up (which I hate) to help lessen the coughing.
Hope you feel better soon jno, t'aint no fun is it?

I think it's wax jackets and headscarves for Princess Anne shaney, save your tiara for biddy bashes. Anne never looks quite right toffed up but I have to say she looks great in a uniform, very neat.

Neti I watched a Kind of Loving on dvd the other afternoon...I don't remember mentioning it, what a coincidence.

Hope everyone else is ok and having some sunshine, it's supposed to be a glorious bank hol weekend.
Morning all
Lovely and sunny here again but it's still on the cool side .
Sorry to hear these coughs are no better. I do sympathise ,mine went on for weeks .It gets you down .Hope they soon ease off and clear up .
I've never heard of that author Woofy but the reviews of his book look good so I've put it on my wish list at the library .
Mr S wasn't too bothered Jude .Dortmund got through anyway on goal difference so it could be an all German final .
He's rubbing his hands with glee :)
Nothing much doing here ,hospital this afternoon for us as Mr S has to see the Urologist .Pip,pip for now.

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shaney its his first ever book! On the strength of it he got a book deal for that one and two more. Its what i would call a journey/holiday book. Not great literature but a good story and some good characterisation. He's a very chatty bloke, a good storyteller in person. I think he'll do well.
Today was the first day of the year when I didn't freeze solid walking the boys which was nice, no need for a torch either.
The bank has done its stuff safely which is a relief...I worried that the cash might end up in the wrong account and be lost but its all safe.
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Sending excellent neurology thoughts for Mr S. I know what you mean about antibis Robi, I had string of them for dental work and they did their job but trashed my stomach doing it. Are you chugging vitamins?...kick OH out jno, much easier.
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blooming spellchecker.... UROLOGY
Good morning All. Lovely day here. I ask the fence panel man to deliver after 8.00 to give me a chance to fetch a paper.They turned up as I was locking the door to go out at 7.30. at least I've got them now. The lads may come to put them in for me later. Hope so then that's another job done. I just love it when a plan comes together.
Thanks for telling me about your Dad having the plates removed Woofy- that made me feel a bit more confident if I agree to have it done. After yesterday's episode with the old fence panels both my arms and hands are giving me jip.
Shaney which team would Mr. S. support in the final. I'll support the same side in that game for him :)

Come on Robi and Jno. I really hope you get well very soon. I don't like to think of you suffering with viruses and infections and things like that.

My friend who didn't come for lunch has got a really bad bladder infection. She gets it a couple of times a year for some reason only her Dr. knows.

Sad to say I'm going to a funeral this afternoon instead of school. It is a neighbour and friend of both me and Fuschia. She lives near her.

Then I'm going to 'sort' for the weekend. I have another getogether with my friend from Friday until Tues. We are going to see 'The Rams' on Saturday (the final home game this season) then I'm going South until Tuesday morning when I'm coming home on the train with no mishaps!!! (Hopefully)
Right that's me done for a while so I'll see yer later 'gater(s). enjoy your day and get better soon if your feeling poorly.
your - you're take your pick!! :)
Am making a complete and utter pig of myself, have eaten half the delicious roasted chicken and half of the huge amount of the most delicious chips you've ever tasted, I said my diet would start in May but I mean next week! Lovely weather here, done loads more washing!!
Yes indeed jno, and happy with it, just thinking of having a chip buttie!!
I'm shattered. Just watching Barca against Munich for a bit then I'm off to bed. Oight Oight Everybiddy...See you tomorrow
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we spent the whole day gardening and it was lovely...not heavy stuff, just some general pottering. I had the hose out which Rab loves, he's exhausted bless him.
Successfuish outcome at the hospital .Providing Mr.S's PSA blood test comes back Ok they'll discharge him as they can't do anything else for his waterworks .
He'll be rooting for Borussia Dortmund Jude ,so you can root along with him in cyber sync. Much as I don't watch football and it doesn't really interest me I seem to have been slowly brainwashed over the years to realise whats going on :)
Hope you've all had a good day ,and any poorlies feel a bit better.
Chicken and chips sounds nice Neti,we had bogof dings .
We're venturing into bandit country tomorrow and having a trip to Lowestoft.
Bigger M&S ,trousers for Mr S ,teeth grittiing for me as swears he's a 34 waist .Well he was .....back in 1973 .
Goodnight all,sleep toight .

I shall be back soon - really I will. Just been in a bit of a state about things and doing an ostrich act. Haven't been looking in so am totally out of touch. But please don't worry about me! I am just one big silly billy. Will be back as soon as possible.

Take care all of you.

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Hi there Lottie, we have all been sending you good wishes and positive vibes. So long as you are feeling a little better that's good, we are here when you are ready
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Shaney, tell Mr S that trousers are now cut much smaller...he might fall for it. Good news about urology though.
I have obviously done too much today as knee looks like I have got a melon wrapped around it under the skin....well I know what I no early walk tomorrow. I was shifting the old filter off the fishpond, it was full of mud and weighed a ton which knee didn't like. A day of taking it easy will sort it and I have some excellent muscle oil.
Oight oight all

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