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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Ooh ..yoohoo Lofty .Don't be an ostrich or a silly billy .Come and chat when you are ready .Look after yourself .
Lol Woofy ....I'm not looking forward to trouser shopping .
He's been invited by the stoma nurses from the hospital to a do at the local holiday camp near us ( Potters) where they have reps and all the new products etc and wants to look smart .
Poor old knees ,I sympathise .My last injection is wearing off in my left knee and they both creak and crunch like billy oh and throb at night .
I hope your rub helps .What do you use ? I've got Pferdesalbe from Germany which is very good .Very cooling with after warmth .
Oight Oight again .
good news for Mr S, good news from Lottie, rubbish news from me as I think my cold is returning after a month in sort-of abeyance. What a ridiculous cold, it wouldn't have been allowed in my youth. I may have had to blow my nose on torn-up bedsheets (as hankies soon got sodden) but at least they were gone in a day or two.

I want to be as healthy as Jude.
Hello lottie, glad to see you.

Oh shaney, good old Mr S, my OH is a 34 waist, I rather feel that I am slightly larger now. Mr N is having knee trouble and he is shrinking daily, I think it's cos he walks with bended knees, honestly what is the point of having a toyboy if they get old??

Knees woofy? you've ben overdoing things again, haven't you, I told you to rest up.

and jno, give in to the cold, moan and groan in bed for a couple of days and get it over with.

And I am now sick of chicken and chips!!

Just been watching "Shirley Valentine", ah lovely film.

Good morning, buenas dias! Seems sunny outside.

Gosh I sleep so well with Mr N away, he is a bad sleeper and gets up and down most of the night, ergo the cat and I get disturbed, but now the cat stays on her chair and I stay in my bed sleeping the sleep of the just! Just can't seem to wake up.

Off to get my new phone today if it has arrived. Also looking for a frame for my Pacha hippie poster from 1967, they want 51€ for one, I have to take my inch tape measure as I can't be doing with all this cm nonsense.

Hope you are feeling better, Robi, jno and woofy, and jude hope you have a nice time, and shaney enjoy your day.
it's nice and sunny here but I feel as if I am breathing through a blanket. The upside is I can't have my blood test done until the cold has finally departed; if I'm racked with coughing, and I have been off and on for a month, they won't able to keep a needle in me. But I have an eye test today and a new tooth coming tomorrow (plus the dentist is going to have to look at some old ones), so I am not neglecting my health, I just don't have enough of it at the moment.
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jno, is that what they mean by "high maintenance"?
Knee is fine today. I have got Elemis muscle ease oil and use it with a specific massage technique taught by my physio.
The dogs are so funny. Whether or not they have had an early morning walk, we get up, they run around in the garden for about half an hour, no longer and then they expect to go back to sleep again. I have to shut the garden door and vacate my comfortable corner of the settee and I get pestered until I do.
Shaney i think that stoma care is an excellent and little known example of collaboration between the NHS and the private sector...I can see why its not talked about but it is a pity.
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sorry, good morning Neti, where is Robi? and Jude?
yay am back with my new phone, why are they so difficult???

Had a couple of coffees with my gay friend sitting together and texting each other to get me used to phone. Loads of people about in various stags of undress (the tourists that is, we locals are still in jeans and boots etc!) Feels really continental out there today but I gues it is!
it was enough to freeze your nether regions solid in Lowestoft .North wind doth blow over there and how,in spite of the bright sunshine .Glad I put a warm jacket on but it was so cold I had to buy a scarf on the market .Had our breakfast in the Wimpy bar .
Managed to get trousers with no dramas ,quick breeze into Wilkinsons and bus home .It's a good shopping centre over there but I'd had enough walking You need to do a steam bath Jno by the sound of it with some Olbas or something in the water. .I suppose change of climate hasn't helped .It was bitterly cold when you came back from warmer climes ,take care.I hope you feel better soon.
Yes they are very good Woofy ,excellent care .What I like is that they keep in touch with the patients .They ring every so often and ask how things are and if we have any problems etc .
Hope everyone else is Ok today .

Just trying out new phone. It's super fast, have to look for "bookmarks" now. Hope all is OK.
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lets hear it for drama free trousers. I had a big sort out in the garage then sat down on the settee and fell asleep! The dogs fell asleep with me, the idle lumps!
Just made s chicken(!) and mushroom pie and mash, and BBQ ribs and mash for me, very nice too. Mr N phoned and said he wasn't well last night, had a one sided headache, too much rushing around as he is the one driving them all around, so he just went to bed, and feels better today. We speak more when he is away than we ever do at home!
Oops pie was for hija.
Have just changed my browser back to IE cos new sony was playing up terribly with Firefox, let's see if this helps.
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we had prawn and monkfish paella for was superb although i do say it myself.
we had tapas, and very nice too, though it was kind of international tapas. The eye test wasn't a great success, it seems I have cataracts and Something Will Have to Be Done. And tomorrow I just know my dentist is going to say I need a root canal every week. And I still have a cold lingering on. Gah, bodies, who needs them, can't I just become an online-only entity?
Oh Jno, am typing this in braille for you. You are incredibly brave, there is no way I would keep going to the dentist. Is it worth it?
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getting cataracts fixed isn't too bad these days. My mum had hers done when she was in her seventies and eighties (not a repeat, she had one eye done at a time) and she was delighted with the results.
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oight oight all...sleep toight
Oh poor old Jno ...
Cataracts are easily fixed these days .I'm sure you'll be fine .
Nevertheless you must be fed up with all this .It's always the way though , you get one thing ,then another ......and another .Sods Law .
You are definitely brave undergoing all that dental treatment .I turn into a quivering jelly at the mention of the word dentist .Look after yourself and rest up to get rid of that cold and cough first before you take on any other medical mystery tours .
Here endeth the lesson :)
I'm stiff as a board from tottering around trouser shops and my hips are singing a hymn so it's goodnight from me .Sleep toight folks.

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