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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Good morning from a calm and sunny Ibiza, am still in bed, had another lovely night's sleep, but he'll be back at 2.30 Sat am so that'll be a disturbed night! Just can't wake up these mornings.

Hope Robi is getting better, and poor jno, but you sound very upbeat.

Woofy and shaney hope the knees are not hurting now. Jude I am sure is having a good time, what a lot we are!!
sunny again here today, probably looks even better without cataracts. I have looked them up and apparently they remove them under a local anaesthetic - good god, I don't want to be conscious, I don't even want to be there. Couldn't I just post them in to be operated on?
Morning all
Lovely day again,bright and sunny .
Hope everyone is Ok and poorlies feel better today .
Lol..Jno .I've often wished we could just send bits of our bodies off for repair .
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morning all. We went out for a good long wander this morning which was lovely...still blooming cold though. Knees are currently behaving themselves i am glad to say as the plan is a gardening day.
jno, I think you might be on to something there...the NHS are always trying to reduce the number of beds!!
Hija has a cold and a strop, I give up! She starts work tomorrow, hotels are open now, place is teeming with girries! White plump ones in shorts eugh!

Just making chicken soup for hija, yes am really, the jewish cure all, my ma-in-law and my mum swore by it!
I burnt the soup, it boiled dry while I was on the "Cookie" thread! Have managed to resurrect it and she'll never know!!!
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bad bad mummy......
It was delicious apparently, she wolfed it down, Good mummy :-)
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got away with it Neti!
Yep!! :-)
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dry soup, that must be a Spanish specialty.

Dentist has screwed on my new crown but nto very far as it was hurting my gun, so I still can't eat on that side till he's finished the job. He looked at my swollen gum (on the other side) and said he's drain it, but the injection was painful; so I said don't bother, antibiotics will do fine. Plus I drove into a walk-in centre, and the doc there said my lungs were clear and so was my throat, so I should just go on coughing until I stopped. So I will.

Never mind, it's been sort of nice driving round the outskirts of London on a sunny day.
hurting my gun?? Actually, my reading is getting worse, isn't it. Maybe I do need the eye op, I just tremble at the thought of it.

A hospital in Valencia has just put out an urgent call for blood donors with AB blood, for a 10yr old boy with leukemia, I've got 0- so have offered. Am I too old, have googled but says no upper age limit. Very wary of Brits cos of mad cow but as I live here it's OK. (no comments about mad cow please!)
do you have las burgueros de Tesco there, neti?
No such thing as Mad Horse disease is there jno?
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Neti I think that's a brilliant thing to do.
Jno I sympathise about the teeth, I needed three courses of antibiotics to sort out a longstanding infection. It was lurking in my sinuses and kept popping up in my mouth.

That's a very kind thing to do Neti .
Did you see The Ice Cream Girls ? I had a feeling it was the mother all along.
It was very sad .
Bed time for me ,market day tomorrow so up at sparrows .
Goodnight ,sleep toight and I hope you feel better tomorrow Jno and you too Robinia .
Well I've left a voice message for the boy's mother , have to wait and see. He needs 12 donors.
Yes Shaney I enjoyed it, but I thought it was the pregnant girlfriend.
Just waiting for Mr N another 2+ hrs.

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