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Roast in bag?

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netibiza | 15:31 Mon 10th May 2010 | Food & Drink
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am going to use one tonight for chicken, can I put the potatoes in with the chicken and will they brown, cos if I have to put them in seperately it's not worth using the bag!


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I love these boathouses!
17:08 Sat 05th Feb 2011
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Morning al, have woken up full of bruises as if I have been poked alll night!! Thanks!!

Finger less painful but still fat and hard, but have too much to do today. Have to get new phone now as my number has been switched so at mo have no phone!!

Yes kit that mother was pretty dreadful, and the language needs a lot to be desired although I suspect the kid is used to it and it doesn't sound as bad to the child as it does to you , but being a parent is very frustrating at times and it is not always the kid's fault. I would keep out of it apart from casting bad looks at the mother, Most kids know they are loved even after such an outburst. If you were a mother you'd understand. Before i had my child I was full of what a mother should and shouldn't do, but things change when you have them, although a child should never be ill treated.
Neti "too much to do today is NO excuse....."
<grabs neti by the vest straps> as you're told, you asked for advice, you got it. Now go and look in that weed patch...and don't use your hands! can't tell 'em owt
Morning Allbiddies.
Kit , I understand, from experience, what being on your own with a youngster is like, but it is totally out of order to blast them off in the street especially with the 4 letter words. I can honestly say I have never used them at my children and never would. Having said that it doesn't mean I haven't got angry and raised my voice but never in the street. I hate to hear it, but it is common language now amongst youngsters themselves as well because of what they are hearing from there parents and friends. I have to admit I have been known to 'fuffuwaff' on occasion but not in public or to kids.

Good to hear from you Jno and that you are having a great time. You're right not to bother about the time just relax and enjoy - sleeping and eating whenever you want to great! Looking forward to your photos.

Neti hope your finger gets better soon and - yes -you should take advice from the others and get some advice especially if you can go anytime.
I'm going to put a copy of a letter on next from our local paper today. I think it miught be too long for this post.

Thinking about Mr S toda

See yer later 'gater(s)
It's quite long so I hope you have time to read it ;o) You might have to zoom
If ever I want an appointment I go down for 8 in the morning when they open but if it was urgent I would ask for a call out not an appointment. what would you do?
Am really tired and am going back to bed. It is just so cold here. Will come back and read through your news properly later. xxxx
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Am back with new phone which has bells, whistles, baubles and bows, all I can do is answer it, waste of technology!! Tried to take a photo but couldn't find the click switch!

I kicked about amongst the weeds and found a huge bramble with thorns more than 1/2" so hopefully it was that! didn't see a hypo!

Have never sworn at my child although I may have foamed at the mouth a bit, and only smacked her 2x.
well i am glad you found a bramble and not a needle, now you only have tetanus or cellulitis to worry about............
Our last surgery used to be dire for appointments, the new one is lovely. My stomach still gets ready for a fight when I phone.
That's the norm for me Jude re's probably why the last time I went I ended up seeing the wrong one. Even though I called first thing by the time they'd got around to calling me back and grilling me all of my own gp's appts had been taken. I've just made a nurse's appt & I've got to wait 11 days for that! The reason is because one of them's on holiday next week...and that will be because it's half term no doubt. We can't all stop bloody breathing 'cos the medical staff have kids! grrr, it makes me mad.

If your hand drops off neti I'll send you one of mine...I just grow new ones.
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would that be a slim elegant hand then Robi!
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we are lucky with our doctors' call centre, we are answered by a human, even if they are speaking the dreadful dialect of Eivisenc, and we are asked if we want a doctor or nurse, confirm our name and birthdate and that's it, appointment there and then and we usually get a choice of times! But the health centre has at least 8 doctors on at a time and 8 nurses even though we are all assigned to a certain doctor, then there's Urgencias , which if ever we couldn't get an appointment, we would go to Urgencias and be seen there and then. Hope we do not followed Britains trend.
blimey you are lucky!
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Yes, but this was years of a.) paying privately then b) getting to surgery at 6am to get an appointment for much later. We have come on in leaps and bounds, but was only last year, we got the option of changing doctors if we were not happy!
It's Friday and this place has been without Vinny's 'yo' s for far toooo long...I think we need to grab the biscuit tins & wooden spoons & sound the war drums to draw him out
That's great Robi! If that doesn't bring him back I don't know what. Maybe some Beatles. I've tried emailing but no reply. I just hope he is alright healthwise. Even if he doesn't want to come back iust to know he is ok would be good.
I'll be banging the saucepans with the wooden spoons with you Robi!!
Hi, I am awake. I slept until 2.15pm. I think I have a bit of a cold and my ribs were aching which made me really tired yesterday. Quite honestly, it wouldn't take a lot of effort to persuade me to go back to bed and go to sleep again. I actually sleep much better during daylight hours than at night!

Funnily enough Robi, I was only thinking of Vinny a few minutes ago. Where are yooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!

Our health centre isn't too bad. You can usually see a doctor on the day you call, and can always see a nurse. You do have to make appointments now to see the nurse, but if you go down there with a real problem they won't send you away. The nurse practitioner sees all the sore throats, ear aches, skin infections etc and the doctors see the more complicated matters. And if the nurse thinks you need a doctor that will happen at the same appointment. They are now building a brand new all purpose Health Centre will will also house social services and the ambulance station - right next door to Morrisons!! The new building will also incorporation an operating theatre.

What I do know however is that the admin and reception staff these days very much outnumber the doctors and nurses!!

Well jno, you certainly seem to be having a wonderful time! Lovely hearing from you and nice that you are keeping in touch with us poor old biddies in cold blighty!

Glad to hear you haven't got aids Neti. You might find that the thorn punctured a blood vessel which blew your finger up. Happened to Mr LL on more than one occasion - once he ended up with a huge fat hand!!

I must do something. The place is a tip!!
Afternoon, bones. (Short for everybone:) Thanks for your replies re. the Mad Mum. I summed things up at the original thread before I came home to this thread so I wasn't aware y'all had replied. Yes Woofy I've been thinking about different ways to defuse the situation. Wouldn't have said "had a bad day?" as that could be taken as consent, too, but I think you're definitely on to something. Also some way of making this kind of parent proud of their child and of their own parenting skills would be good. But ooooh how easy to go wrong there...! Neti I think if I were a mother (which BTW I have actively chosen not to be) I would be surprised at how shockingly easy it is to "lose it" on a daily basis even but I wouldn't change my opinion on what's okay and what isn't.

Oh Jude The Voice says "You're call is important to us" in the UK too...! Annoys the hell out of me when they say that. And the humpback whales playing the Celtic harp inbetween Voices get on my t1ts too;-)

*daydreams of 17 different varieties of hummus*

PS I have a wonderful CD with the Celtic harp - but you know what I mean. Don't know why they can't play Wipe Out instead... or wait... maybe not at the surgery ha ha ha... yes: Vinny you will always be a biddy. Don't fight it. Just ease into it baby, it's gonna happen;-) xx
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You are quite right swedie, it could be very easy to lose one's rag at a child, but I think most of us have an inner safety feature which tells us how far to scream or shout, and luckily we are all normal type people. Looking to be proud is Ok, but if you constantly praise the child for silly things, it won't learn to strive for better. i don't think that I've explained what I mean but I know know.

I have an xmas biccy tin with Vinne's Xmas biscuits on it, maybe I should bang that rather loudly!!
I know what you mean Neti..its about teaching your children that they can do ANYTHING and that striving is worth the effort.

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