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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
Eek, shock horror, a fleur!!
oooh, that's spektakular woofy, how tall is it?
about six feet, maybe seven but its in a tub so hard to tell. The flower is a bit bigger than my fist
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Lovely photos ladies .
I've just taken a photo , on my bongbinger ,of my brother .He just popped in to give me some runner beans and a mini cucumber from his garden and I showed him my new toy.
I haven't got a clue how to get it to the main computer and add it to my pictures .I need another lesson in binging .
Hello Biddyfriends everywhere. I've had a 'loverly' weekend away. York was great doing our usual people watching in the Minster grounds.
Railway Museum, Minster inside, ground floor and underneath. Not the towereven though I wouldn'thave minded going up. Very interesting with new things to look at. Lovely Chinese Restaurant and Italian, a stones throw from the Hotel. Then yesterday a great dayin Brighton with Friend's son, his lady and lovely baby - (aren't they all). They did a lovely Barbi in their garden. The only down side was when we got back to my Friend's house he had to go straight to ther hospital where his Mum had been rushed in with a stroke. She was taken from one hospital to the main one and is still there under investigation.
I just have to tell you I'm back in Derby now and can honestly say I haven't seen one flash of lightning or heard one crack of thunder since last Monday and the rain I've seen was just over one night. Can't believe it!! After what everyone else has had.
Jno. Sorry to here about problem...hope all goes well.
Hope everyone else is feeling well.
Lovely photos Neti. Very relaxing colour. My back bedroom was lilac too but a bit over done cos I insisted on a bright lilac carpet. Anyway all the paper is off the walls now and it's still waiting to be re-decorated.
Woofy lovely flower. When I got home I was pleased to see that the orchid that Fuschia gave me for my birthday last year and had dropped it 's flowersand I thought had died has just flowered again and there are a few more buds on the way out. I must have done something right.
Off now to wash a mountain of clothes and pots!!
can you tinypic it & send to your own email and then save it from there? ...or do you need a dingdonger thingy...I bet there's an easy peasy way, know nowt :)
Shaney I still don't know how to transfer photos from tablet to laptop, guess I'll Google it. I have a USB adaptor but need something else! :-(
Mr N was working all day and then came home and make a veg curry that he saw on River Cottage, it was lovely with no rice just fried wraps which were all puffy and fluffy. I personallythink life is a bit too short but there you go.........
Ooops waves to jude, welcome back!! x
Type Your Answer Here...Shaney have just foundout how to transfer the photos from tablet. Look at the leccy plug is it a funny square thing ontop of a normal plug? If so then the wire will unplug from the square thing and lo and behold it is a usb, so plug the big squarish end of the cable into the tablet (as if to charge it) then plug the usb into your computer and then it should ask what and where you want to put things, so I chose media files (I think) and it transferred to picassa which is what I wanted.
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Was that our Jude I saw racing through here :)
Don't forget UC tonight ! Welcome back.
I'm none the wiser with this binger .I'll have bigbong dingaling my IT consultant .
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Yes I have that type of plug Neti ...but ....knowing my luck the damn thing will go bosoms up and I'll get told off for fiddling around .
I can't see where to plug into on the computer .There are two slots and I'm not sure which is which .
I'm a techno dunce :)
OK shaney leave it, I do not want Mr S and son zooming down to shout at me for messing it up. But I am glad that I have managed it.
York, then Brighton, then Derby? Of course you haven't seen any lightning, you were moving faster. (I have seen physicists say this isn't possible, but they don't know Jude.)
I just bought this book. Its not very long but very intersting with beautiful illustrations User Recommendation
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That looks to be a good book Woofy .
The double for Mary Queen of Scots sounds interesting .I've found her fascinating to read about over the years and if you like that sort of thing I can recommend another really good book about her entitled My Heart is my Own by John Guy. Best book I have ever read about her .
Not much going on here .Watched UC and then Food and Drink where there was a bit about pressure cookers .
I then regaled Mr S about my Mum's foray into the pressure cooker world in the 60's where the food ended up as mush and she was most annoyed ....haha .
I remember going to a demonstration with her and she bought one, only for it to end up gathering dust in a cupboard somewhere after spuds like bullets and sloppy meat. I daresay they are more sophisticated these days with better instructions
Happy days.....unlike all this tragic news atm which just wants to make you cry with the futility of it all and the poor people affected by all this aggro in the world .
Oight all ..sleep toight .. seems a bit cooler tonight for sleeping .

Morning's very warm already, I'm sure it's higher than the weather sites are saying, even the feral pigeons are lying on the cool grass. I'll have to get a Freddy frog :). I had a real (and very rotund) frog basking in one of the bird baths yesterday, there don't seem to have been many around....unlike spdrs, it's clearly their year, they're everywhere, indoors and out.

yoo hoo Jooooood! I'm pleased you had a good time, hope your friend's mum recovers well. lol @ jno saying you move faster than's true! Can you move into the future and give me the lotto numbers please?

Shaney I've had a Prestige pressure cooker gathering dust since the mid 70's. I found it more frustrating than cooking the usual way and I was always terrified it would explode so I found a normal lid and just used the pan for stews. Nowadays I'd need a hoist to pick it up if it was full.

Yes, I could weep for the world's hard enough without all that horror to deal with.
Thanks for the book recommendation Shaney. I thought it was such a clever idea making up totally fake stories for those people whose identities had been lost...and very intriguing that people so obviously wealthy could be so totally forgotten. It says a lot about the human condition and how important we really are.

I am dealing with the aftermath of a night of stomach upset. Stupid really. I didn't eat all day yesterday because it was hot and I was busy, then got hungry and ate too much too late. happily and miraculously the house is pretty clean and tidy so I can spend the day resting. Sis arrives on thursday.
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Morning all
Coolish here but supposed to brighten up later .Hope you're all ok .
Spooky Robinia Freddy the Frog broke his leg some while ago but I've got a new one coming which I ordered yesterday . User Recommendation
Good day all.

I love pressure cookers, I even boil white socks in them!!

Hot here, haven't done much, house is tidy, went for coffee with gbf so we could pick the world to bits, still got Mr N's curry for tonight so just lolling!

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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