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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
Good morning, we got a good night's sleep last night despite the heat, I think we were all just exhausted. Tum is fine, house, for once is ready for company (Sis) so something must be going right.
I am not a dancer, never was. Neti, what does the mexico say about your eye?
PS large heavy garden bench has arrived, it said SOME assembly needed and its actually a flatpack! Hope Sis is feeling strong!
just lay it on some bricks withut unpacking, woofgang, and use it as is. Life's too short to unpack things.
what they really mean woofy is AN assembly....of handypersons. I won't say men :)
tempting...very tempting. Actually Sis and I are a good team for putting stuff together, reasonable weather permitting, I don't EVER want to feel again like I did yesterday and the previous night. even in the Gulf on tankers with no Ac, I had never felt the effects of the heat before.
BTW, said bench has been joined by 16 large bags of potting compost and 5 giant black pots, the remaining 4 huge wooden tubs are being made as we speak...glutton for punishment? moi?
Mexico was a hippie locum, very sweet but said it was conjuntivitis, it is not, it is extremely sore and weepy as is one nostril, I thought it was a tooth infection, but now have discovered a tiny tiny spot thing just under lower eyelid in corner which is so painful that it may be the cause. I am waiting another week to ensue my mexico is back.

Gbf has given me some beautiful tailored white curtains for the bedroom, they are exceedingly long and are being washed atm, so hopefully they are what I've been wanting.
YAY!! Oops, sorry for shouting...I've been waiting to hear from my sis, she's been to the hospital after being recalled following a mammo. With our family history that strikes fear into our hearts but she's fine! Don't know what the prob was yet.

Neti I get those inner eyelid spots, they make you very sore. Hope yours hasn't got infected, a week's a long time to wait.

I'd love my body to be as normal as a biddy can be, my insides still aren't 100% but I'm not getting worse, hopefully I'm getting there.
Robi that is good news. I got a recall quite a few years ago. The cause was that she hadn't squashed me far enough and had caught a fold of tissue which left a shadow. When I went for the recall, the radiographer explained and said that she would have to really squash down to make sure that that was what it was and she wasn't joking. Then I had an ultrasound on the breast to be sure. Scary days though especially if there is history.
Just seen a 7" phablet (phone and tablet) and I want it! so have put some of my phones up for sale.
Apparently I am too old now to be in the mammogram programme! Anotehr reason to get to see real mexico, esp as my sis is dying from breast cancer found when she was 70!
That might be what happened to my sis woofy, she said she'd been rushed through and it wasn't as uncomfortable as her first had been. She's mid 50s, same age as our aunt was when diagnosed.

The breeze is keeping it tolerable today.
Robi, that's exactly what I said to my DH about it not being as uncomfortable as usual! They don't rush you through where I go, the appointments are well timed but i guess if someone is late or a hiccup happens then they have to catch up. When i got recalled, and the lady explained, I said to her that it had been less uncomfortable than usual and she laughed and said "We'll make up for it today."
Neti, I am not sure when they stop it here. I have had my last routine smear though.
I gave up smears after the jade effect which made me go, but am not at much risk down there!!
I went to every single one I was invited to except the last. I had a lot else on my plate at the time and the risk was small. you get invited every five years so next time I will be 65 and not invited. It was always painful and the last couple of times, i got a cystitis afterwards.
I've always heated smear tests.

Mr N has just been stung on his bottom lip by a hornet, poor sod, (Mr N not the hornet!) I've given him an allegy tablet no idea if it is antihistamine or not! Getting quite swollen but they do for a while, if he doesn't snore tonight then I'll check him.
Neti, I love your compassionate nature!!!!!!
What am I suppose to do, soothe his fevered brow? We are an independant couple, no fussing. The tablet will kill or cure, so we'll know manaña (he doesn't ever do pills!) !!
He's ok, hardly any swelling, so I'm back in bed watching Commonwealth Games opening!
you sound a bit relieved :)

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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