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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
Despite feeling a bit dizzy I decided to get domestic, bent forward to get something from the cubby hole under the stairs and fell inside, lol. Kmarting...cubbying... Please feel free to add your own :)

Oh dear, not you too woofy. That's not good for me either, if I haven't eaten for a long time I just have something light.

There's now a Freddy on my Amazon wish list :)
Iwent n the kitchen to make myself a watermelon and feta cheese salad, then digressed to cleaning the food cupboard as we are inundated by moths! They hatch out of flour and dry goods in this heat, happens every year and drives me mad! All food sorted but as there will still be a few moths lurking in corners I have to do this daily until they have all hatched and gone. *** heat!!
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I haven't been very domestic .cba. The sun has only just put in an appearance here .I am going to cook a hot dinner though as I think Mr S is getting bored of salad and cold meat
Apart from some passing clouds it's been sunny all day and the heat is a bit too much ... next month we'll be too cool if accu is to be believed.
hello all. I have definitely joined the slow lane today.
love the heat, love the sun, as long as I don't go Kmarting again. Something in the 80s is my kinda weather.
jno, you can have my share. Now.
Let's house swap jno, you can have the heat, the cats and the moths, I will relax in your cool apartment.
Been invited to another wedding next June on Tower Bridge walkway, I ask you?? as if Auntie neti can clamber up there and be happy! I do not do heights! I'll be kmarting all over the place (as long as it's not over the sides!)
Me either Neti, I don't do heights or small spaces.
it's fairly roomy up there and there are lifts, plus the views are fab. (Well, they were in 1977 or so, but some of the Saxon mud huts are probably gone by now.) And it's an extremely solid structure, it's not like tightrope walking. But if you don't like, you don't like.
sigh... just had a call from a man at American Express asking if I'd just spent £4000 on an Emirates air ticket with my card. I haven't. So it must have been cloned and I will have to cut my card up and wait for a new one.
blimey, you have an amex card???? How posh is that? I used to have a gold one when we travelled a lot but it became uneconomic.
it's not posh, it's just an ordinary free credit card.
I know now, I just checked the website....eheu fugaces.
quite a lot of the common people have them now. Jarvis Cocker probably has one. Mine's blue with British Airways on it, and it gets me airmiles.
ha ha Jarvis Cocker!
when we had them it was at the dawn of credit cards and you couldn't guarantee that a uk card would be taken anywhere so we got Amex. Then there was a deal if you spent so much a year on the card, you could have a gold one at a reduced price so we did it. once we stopped travelling together and Dh got a company credit card, also it became easier to use a Uk card abroad so we dumped the amex. it was fun though.....we had amex luggage tags. i had a Harrods account card as well when Harrods was still posh, you could use the loos for free.
Morning all, awake since 5 and up since 6. I'll be good for nowt by dinner time. Got the windows open and there's a lovely cool NE breeze wafting through.

Hmmm, I wouldn't fancy that either neti, not because of the height but it looks a bit confined. Not much room to dance around your handbags.

I confess, I really like Jarvis, I could listen to him talking for hours, there's something in the tone of his voice I love.
Morning all. I can dance anywhere and even more so with some of the old vino inside me!

Hope you are all OK, too stinking hot here. Just got Mr N off and hija came home and cooked paella, not one minute to myself so came out!
Broke a toof yesterday eating toast but doesn't hurt so will leave it. Still having awful trouble with eye!

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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