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Locks For Writing Slopes?

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woofgang | 17:39 Thu 18th Jul 2013 | DIY
930 Answers
I have bought a rather nice writing slope on ebay, however the lock doesn't work at all. Its quite easy to remove though and in fact I suspect that its not the original one anyway. I've hunted around but the only supplier of replacements I could find is in america and the p and p is huge.

Does anyone know of a UK supplier of writing slope (wooden box) locks please? Either new or old but they must work and come with a key.


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Oh that is sweet.
That's really cute Woofy.
Thanks for the link Jno .They look interesting to do.Some reviews do say the numbers are very small though so I'm just going to get the cheapy one of animals and give it a try. Even with glasses I find small print hard to read.
Call the Midwife was good and I watched that Dickensian thing which was also good and then the Agatha Christie.
It's got up very windy out there but at least it's dry atm .What a terrible disaster in the north, all awash .Poor people ,they hardly seem able to clear up one lot before there's another lot dumped upon them.
Time to turn in ..night all.
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good night all
shaney, the one good thing is that each bunch of 100 numbers is in a different colour from the others so it's not too difficult looking for, say, the next green number. He's not trying to make it a challenge. But they are rather small.

This is his website
Clever chap .I'll soon be dot to dotting and colouring my life away at this rate.I'll be even dottier than I am now :)
Good morning all, yes all that flooding is terrible.
We are having another quiet day here, mind you I could do with a party or something now! We are having cold turkey, and bubble todaymwhich is why we qre not goingmout for lunch.
I feel chilly today, its 10°
Morning all...what day is it? I think my brain needs joining up, the tiredness has kicked in.
Oh no neti, just when one of my New Year intentions (note: not resolutions, I only try) is to stop swearing. I don't swear in public, or at people, but I do with my sis and I often feel obliged to cuss my way through the day...sneezing, yawning, sudden pain...they all need a healing expletive. I

I think the dotty numbers might be too small for my sister too, her close sight's not that good, she's always lifting her specs to squint at small writing. I'm ok though, I can still thread a needle :). I might buy a couple, one for me and one for my nephew, he's always doodling and painting.

Mince pie anyone...stollen...chocolate...biscuit...?
that looks useful, thank you, neti. I shall try to decorate some askerisks.
Morning all
Drizzy fizzy out there .
Lol Neti ,that's hilarious .I'm tempted to print one of them off,colour it in, and keep it in my bag .I can then whip it out and hold it up in front of people who annoy me in Morrisons :)
Hope you're all ok .It's our wedding anniversary today.All these years married to the same man .
Oh many congratulations to you both shaney, have a lovely day x

Love your little Charlie Brown btw woofy...Me & sis have decided that at least one of our gifts to each other has to be hand made. I'm off to buy some dishcloth yarn, lol.
next xmas that is ^
Congratulations shaney and Mr s, they say it gets easier with time...........
Just been out to a local bR for a couple of drinks by a roaring fire. Now Mr N is making the bubble n squeak, yum so hungry
Shaney couldnt put up a card here as am on tablet and do not know how to copy n paste yet.
Thanks all ,that's very kind of you .I'll print that off and colour it in Robinia :)
We don't make a fuss over it .Did think about going out for our lunch but not in the piddling rain so we're having Pick n Mix instead. Leftovers,odds and ends and cheese.I like cheese:)
I've got a pattern book for dishcloths Robinia .I did knit some ages ago.That coloured dishcloth cotton is quite expensive though .The white is cheaper but horrible to knit with .
I'm still knitting that jumper and getting nowhere fast.I lost interest in it, must pick it up again.
Top o the morning!
Had a lovely day yesterday but really must stop eating so much.
Keep thinking I'll take the decs down but its a bit early and I am enjoying them.
Hope you all had a good night.
Morning...slightly brighter and it isn't raining. Those floods are just getting worse. There aren't any warnings in this the moment.

I never did order any yarn for that cabled jacket shaney. Plenty of dark nights yet to get busy though.
Aren't the floods dreadful, all those homes ruined, would break my heart.
Made the obligitory turkey curry which I absolutley love, burnt the rice but heyho, the top of it is fine. Spoken to sis on phone, she's glad to be home. I love being normal, and then there's the New Year and then there's the 3 kings, and'll all be over!

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