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Locks For Writing Slopes?

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woofgang | 17:39 Thu 18th Jul 2013 | DIY
930 Answers
I have bought a rather nice writing slope on ebay, however the lock doesn't work at all. Its quite easy to remove though and in fact I suspect that its not the original one anyway. I've hunted around but the only supplier of replacements I could find is in america and the p and p is huge.

Does anyone know of a UK supplier of writing slope (wooden box) locks please? Either new or old but they must work and come with a key.


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Merry Christmas my dear friends. I am sitting up a bit late as one of my tortoise heater thermostats is playing up and we have got out first forecast cold night tonight. Sis has gone to bed, I have (hopefully) only got to do an 11pm check then i will be off too.
Rab and Shughy also wish you a merry christmas, Shughy was posing, Rab had gone off hunting :)
Itas good mornign here.
Merry xmas my lovely biddy friends,
I am slightley the worse for wear.
We have had a great night. Mr n was dragged up for karaoke, he would rather dir, so i did it. I know i can sing but one is never too sure. I had to
Sing Frosty the snowman, i only know the chorus
But i a tually enjoyed it. Am off to bed now me hearties
Night all
Morning all....whatever you're doing have a lovely Christmas day. Keep calm. :)
Don't know what the weather's doing, too dark to see, I only know it isn't deep and crisp and even.
Good morning all
Can we all speak in hushed tones please, oh my head!
haha, well I have acquired a mojito-making kit complete with a little lime, lots of chocolates, and a mini Ipad - 21st century, here I come!

Damp and drizzly out and we have to make our way to Essex in an hour.
We have opened our one present each. We have been out for coffee. Mr N is cooking the lunch/dinner.I am sipping light cider.We have changed back into our house clothes. Hija opened her pressies in Dubai whilst on the phone. Am starving.
Hope you are all having a good day.
In case that sounded grinchy I actually meant that we are really enjoying today. Just relaxing.
Am completely stuffed, dinner was delicious. I had to do all the clearing away and washing up. :-(
very nice day with Sis 1 and Sis 2 plus a husband and a son. Lovely dinner, slightly more drink and chox than is good for me, and empty roads coming back, though they were quite jammed on the journey out. Plus I have now acquired a join-the-dots book. There are 1000 dots on each page so I may be some time. I have connected 300 on the first page and still can't see what it is yet.
Hope you've all had a lovely day.Just having a small drop of the Jamesons pressie.
Have a new purse, a hairdryer , a lovely box of Koh I Noor aquarelle pencils and more colouring books plus Amazon vouchers and a lovely azalea pot plant. Hopefully I won't kill it off. I heard it shriek as it came in the door:)
Oooh dot to dot Jno,lovely ..we're reliving our childhoods.I keep waiting for someone to give me some fivestones and a dolls house:)
Dinner cooked by me as per usual and I said the usual thing ...never again,but it all turned out alright. My crew have have cleared off to Norwich with full bellies and cold meat and I'm off to bed .
Night all.
Good morning all and a Happy Boxing Day(is that what one says!)
I got a scholl diamond headed foot thingy and a box of biscuits, that 's all.
but we have been sent money to buy our own presents, but there's nothing I can think of yet. Actually it was a very nice Xmas day, no loads of screwed up wrapping paper to collect and tidy up. We changed into our houseclothes as soon as we had taken the family photo!
I relaxed and stuffed myself all evening. Loved Downton, it was just as seet as I wanted. Also Call the Midwife. Now downloading all the soaps that I have missed.
Just a normal quiet day here, don't even know if I can be bothered to go out anywhere!
here's the first join-the-dots, shaney

It turned out to be Amsterdam. I thought of doing it with a ruler but decided it was intended to be done freehand and to look sketchy. The numbers are very small and I misread a couple, but nothng fatal.
A'noon all...Hope you're all well and had as good a day as possible.

My my head's spinnin and I don't even drink.
Had a lovely day at my sister's yesterday, we had an alternative festive feast, leg of lamb, fabulous roast taters etc and a choice of dessert from the trolley, lol, we've all gone off xmas pudding, it was just lovely...and I didn't have to do a thing :) Brought some lamb home for my dinner tonight. It was a treat for me 'cos I don't bother doing roasts just for myself. I don't eat a lot of meat but it's nice to have all the accompaniments.
Got home to watch Downton but I haven't seen Midwife yet.

Sis and the Tarquins came here today....Little man Moondust opened his pressies, played a while...and then demanded the box of old toys he usually has when he's here. Typical :) Baby Snowflake just didn't give a hoot and played with paper.

I had lots of lovely pressies including my coat (early), still too mild/wet to wear it, a trendy rose gold watch with a big face, no more squinting to see how long I've been in the queue :) a jumper, lots of goodies....and more goodies...I think people are trying to fatten me up.
I love the dot to dot book, I might get one for my sis, it's her birthday in a month's time.

Lots of people about today....what's on the tele?
That's lovely Jno.You can colour it in now I'm very tempted to buy one myself.
Nice quiet day here ,watched Downton, loved it.I'm glad they all had a happy ending and I'm going to watch the midwives later after cold meat and bubble.
I'll be coming to your sisters for dinner next Christmas Robinia :)
I'll book our places early to avoid disappointment shaney :)
...apparently he's famous for his 6239-dot Mona Lisa...
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It sounds like you all had a lovely time
Here is my bestest chrissy gift
Oh shame can't view the video!
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neti its the same one as on fb

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