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Locks For Writing Slopes?

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woofgang | 17:39 Thu 18th Jul 2013 | DIY
930 Answers
I have bought a rather nice writing slope on ebay, however the lock doesn't work at all. Its quite easy to remove though and in fact I suspect that its not the original one anyway. I've hunted around but the only supplier of replacements I could find is in america and the p and p is huge.

Does anyone know of a UK supplier of writing slope (wooden box) locks please? Either new or old but they must work and come with a key.


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It's dreadful for them neti, it's not like you can go to your friend over the road for help is it? There was a young woman on the radio this morning, they've got 5 kids and a dog and nowhere to go. That's only one family.
It does make me appreciate what I have, it's not luxurious, there's a lot needs mending but at least it is safe and warm.
Hello all
Turned gloomy now after a bright morning .
Terrible these floods .I can't begin to think how people cope with that lot.I nearly had a nervous breakdown with an inch or so of water in the sun room let alone having it up to the bedroom windows by the look of some of the pictures.We've had our share of flooding round here in recent years but nothing on that scale since 1953 and that was from the sea.
Hope you're all ok though .Nothing doing here .

Turkey curry was delicious even if I say so myself, I love turkey curry has so much more flavour than mere chicken.
I am banished to the bedroom to watch my tv :-(
he wants the cosy front room, that's the last time I sing karaoke instead of him !!!!!
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belated happy anniversary Shaney and wishing you many many more. Nothing much doing here either. We put a turkey thigh stew in the slow cooker and went out and did some boring shopping of the bread milk and veg kind
Anyone know what the RDA of ferrero rocher is?

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have you been sick? if yes, then you have had enough, if no then you haven’t had enough :) They are made from nuts and chocolate, therefore vegetarian, therefore healthy.
Thanks Woofy .
I've not eaten any chocs over Christmas ,chocolate doesn't like me anymore and there are none in the house .No cake ,puds or mince pies either.Can't eat all that rich stuff these days.
Mind you, my RDA for chs and biscuits must be off the wall:)
Just watched the last part of the Agatha Christie thing. It was more or less true to the book as to the plot but not that good,my attention started to wander. I'm sure they didn't say eff all the time and snort cocaine in the book.
Night all.Normal day tomorrow .
depends, Robinia, are you snorting them or injecting them?
Good morning. Just wrote a long post and it beggered off somewhere.
I enjoyed that Agatha Christie thing although MrN had to tell me who done it the night before as I needed to know.
Yes althought I'm sure all the effing and coke snorting went on in those days, i certainly nevermheard of the f word until i moved to London when i was 23. Id heard about drugs but that was all.
Morning all...lovely one it is too, I must move myself before it changes.

Haha, I put ferrero, mini stollen and mini mince pies on a skewer with the odd kumquat just to make it healthy. :)
I did stop at a couple, I can't do rich stuff like I used to either, especially cream.

I haven't watched a lot of tv this past couple of days. If you want to know what the No 1 film was at the time you were born...assuming film had been invented that is, hehe..... ducks
Mine is River of No Return, Marilyn Monroe & Robert Mitchum
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tis all fruit Robi (well mostly fruit)
Film "Mrs Parkinson " I have never heard of it!!
What is RDA? I am a foreigner.
Oooh the best thing about xmas, cold turkey curry, i love it. Just eaten the leftovers, love cold curry!
Oh well neti, just keep talking to yourself!,, i'm used to it.
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Recommended Daily Allowance Neti.
Oh dear, are we recommended a daily allowance!
I'll ignore it, its Christmas!!
It's lovely out, shame tomorrow's going to be crip all day. Lots of people about and they all seem to have received the same thing for Christmas... a snotty cold and cough! They'd better not have passed it on to me.
As a precaution I bought five types of fruit to counteract any bugs...the fact that they're all together in a little box and made of marzipan is totally irrelevant. Well, they were reduced from £6 to £2.
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nice to know you take care of your health Robi :) I do too. Am only eating the chocs that have got fruity centres.

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