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Locks For Writing Slopes?

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woofgang | 17:39 Thu 18th Jul 2013 | DIY
930 Answers
I have bought a rather nice writing slope on ebay, however the lock doesn't work at all. Its quite easy to remove though and in fact I suspect that its not the original one anyway. I've hunted around but the only supplier of replacements I could find is in america and the p and p is huge.

Does anyone know of a UK supplier of writing slope (wooden box) locks please? Either new or old but they must work and come with a key.


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Hello all
Hope you're all ok.You ought to be with all that healthy grub :)
I love marzipan.
Not a bad day here weatherwise but looks a bit dodgy for tomorrow with the wind.Hope it's not too bad as am treating my brother for a lunch and then do a bit of shopping with him .
Been to see nurse ,more dressings but can't go back until next Tues now due to new year etc so have to do it myself.They've given me the cream and dressings.It's still painful although the swab was clear but they want to remove the scab and see what's underneath....ouch.
Sorry Shaney I meant to ask about your leg but then I forgot! Hope it clears up OK.

We've had a visit from the ghost of xmas past. the doorbell rang, Mr N was in his pj's so he shot off into the bedroom, I opened the door and put all outside lights on and there stood NO ONE!! Bit freaky but I put new batteries in the bell so hopefully it was just a mishap and Ole Marley et al will not visit again!
Morning all
Hope you're all safe and dry.Blowing a gale out there.
Lol Neti ,we had a dodgy doorbell once.One of those wireless ones. When someone rang the bell next door ours used to ring too and we would go to the door to find nobody there .
Morning's wild out there, not too cold but dark and miserable. The howling gusts woke me at 5 o'clock.
Apparently it's too hot to shop...nothing new really, shops have always been too hot in winter...

nb I'm not a Mail reader, I heard it on the radio :)

Ouch! shaney. I hope it hurries up and heals.

Lol neti...I hate waking up with a start convinced the doorbell had rung. It had once, it was the the wrong bloomin house. No apology, tut.
Hi all. Lovely warmish day here. Washed the bed and luckily I washed the purple sheets separately as the colour ran and ran, as I put in an old white rag as a test.
Was going to put away the Dec's but decided that I still am enjoying themy. Will do,it in a rush on 4th and only leave the belen, creche, until the 6th.
Had to phone our financial I'll managers as they have not sent us the £1000 we get every 3 months. The chap I always deal with has been laid off and a new team in his place, oh lady talk about silly little jobsworths. They were acting as if they were doing me a favour, I had to not so gently explain that it was our and their mistake. Oh but it takes a while to set this up said silly milly on the other end, so I said it was set up 16 yrs ago, that shut her up. I said they should put a bomb under the payment department so am expecting anti terrorist troops to know know on my door any minute, I'll disconnect the bell hahaha
Hope you can fill in the missing words and typos.
Hi all. Well the last few days have been interesting. Mostly technical problems. I had to get all my photos off my phone (put it back to factory settings)and photos off my mini iPad to my LapTop. Then had to set up my iPad (Christmas present) with everything. Finally let everyone know my new email addy. Are you keeping up! Maybe some young person could have done all that for me in 10 minutes but never mind. If I have to do it again I think it might not take quite as long BUT I won't be!!!
Also had to look after the 'elderly'. One of my ladies what lunch friends hasn't been well and she wanted some shopping doing so I did that this morning and stayed with her for a good chat cos I hadn't seen her for about a fortnight.
Also went to see my aged Aunt who has now moved in with her daughter.

Christmas has been a good one for me really as, to be honest, I wasn't sure what I was going to be up to but it turned out well. Saw all my family which was the main thing. Then The Rams on Boxing Day which was good fun with my friends there.
Have to make a cuppa now and read your posts to catch up. I'm useless aren't I? ;) Hope you're all ok and keeping well.
Morning all...oh 'eck, I was going to work wonders today but I'm already running late. Woken up by a terrible storm about 2am, it only thundered & lightened twice but the wind and rain was horrendous, and then I couldn't get back to sleep 'til it was time to be waking up.
Hope you're all safe and as well as....

I didn't hear any thing Robi. I was fast off for a change.

Anyway - a very Happy New Year to you all. Thanks for your friendship over the years and for putting up with all my moans and for letting me share my good times with you. Xb
hello there, Jude, happy new year to you and everyone. Yes, my Christmas was nice, seeing family I don't normally see and getting a join-the-dots book (I'm working on a complicated Athens picture). It's nice and sunny today but my gums are hurting so I'm going to drop in on the dentist for a quick 2015 check - it's round implants so there can't be a problem with the teeth themselves. Nothing major. I hope everyone up north gets a break from their storms and floods, it must have made for a horrible Christmas.
Hello all
Lovely day here weatherwise to end the year .We've been so lucky here. We've had rain but nothing like they're suffering in other parts of the country.
Hope you're all ok .
♫ Jai ho...Jai Ho....♫ It's on the radio.

I opened the door earlier and hurricane Jude blew in. She does sit still if you give her a mug of tea and nowhere to put it down :)

It's been a lovely day here. I did a quick clean, not the New Year scrubbing and polishing that our foremothers did...well mine did...but it's good enough, I'm not sticking to the kitchen floor.
Happy New Year biddies if I do not make it on here later. We have done some shopping, then did a round of all the local bars, now home and having snacks. I am done for. In one bar they gave us a tape which is free when you order a drink, and it was tripe. I've had it before and it was fine, this was not. Spongy chewe revolting and tasteless. We left it. Mr N is now snoring on settee and I shall allow,it as he is doing dinner later. We have a family tradition to ear sobrasada bread, Ali old, olives and wine on this night, he's seeing to all that.
There is dancing in the youth club for all but doesn't kick off until 00.30 which defeats the object. I shall be having a word with the mayor in the foreseeable!
Feliz año nuevo neti...have a good time. Hope 2016 is a good one and may all your pegs be matching x

Spoke too soon about the weather, all hell just broke loose, howling gale and hammering torrential rain.
Thank you Robi, yes matching pegs are the mostimportant, glad you recognised the fact.
I've made the potato salad and have a drink in hand ..already
so I'd just like to wish you all a very Happy New Year.Thanks for the friendship and laughs over these many years that we've been wandering these corridors.
Good health and happiness in 2016 and a toast to you all, absent friends and loved ones.
Shaney xx
Thank you Shaney.

Happy New Year to all you my old faithful. As shaney says thanks for the laughs and the tears et Al.
Had too many beers earlier. I may be asleep when the date changes. So I'll be back next year's. Love you all xxxxx
The same to you shaney. I'm sure it's been a tough year for some/most of us in different ways, I've had 'stuff' going on that I haven't talked about but the situation's a lot better and hopefully things will be better still in the future. I don't want the same worries back again. I'll try hard to remain upright too :)

Have a lovely evening, whether it's raining or not I expect there'll be fact they've already started here.
~ ~ ~ Happy New Year everyone ~ ~ ~
Robi xx
Question Author
Wishing you all and those who you love a Happy and Healthy 2016 and beyond. We are all set waiting for the fireworks to start :( The dogs have had their first dose of tablets with more to come. KBO my loves.

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