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Locks For Writing Slopes?

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woofgang | 17:39 Thu 18th Jul 2013 | DIY
930 Answers
I have bought a rather nice writing slope on ebay, however the lock doesn't work at all. Its quite easy to remove though and in fact I suspect that its not the original one anyway. I've hunted around but the only supplier of replacements I could find is in america and the p and p is huge.

Does anyone know of a UK supplier of writing slope (wooden box) locks please? Either new or old but they must work and come with a key.


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good morning all Shaney, how is the leg doing? Its cold and bright here. dogs have decided to go back to bed and I am tempted myself
Hello good afternoon and welcome!
What did the nurse say about tyour leg?
My friend's horse Grey Gold was racing at Cheptow last Saturday and it was so slow and sluggish even the commentator remarked on it, they then found he had an infection but no idea how he got it, he's been slung in a sling so he can't move for the last couple of days but seems to be improving now. I would have thought that the stables would have checked the horse over before a race, owner says they do, but not very well in my opinion and I voiced it loudly! But what do I know about horses?? nuffink!!
Just made two turkey and mushroom pies for Mr N and pork satay and noodles for me.
Hope we are not going to village to see the Kings as I cba, I think old age has finally settled in!!
Was chilly out this morning but now sunny, lovely drying weather.
Hope you are all OK!
My inner elbow is stipp so painful, there's certain positions I can't do as it really hurts.

Perhaps someone could stick me in a sling and rock me to and fro .
The leg is very painful ,still.More dressings ,more antibiotic cream .Back on Friday .
She seems to think it's not an ulcer now but deffo an infection .
I do get patches of eczema and no doubt I've scratched and something got in there.I should have gone when it started to hurt but left it because I couldn't see anything ,so it's my own fault really that it's got worse.The scab has come off, and I hope you're not eating your teas ,but its oozing gunge .
I've been busy though ,took deccies down and did a load of ironing for my brother .I thought my shirt ironing days were over :)
Have you got a tennis elbow there Neti ? Go to mexico ...says the one who doesn't take her own advice .
Good evening...where did the day go? It's been a dark damp one but I didn't notice any rain actually falling.

Took me all morning to put the xmas stuff away and I hadn't had much of it out. hey ho, before you know it we'll be dragging it all out again. Did some domestic stuff and remembered to watch Father Brown, I forgot yesterday. Aw, poor Sid.
If what I read is correct there's a new series of Grantchester and Happy Valley this year. I hope so.
Shawshank's one of my favourite films too, I've seen it so many times I almost know the script.

Sorry your leg's still not healed shaney, you must be fed up.I think we might need to resort to voodoo for all our ailments.
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shaney, my Mum used to get them on her legs, a real nuisance. I have started the cleaning and sorting today DETERMINED to really declutter this year and not faff with it. Its stupid having to do it every year.
I was dragged screaming and crying down to see the Kings ( only cos he promised me a prawn dhansak curry), was everso windy and then it suddenly dropped. Had a lovely time at the Kings, but 8.3pm and it's all over! in hija's childhood they were still getting the pressies at gone midnight.
Had a lovely curry and now home in bed, I think Mr N is getting rather forgetful, worse than me, so I can only shout at him!
Dont think it's tennis elbow shaney as had that years ago, its more like when a muscle or somesuch poips out of the shoulder bone, had it before and needed an op in 2007, think it starts with m but no idea. couldnt drive for 6 months after!!
I declettered my socks today, bought 6 new pairs and found several other new pairs stuffed at the back of the drawer, everything with a hole or baggy has gone in the bin, maybe now, just maybe I can find a matching pair easily.
I also bought another pair of boots, like chelsea boots, and they are a bit more comfy than some of the others.
Good day, is there no one here or hasn't my laptop caught up?
Last fiesta day today thank heavens. And two curry night does not do insides much good.
We went out for breaking then we went to golf and I had coffee in a very quiet village, most folk are at home eating and some poor kids haven't had the King's yet, 6pm in one village, defeats the object.
I've mended a pair of boots and tidied up, now going to relax until (pre cooked yesterday) dinner.
It is scarily windy, no not me, the weather,
Good am/pm all. Tai Chi yesterday wasn't very peaceful or relaxing. First day after the celebrations so they were all going on about what went off etc.
Today is School in a little while. Looking forward to it. Then tomorrow my friend from the South will be here til Sunday. Apparently we're going to see the Starwars film. I can't complain cos the last one I took him too he fell asleep. That was The Lady in The Van.
Sorry about your leg problem Shaney. Yet in one way I'm pleased it may not be an ulcer. I'm naughty with scabs always have to have a scratch.
All my decs are cleared up now and I have decluttered too Woofy. Had a really good sort out. Even all my old bed linen. Sorted and a bag done for the Mind shop.
When I went to see Steady I had a word with him about this house and told him to sort what he wanted to keep and get the Mind shop to bring their Lorry and fill it up with everything else. When I've gone of course, not yet. :-)
He said 'oh I don't want to think about that'. So that was the end of that convo.
A'noon....funny ole day, weather british one minute, dark the next and there's a depressing atmosphere.
Haha, I meant brightish but I'm leaving that.

Yes, I should have a real declutter and not just shave a bit off as I usually do. I say things like that to my sons Jude but they don't want to talk about it do they? My sister has some instructions so I hope I'm first to shuffle off.

Neti have you been cuffing too many people round the ear and grabbing them by the neck? Have you googled golfer's elbow?
got a bit chillier today, hasn't it. I don't think I shall trouble the West End again till it warms up. We went to see Beautiful last night

which was rather loud and full of dialogue like "There's this new group called the Monkees", but the music was nice.
I didn't think that link would work but it seems to be the address, all the same
No I have not been cuffing people round the neck or anywhere. It happened after I carried the old microwave/grill to rhetoric during pregnancy, it was excessively heavy but once I'd lifted I couldn't put it down till I got there. It's hurt ever sincejolly cold here and I do not care that accu says we are 13°. Going to shut the front door now and close the windows, but do like to air the house.
Cba with star wars.
Hello all
Another drizz day.
That looks good Jno ,nice songs.Don't forget Lucy is on tonight on BBC4 .
Hope you're all ok .Not much doing here. I caught up with War and Peace.Lovely scenery and costume but too many yeviches and ovnas. Most confusing.I don't know if I'll bother to see it through.
I was just putting some things away in the wardrobe and thought that I too must declutter. There's stuff in there that hasn't seen the light of day for years.Oh.. Father Brown is on ...pip pip for now .

Some good music there jno.

So how much would you be willing to pay to get rid of the ads on here....? Lol
On the spot fines for those who insist on posting 'It's not real' in threads about soaps might cover the cost. :)
Ooops my post was confusing, its the damn predictive text. I was carrying the micro/grill oven to the rubbish tip. nothing to do with pregnancy or rhetoric !!

Oh good Lucy tonight. Is that the Russia one?
Shaney I have looked up Deutschand and there are rather a lot of episodes, but I'll look into it again.
Gosh got colder here now, have had to light the fire 2 hrs early!
Honestly Robi, youd think some people would realise that Easenders is a soap, but no, they chunter on and on and on and on ............
...and you'd think some people would realise that they have misspelt it.

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