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Locks For Writing Slopes?

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woofgang | 17:39 Thu 18th Jul 2013 | DIY
930 Answers
I have bought a rather nice writing slope on ebay, however the lock doesn't work at all. Its quite easy to remove though and in fact I suspect that its not the original one anyway. I've hunted around but the only supplier of replacements I could find is in america and the p and p is huge.

Does anyone know of a UK supplier of writing slope (wooden box) locks please? Either new or old but they must work and come with a key.


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hello all, I have more or less caught up on my sleep. Garden is flooded (only an inch or so and we are lolling at home.
It's a foul day here weatherwise .Hope you're all ok though .
I've been doing nothing of interest just colouring and dot to dot.
It looks as if a spider has crawled over the page .Can't keep a straight line and need to peer at the numbers through a magnifier.These take about 15 mins each to do according to the blurb at the front of the book.Took me over an hour to dot a dog .
We have an oil spill on our lovely beach right up as far as Hopton. Apparently it's leaking from the tanker Elini V ,that went down forty years ago after they blew it up .
Looking forward to Endeavour tonight .
Have had a lovely day. We had a breezy walk around the harbour reminiscing about how it used to be instead of all modern. Had a quick beer in a local bar where all the people seemed to be related by marriage and not in a good way, but I love these poky hidden little bars, they are very strange. The as promised we went to Burger King, very nice. Then home and slept through Goldfinger. Mr N made a culpable and we ate the rest of the King cake. Now just lolling in front of telly. Not sure whether to watch War and Peace or not.
Question Author
flood has finally gone away. Sis goes home tomorrow :( we had turkey meatballs and pasta tonight (home made) it was delish.
Just seen my brother Ronnie on antiques road show.
Question Author
I have video’d it so we could watch Endevour.
A'noon...wet. That's all I have to say about the weather.

Had a crip day yesterday, not only was the weather foul here too but I had a headache I couldn't shift so I did nowt, and what I ate just sat in my stomach. I tried to watch Endeavour but it did lose me after halfway and I finally decided to give up and go to bed. Got as far as the kitchen and almost passed out, so I had to lie down for 15 mins til I'd recovered. I think it was a circulation thing from not moving & blood vessels in my head being whatever they are during a headache.
Anyhoo I dragged myself to the shops as early as possible today, I'd called Boots to see if my prescription was ready...yes they said, ready to collect. (I thought I'd be ok as long as I didn't have to wait/get hot) Was it hell....grrrr. What is it with these people?! Then they've got faces like a smacked one when you go in.
Rant over :)
I've ordered some yarn, I aim to have it done in a month and to be creative every month this year. Good luck with that Robi

Hope you're all ok....keep dotting. :)
Good afternoon folks!
All xmas decorations down and packed away, house cleaned 3 lots of washing done, turkey curry made and veg curry made. Coffeed with lady friends, all overcast here but still warm.
House looks empty and cold.
Don't feel like celebrating the arrival of the kings tomorrow night.
I tried to watch War and Peace, gave up and watched the krays.
Sorry tablet isn't allowing me to use capitals!
testing laptop..

Hello y'all !!
Question Author
had a quiet day today, I always do after Sis goes. back to work tomorrow.
Hi all
Weather so so like me .At least it was dry and colder which is better than damp .
I made an effort and went to the High St and renewed my library ticket.
Hope you're feeling better today Robinia.I got lost with Endeavour too but watched it all ,non the wiser as to the plot though.Haven't seen War and Peace yet .
I just caught up with Deutschland 83 .Very good .You would like it Neti .It's The Americans in reverse : East German spies in West Germany. There are eight episodes .Channel 4, 9.00pm Sundays.
My turn for the medical mystery tour in the morning .
Over and out for now dash.. dot :)
another rather dull day so I didn't risk my health by going outdoors, just sat here looking for ancestors on my computer. Whatever happened to Elias, for instance? He just vanished after the 1881 census. I've been looking everywhere... I wonder if he's on top of the piano.
We had an ancestor called Europe, no idea what happened to him either.

Santa we in the village this evening chucking sweets from his float to all and sundry. I am all partied out so did not rush down .
Then we have the King's tomorrow night, then big fiesta on Wednesday.
At this rate Santa and the Kings will be fighting each other. Santa really should have gone by now.
Turkey curry and veg curry were delist, I love turkey curry! Now all washed up, cleared away, bathed and in bed ready for Corrie.
One of my adopted cats that Mr N doesn't know about has a manky eye, so I am surreptitiously bathing it and have made him a little bed. Just hope Mr N doesn't find out.
We had an ancestor called Europa, no idea what happened to him either.

Santa we in the village this evening chucking sweets from his float to all and sundry. I am all partied out so did not rush down .
Then we have the King's tomorrow night, then big fiesta on Wednesday.
At this rate Santa and the Kings will be fighting each other. Santa really should have gone by now.
How did that happen, by 'eck I'm getting good!
Hello all. Robi and Shaney you do sound under the weather (sorry). I really hope we can get some sunnier days to help make you feel better.
Neti I've been having a problem with Gravatar and signing in. I did manage to then just click on the first pic I came to thus The Alarm Clock which was given to me by my foot balling friends when I was late for a match.
I started to watch War and Peace but gave up after about 15 minutes.
Last night I stayed up to watch The Shawshank Redemption. Its from a short story by Stephen King. I've seen it quite a few times even though it's got a lot of swearing but I really like it. It ends a bit like a fairy tale but the word Redemption in the title explains it all in the end.
Going to watch University Challenge now. That's the serious one then A Question of Sport the comical one. After that it'll probably be Silent Witness.
Have a good and pain free night. Tai Chi and lunch out tomorrow for me.
I think a salad will do after all I've eaten lately.

Sleep tight.
I've watched no end of tele today .Father Brown ,James Martin ,then I fitted in the spy thing,then the new Railway Journeys followed by Mastermind, University Challenge and Only Connect ,then Silent Witness .
I like The Shawshank Redemption too Jude .One of my favourite films .
Better turn in and rest my square eyes and even squarer backside :)
Night all.
Good morning biddies.
Overcast and grey here, suits me.
Having my culpable in bed.
Morning all
Been to see nurse and now also having a culpa and tst .
Hope you're all ok .Sloshing with rain here .Cold,miserable day.

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