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Locks For Writing Slopes?

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woofgang | 17:39 Thu 18th Jul 2013 | DIY
930 Answers
I have bought a rather nice writing slope on ebay, however the lock doesn't work at all. Its quite easy to remove though and in fact I suspect that its not the original one anyway. I've hunted around but the only supplier of replacements I could find is in america and the p and p is huge.

Does anyone know of a UK supplier of writing slope (wooden box) locks please? Either new or old but they must work and come with a key.


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A culpable must have been a cuppa in predictive ha ha !
I'm cracking up. Sleep tight all see you tomorrow
Morning all
Cold ,wet and windy out there .The streets aren't aired yet but had to get up.
Had a rotten night with this leg playing me up.
I'm just having a culpable and some tst Jude
Good morning dears! Am in bed having a culpable.
Poor shaney is the leg still hurting? That's a bummer.
I slept very well, it appears that Mr N stayed up late and slept in hija's room, haven't seen him yet today!
Am off to the ballet to night to see Nutcracker, so must sort out something decent to wear and do the roots of the hair,!
Morning...another grey one.
Baby Snowflake is one today, can you believe it? There's sensibly no fuss being made, I think he's having an official birthday later in the year when it'll hopefully have stopped raining.

Sorry you're struggling shaney. I think I need another culpable to take some pain killers, I've got rising damp.
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Morning all, happy birthday to Baby Snowflake and what a sensible idea giving him an official birthday. Hope everyone is as well as possible. Its blowing a hooley here.
that sounds very regal, Robinia, move his birthday to September sometime - best month to be born for doing well at school - and we can have a very late summer bank holiday.
I don't think it'll work for long, only 'til he's old enough to understand. September (2nd onwards) is a good month...poor Tarquin's is mid July so he was almost the youngest in his class. His best friend was nine months older...and nine months taller.
Blowing a hooley here too. Washed spareroom bedding hope and rearranged the mattress cover as Mr N is like a princess and can feel lumps in it!

Baby Snowflake one today, gosh Happy Unofficial birthday then little one year old!
Am feeling a bit dizzy but have managed to sort out my roots. Maybe just maybe I have eaten too much sweet rubbish lately!
I do not know where some of these words come from in my posts, they do not make a lot of sense, sorry folks!
oh yes, I'm a princess too, I can feel a stray thread on me wincy pj's.
Yes or if the bottoms are off centre, most uncomfortable!
Afternoon all. Sorry your leg is playing up still Shaney. Do you have to go and see a doctor now and again still? I've taken all my cards down off the wall but left my tree up as I like the lights. It'll come down on the 6th until next year.
Listening to the Rams playing Middlesborough which is a serious match as we are second in the league to them.
Went and had my first Saturday 'culpa....' with Fuschia this morning. Lol. This predictive text can be a bit 'painful' at times. Today's dinner sorted yesterday. I had two frozen turkey steaks so I made enough for yesterday and today.
One job left today to sort out my photos on my lap top into some sort of order. Dates and albums then putting them on my portable hard drive. That's not bad technical talk for me is it?

Happy birthday baby Snowflake. I'd love a little baby granddaughter. I do have one but she is beautiful but 28.

Finally, I used to say I didn't mind walking in the rain but I am beginning to get fed up of getting up to see its still doing it.
Right, off now to switch on my lap top and sort photos. Hope your weekend is ok and relaxing. See yer later....
Back from the ballet. I love it. Big confusion over the wrong seats via the Internet but gbf sat with me after the interval. Nice to be home although it isn't cold outside just that my 1. 1/2 inch shies were killing me. That'll be the gout. Now having a coffee and King cake then bed. Don't go to the arts with a gay man, all the dancers looked at him and not me!
Oight oight
Goodnight Neti and everyone. I love to watch dancing Neti but don't go to Ballet very much. I've watched it on television and enjoyed it but I don't have a friend who would go with me. Sadly Derby lost to Middlesborough have them score 2 Goals in the last 10 minutes of the match. Never mind we're still in 2nd place.

Goodnight again... Sleep tight.

Have you been to see men in tights Neti .Shies is now the official word for shoes :) They soon won't be able to understand what the hell we're rambling on about.
Not done much today just whinging to myself as you do.Arthritic pains with the damp weather all the time and an extra pain in the leg to go with it.It's driving me potty, knifing all the time and it's making me feel generally unwell.
Happy Birthday to Snowflake,that year has gone by quickly. He'll be wanting a bike soon :)
Sleep tight all.
Happy Sunday folks!
We are not doing much today, later we are going to walk arounf Ibiza port and then eat at Burger King where I'll have the pulled pork as rarely eat ham/beefburgers.
It's a lovely feeling knowing there is nothing much happening so no plans to be made. We do have the 3 kings on Tuesday and I suppose well go to see them but it's not vitally important. So it's another fiesta on Wednesday and then all finally over.
Yes our own biddy language, that'll shut them up.
So what do we have

Oight oight, Mexico, ,culpable and shies anything I've missed?
Have to laugh when I first typed pulled pork it came out as puked pork, I had to change it!!
... having the devil of a job signing into Gravatar,,keeps refusing my passwords and when I reset them says I'm out of time. Why oh why isn't there an easier method!

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