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Locks For Writing Slopes?

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woofgang | 17:39 Thu 18th Jul 2013 | DIY
930 Answers
I have bought a rather nice writing slope on ebay, however the lock doesn't work at all. Its quite easy to remove though and in fact I suspect that its not the original one anyway. I've hunted around but the only supplier of replacements I could find is in america and the p and p is huge.

Does anyone know of a UK supplier of writing slope (wooden box) locks please? Either new or old but they must work and come with a key.


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Your fine payment is overdue mrs biza, you will be charged interest.
strips off everything.. there, have it all!!
Lol Neti and Robi. Had a good day at school, back to normal routine. I was so hungry afterwards went straight to the chippy and had a fish and a large carton of peas. First time since weeks before Christmas. Lovely!
covers eyes
Hand over your pegs too please neti. We might be needing them when Jude's mushy peas take effect :)
I've got it in my diary, shaney. I wonder if she'll get to try on one of Catherine the Great's skirts and go round grinding the faces of the poor.
Shaney that couple in a the Americans are expecting a baby in real life, talk about method acting!!
Shaney that couple in a the Americans are expecting a baby in real life, talk about method acting!!
Oops there I go again. Repeating repeating.
After 2 nights of curry eating I need my own pegs thank you very much!
Question Author
decs are down and we look tidier. I need to have a good dust round tomorrow.
Oh no no woofy, it's bad luck to dust before Valentine's day. The dust goblins need something to feed on before they leave in search of love.

well superstitions have to start somewhere and it's high time we had some new tailor made ones
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I like that superstition Robi. and I officially adopt it. Once I wrote a new superstition for someone who played medieval wind instruments and wanted to wind up a friend about what the latest one was for. It was a tortoise horn made to call tortoises to hibernation. Tortoise monks roam the world playing them in autumn.
well, I didn't get to watch Lucy as the guy doing Scottish art just before her nearly put me to sleep. I've recorded her, though.

That sounds like a good non-urban myth, woofgang. Like the number of yellow lines at the side of the road represents how many hours you can park.
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We are up watching tv. Well one of us is, the other two are snoring. The weather here has got a bit wet and noisy but so long as I am up and on guard, the dogs can sleep peacefully.
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PS Jno, I love Hoffnungs advice to visitors to the UK :)
Morning all. Hope you're well and Shaney thinking about you and your leg. Woofy whatever do you watch at 4.19 in the morning. I've only ever spotted Jeremy Kyle booooo!! I do Sudokus if I can't sleep.
It's blinking raining again. One forecast I've looked at said the sun is going to come out. I think they're lying. TRS is on his way in the rain he's not happy!
I don't know if I've told you but I've had a new iPad which is brilliant and when I type nothing 'sticks' any more. So if I go on, I apologise.
A bit of news on the birds in my garden topic. I know it's a early and they are being fooled by the weather but 2 blue-tits are weighing up a little wooden nesting box I put up last year. This is the first time I've seen any birds looking at it. So fingers crossed that they decide to move in. Any tips on how to encourage them.
Off to 'Hoover' the stairs dot dot dot....
Morning all. Got new rechargeable 2-in-on hoover from Lidl today, great price 58€. All others in shops are 200-300€. Just tried it out, seems ok, well pleased, but I will alternate it eith Henry as he is a really good cat hair sucker.
Watched Lucy, I was enthralled although she dresses a bit strange. Love seeing the parts of Russia I have been too. There should be "Neti woz here" written everywhere!
Yes Jude it was supposed to be a nice day. T'isn't.

Haha, love it woofy. Considering the folklore surrounding tortoises (and turtles) that sounds convincing. So this is going to be a make-it-up-as we-go-along year then is it?

Hope you get a blue tit family Jude but there's not much you can do to convince them, they've heard all the sales patter before :) Just make sure there's plenty of food around. The birds do seem to be pairing up early. A couple of wood pigeons met a grizzly end last year (cats most likely) and I wasn't sure I'd have any this year but a pair are coming every morning.

I watched Trust Me I'm a Doctor...just as I thought, smoothies are a waste of are many 'superfoods'. Chs on tst, that's what the world needs.
Overcast but lovely day for drying the washing. Not really cold at all.
I just had a crusty end of loaf with turkey dripping and salt, oh it was delish. Memories of childhood, although heart attack on a plate!!
Hello all
Sloshing with rain since I got up at about and then sat and watched catch up teevee. Lucy was very good .I love her clothes and she's so enthusiastic.
Here's a bit from her site about her clothes Neti.
Did any of you watch Mary Portas ,Secret Shopper.How not to run a bridal wear shop. I think they were stuck in the 70's.
I need some rechargeable batteries of some sort.Can't stick the pain in this leg any more and have dosed myself with Ibru.Back to the sofa for Father Brown. Dot... dot ...for now :)

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