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Locks For Writing Slopes?

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woofgang | 17:39 Thu 18th Jul 2013 | DIY
930 Answers
I have bought a rather nice writing slope on ebay, however the lock doesn't work at all. Its quite easy to remove though and in fact I suspect that its not the original one anyway. I've hunted around but the only supplier of replacements I could find is in america and the p and p is huge.

Does anyone know of a UK supplier of writing slope (wooden box) locks please? Either new or old but they must work and come with a key.


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Thanks for that shaney. She is wonderful although she did wear black trousers yesterday and she wasn't in fancy dress. I will make a not to look at her ears next time.
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I posted and its vanished. Every year seems to be the year of making it up as I go along to me.....
Oh I am zing about with my new lidl hoover every 5 mins. It'll wear me out eventually.
For zing read zooming
Good morning....just ambling in in the dark to say


Hope you're feeling better. Have a lovely day. xx

Back later, I hope.
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Happy Birthday Shaney!! wishing you a wonderful day xx
oh, happy birthday shaney! Put your foot up.
Morning all and thank you for the birthday wishes ,very kind of you .
Lovely bright ,cold morning .Just back from nurse .She took another swab and redressed it and have to go back Monday .It sure is a medical mystery.
A slice of birthday cake might help:)I have a giant cupcake from the bakers which Mr S got this morning.
Question Author
cake and whisky fix anything :)
On laptop I am trying to post a birthday greeting but it won't work OR it'll appear 6 times. I give up, must learn how to on tablet.
What's the matter with this damn laptop. Just wrote a long post and it just went off, can't seem to submit.

Will try tablet.
Had a good day today, hoovered 2x. Sent 100€ to hija in Dubai (its her money), had coffee with gbf, then was passing chinese hairdressers and saw my man who originally punked me up, so nipped in and he is marvellous, He's liek a squirrel nipping in and out of clouds of hair everywhere, I was a bit worried so closed my eyes, but the style is back and briulliant. Two other hairdressers haven't really been able to copy it. I did win a hair do in a raffle with a Vidal Sassoon trained girl but I've given it away, much rather pay 10€ to my chinese man who knows what he is doing.
Have washed and got dried all lounge cushion covers and bedding. Water went off so had to call the water company and it came back on. Made beef stew. Got out sewing machine and mended a few pillowslips.
weather is marvellous even if I do say it, so warm and dry, not a touch of damp anywhere.
Have nearly finished eating all the turkey dripping, thank heavens!
Bought myself a new phone back which flashed all round when I have a text or missed call!!
Thank you Neti ,that's lovely .
Quiet birthday really ,had some nice cards ,phone calls and presents.
My bro came round with my niece and we had some tea and cake but one person was missing :(
Fish and chip supper later from the chippie .Yum !
Beef stew very nice, all washed up and put away. Vacuumed again cos there may have been a crumb! Bathed and in lovely clean deep purple bed, Mr N is going to watch the footy in the lounge.

Hope shaney and Mr S are enjoying fish n chips, oh yum am so jealous.
Morning all...the temperature's dropped considerably and it's going to be even colder this coming week.... Don't I know it? Feel like I've been steam rollered. :(

Even though it was tinged with sadness I'm pleased you had a good birthday shaney.

Good afternoon, I feel so old today, just achey and so tired. Mr N removed the burnt out lightbulb from the high bedroom ceiling and it exploded and the screw bit stayed in, so all the bed had to be moved, but its all back and tidy again now. My arm is kiiling me from shoulder to wrist, so painful I cant do much with it, its about 4/5 weeks now, guess it's mexico time but that'll be a trip by two buses to hospital for xray and I just cant face it at the moment.
Love my new vacuum cleaner, so good.
Just going to veg out when the washing has finished.

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