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Cordless Mini Trimmers

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Robinia | 13:04 Wed 13th Feb 2008 | Gardening
510 Answers
Does anyone have one of THESE or something similar? I need something light to tidy up plants & the smaller shrubs - I get a man in for the big stuff! :o) I wondered if it will only cut very soft new growth or if it would also be handy to cut down perennials that might be a bit woody?


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Blimey jno,Thought you would be in the royal box
umm oh I see you've got yer laptop..well tell that french judge,no more silly timeouts..tut..!(:O)
Nadal you Plonker..!!!
What a wally he's turned out to be, he could have won and been back home by now. I can't stand the excitement anymore.
Question Author
too right Nadal's a plonker - the man can't even buy a pair o' pants that he doesn't have to keep dragging out of his pumpkin ass....YUK!

<is it over yet?>


I wrote a lot of haiku in my youth, or I thought I did - I now know some of it was senryu: "[...] senryū tend to be about human foibles while haiku tend to be about nature, and senryū are often cynical or darkly humorous while haiku are more serious." (Quote from Wikipedia.) And then there are the hybrids, for instance when something seems like a haiku at first glance but you discover there's a human underneath. This would be a hybrid:

rain on the lens
woolacombe web cam
persisting tales

...he he he... anyway, I'll be editing old haiku as well as writing some new. Doing it in English as haiku may be Big In Japan but it isn't in Sweden. Trying to emulate a delicate book layout with one haiku only on each page, so you have to turn by clicking on Older posts/Newer posts. If you click on a photo, the whole site will annoyingly close down if you leave that photo by closing it when you're done - so don't, just go backwards to the previous page instead.

DING-DONG, jno to the helpdesk please! How can I make the photos look better, for instance the one I've called BLUE. I tried resizing it in Photobucket but that didn't help at all. Problem is, I don't know what I'm doing... I know the meaning of "crop" and understand that's not what I want - but what do I want and is there a free machine online that will do it for me? I thought resizing would change the resolution?

Apparently not over yet, no... "Pumpkin ass" could be in a senryu, Robinia!
He won yaay!!! and don't you have twitchy habits robi??

I am soo pleased!!
Question Author
haha, it should have been...
ne'er mind I suppose five times is was a bloomin' good match eh?
speaking of twitchy (& no I haven't) I've been trying to think who Nadal reminded me of
spot the....


crikey Kit that's very deep & profound, I'll put my thinking head on tomorrow & have another look.
<they're all flabbergasted> Well g'night biddies, I'm having an early night (adventures tomorrow.)
hello Kit, which one was BLUE? Actually, I don't know what you can do with photos online though I'm told Picasa has some photo tools. I have Photoshop on my PC - cost a bit of money, though I did have an earlier version that came free with a magazine; but it's one of my favourite toys
Good really morning dawgs. Off downtown to see some friends, I originally thought we'd just be sitting down having coffee but as it turns out we'll probably be roaming the streets of Gamla stan (Old Town) and more, which kinda makes me regret my decision to buy a cast iron pig as a gift for one of my friends... I mean, I'll have to carry it until we sit down... nah it ain't all that big, but still, I could have bought her... I don't know... a hanky or something! But she likes pigs and this one was sooo sweet, black with gilded wings, it's adorable.

Don't exhaust yourselves with the haiku, it does take some getting used to if you're not, I'm well aware of that. The nice plump lady isn't me having had my portrait made! it's a Russian playwright, poet et cetera named Schepkina Kupernik. I'm not familiar with her work but we look a little alike and she knew Chekhov personally, which I'm envious of.

jno the titles (and some other stuff, in the right-hand column) is written in a very pale colour; "Blue" is when you've turned the page once - accompanying "bird by the fountain", but nevermind that. I do need something like Photoshop don't I.

bye for now

pumpkin ass....hahahaha....good morning....was a brill match so glad he won.Didnt want Bj�rn Rune Borgs record being broken.lovely weather again...!!
I was so into it,I rushed out to make a cheese and pickle sarnie and put blooming blackcurrant jam on instead...didnt like it. must rushofski the traffic should be easing now.catch yers later>>>
custard tarts.
stick woman..hehe..!(:O)
Cruising Med
Have to fetch own Gin

Very windy
Creaky Joints

Nadal won
Federer lost
Tennis balls!
morning all, Shaney you are a poet!!
Kit I tried to post a comment on your website but couldn't see the letters you have to put in the little box, will try later.
The boys are doing well
I have added some new pices to the last page
Neti if your butler has b*****ed off, I'll loan you mine
No no woofy I don't have a butler, shaney does, I only have a George (when he's working!)
Question Author
shopping done
ready for tennis
all gone home

morning people.... get those ridiculously short white skirts & sweatbands off now, it's all over.... you can keep the frilly pants on though, (ok, you too Vincent) we'll have no commandos in here thank you. Heck, I was worn out watching that. Not sure what it did to my bp but I couldn't get to sleep...or maybe it was all the msg I'd eaten - no time to cook! Cheese & jam might have been healthier than my diet yesterday :o)

something in the air
could be wooly sprouts
that time of year when

< smacks forehead....>
Kit, how do you expect a foggy brained biddy to decipher all of that? Just how many syllables am I supposed to use because one or two is usually my limit? Erm....& there'll be none o' that straddling business, tut.
Lovely pics though, 'specially the lotus, and the Blue looks fine to me but I know nowt about resolutions.

And I love your doggy website woofy - handsome looking lads they are now.

I see Kit chose a lighter option after all....

custard tarts
fit young man in queue
go round again

Hey there Biddyfriends What a brilliant match. All I wanted was for it to go to 5 sets then I didn't mind who won honest!! I could say I wanted Nadal to win cos it would have been his first and Federer to win cos it was his 6th so I didn't mind either way. They are both real champions in my eyes. Murray has a long way to go to get the panache of those 2 young men!!
Anyway I am now catching up with all the things I should have been doin while the tennis had been on.
Also have to look for something else to do as Tai Chi is finishing even earlier than we were told, (July 22nd) I have a young man coming round today to talk to me about Karate. should be interesting but I really can't see me doing that, too energetic!! But I'll see.
Hope you are all ok, Have saved your web site Woofy so I can have a long look at my leisure.
Looks good!

See yer later y'all, :o)

Not doing Karate. They wanted �98 registration and �6 per lesson. :o)
I sent trev lumbley an E.mail bout the webcam ..
From: Mr Trevor lumley
Date: 07/07/2008 17:44:49
To: vinny
Subject: Re: Hi trev

Yep Yep,
It will be done drectly, been havin to clean the window nearly everyday recently i'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that were not in for another year like the last one.
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: vinny
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2008 4:26 PM
Subject: Hi trev

Any chance the webcam could be cleaned,please trev.cant see a bloomin thing.
Vinny (:O)
hows that for service then...!
Question Author Vin but I'm surprised you didn't mention the nosey ole bat frum Durby that couldn't see the 'goings on'. Would you ask him if I can have a zoom button please.

Oh dear Jude you'll just have to keep pinning our pics to a cushion & kick that about. I couldn't do any of this martial art/wafting arms about. Apart from the creaks 'n cracks I'm a serial giggler, I'd just fall about.
You could always take up teabag folding Jude :))
It's a card making thingy !!
Lovely pics Woofy love the ones of them thrashing through the woods .Shaney used to do that ..sometimes all you could see was his tail .
Nearly a year since he went awol ..I still think about him and miss him so much .
Well I 'm orf to catch up with the Royal and M.M'urders .

Just had a postcard from Lampwick ......
"Having a lovely time ..George is very attractive but a bit senile . He can't seem to find his on and orf button.
I am not too happy with the standards of tiara polishing here in the Med but they do very naice patterned microfibres ..I'll bring you some back ...luv Lampwick ."

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